Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 164 Invitation Letter

Chapter 164 Invitation Letter (Ticket Request)
In fact, version update is an important link for an online game.

First of all, the thing that game manufacturers are most concerned about is that after updating the data, many plug-ins will be unusable (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds also performed an update after dealing with the plug-in sellers), maybe it’s an upgrade patch, maybe it’s an upgrade anti-cheat system etc.

The second point is to solve some bugs that players found during the game, but almost none of the games under Shuguang Entertainment have been updated for this reason. When playing the game, I dug pits randomly, and after digging too many pits, some of them forgot the pits, and finally became the legendary BUG.

Of course, there are still a small number of bugs due to hardware problems, but players often blame the game manufacturers, who the hell told you not to improve the compatibility of your games!

The third is to let the game server rest, especially for large-scale online games, because of the large number of players, running for a long time will cause a huge load on the server.But Shuguang Entertainment obviously doesn’t have this problem. The server that Mu Chen spent a lot of money on was not a joke (the server comes from the Mu Group, so in fact, this heavy money is suspected of buying the right hand with the left hand)

The reason for the last version update is extremely common - to add new elements, maps, characters, items, etc., or to say something about new activities.

Although League of Legends often holds a lot of activities due to the need for krypton gold, these are small updates that do not stop, that is, adding a few patches in the background.But that kind of update that is shut down for a day or half a day, so far, Suguang Entertainment's League of Legends has never been updated in this way, even once.

Emmm, if you interview Liu Jin or Hu Feng, who is in charge of technology, then the two of them will definitely put this blame on their black-hearted boss, Muchen.

There is no way, Mu Chen explained all the heroes, equipment, and rune modes clearly when he was planning, all he needs is for Lao Liu to ask Lao Hu, who is in charge of technology, to update the patch according to the time. , There is no need for long-term downtime updates.

So... all of this is Mu Chen's fault!
And the reason why Mu Chen suddenly remembered to update the game when he saw the icon of League of Legends was because he was really tired of playing ranked, and because it was better than...Taiwanese food!

Although Mu Chen, as a glorious black iron player, is used to being abused, but no one likes to keep losing when playing games by himself~
Since I cook by myself, then find a way to attract others to cook like me!

And Mu Chen believes that Smash Bros. and clone mode should be able to achieve his goal. (Actually, he was thinking about farts, food is food!)
And the update of CS is simple, in Mu Chen's view, one sheep, two sheep are both to catch up~
Just like that, Muchen captured Lin Sen, who was in a state of salted fish, and the two of them led a group of minions from the Shuguang Entertainment game production family (mainly the employees who had participated in the production of these two games before), and they started the game. Content update work for CS and League of Legends.

Just as Mu Chen and the others were preparing two game update plans, the start date of the [-]th SG Global E-sports Competition was getting closer.

Many netizens are also discussing on the Internet who will win this year's champion.

In addition to CS, League of Legends, and Minecraft Creation Mode, which have been listed as participating projects before, this year's newly added PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds project is also a popular project for players and netizens to talk about.

Because the previous cheat cleaning operation made the cheats in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds almost disappear, so with the passage of time, more and more people began to play PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds; They will eat two handfuls of chicken, and if they lose the game, they will be thrown away (funny).

Although Shuguang Entertainment only invited anchors from all regions of the world to participate in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds competition this time due to time constraints, it was still enough to attract the attention of many players. After all, the popularity of eating chicken is high now. They are still looking forward to this anchor competition.

And our classmate Yang Wei, as the top anchor of the turkey live broadcast, has been in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds these days, and naturally received an invitation letter from the official anchor competition of Shuguang Entertainment. ~
"Ahahaha! Brothers, Nimeng saw nothing, what is Jie!? Jie is the invitation letter of the anchor Saidi!"

In Yang Wei's live broadcast room, he was copying Tong's shopkeeper's dialect and showing off in the live broadcast room with his invitation letter.

"Now you still say I'm good? But it doesn't matter if you say it, this invitation letter is a proof of strength! I, Yang Wei, am the man chosen by the government!"

Yang Wei felt that it was not enough to pretend, and once again emphasized the causal relationship between his ability to eat chicken and this invitation letter.

And the audience in his live broadcast room will naturally not admit it, they are all old audiences, knowing that Yang Wei belongs to the kind of person who can go to heaven if you give him a little praise, so the audience is naturally There was a burst of ridicule.

"Licking a dog is not a house!"

"I'm thinking, impotence should be a related household, right? Young Master Mu will come to pamper this guy from time to time, and the official will naturally send an invitation letter to impotence!"

"Agreed, Yang. Vegetable chicken. Relationship household. Dog licking. Wei!"

"Relationship household +1"


After Yang Wei pretended, he also saw the bullet screen saying that he was a related account.

"Put your Helix Ascension Pineapple P! Am I, Yang Wei, the kind of person who can only get invitation letters by relying on connections? Think about it, how many chickens have I eaten these days? How many people have I killed? Believe it or not I'll show KDA right away and scare you to death!?"

The baboon said that his dignity was insulted, his personality was despised, and his strength was even despised by Hong Guoguo!

Then, he picked up the phone and called He Xiu who hadn't started the live broadcast yet.

"Ah Xiu~ I was bullied by your Viagra, they all said I'm bad, you go online quickly, take me to eat chicken, I must seal the mouths of these guys!"

emmm, this phone call is very hardcore and very Yang Wei.

"I think they're right."

no problem~
After hearing He Xiu's reply, Yang Wei completely shut himself off.

While the audience in his live broadcast room laughed at Yang Wei, they all said that He Xiu is the hot guy who should really receive the invitation letter!
 There will be more later, it should be two bursts, or. . .

  Thanks to the boss of "Heaven and the world is my only respect" for the reward, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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