Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 165 Frying Pan. Yang

Chapter 165 Frying Pan. Yang

After heart-pricking anchor Yang Wei was pierced by He Xiu, he silently opened PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and after entering, he silently clicked to invite his friend He Xiu to start the game. He said that he would only be a silent licking dog in the future. If you ask He Xiu such self-defeating zz questions, he won't be allowed a house!

Thinking about it this way, our Yang Aibibi Wei turned into Yang Silence. Pigeon Killer Wei after the game started.

"It's started, it's an upgraded version of the Silence of the Lambs, and the Silence of the Baboons has appeared!"

"He looks like a killer with no emotions!"

"Ahem, it should be a three-none anchor with no emotions, no rankings, and no skills!"

On the barrage, the audience in the live broadcast room can always mock Yang Wei with a tricky and weird character.

Yang. With a serious face, Wei ignored the audience who mocked him on the bullet screen, and remained silent after boarding the plane and landing.

Ran goose ...

Within 2 minutes of landing, Yang Wei had no choice but to speak, because if he didn't speak again, he would say GG.

"Help, save~ life!"

"Axiu, come quickly! I'm going to die~ I'm going to die!"

On Yang Wei's screen, he was jumping up and down in a house with a frying pan, and behind Yang Wei there were two men with machetes chasing him.

"Hold on, I still have a while!"

On the other side, He Xiu calmly glanced at the small map and said after receiving Yang Wei's daily call for help on the first day of the game.

After Yang Wei heard He Xiu's answer, he felt very uncomfortable.

He also wants to hold on!
But these two big men with knives, what can he support?

A frying pan can block bullets but not knives!
Another ten seconds later, I saw the two big men with knives getting closer and closer to me, and looked at the small map, He Xiu was still a distance away from me, and I saw Yang Wei was about to hang the chaotic knife on the opposite side. under.

At this time, our Yang Caiji. Subi Wei suddenly turned evil, turned around, picked up the black pan in his hand, closed his eyes, and knocked on the head of the person behind him. .

The special sound of a frying pan touching his head reached Yang Wei's ears, and he immediately opened his eyes to take a look.

Hold the grass!

I actually knocked down one!
At this moment, Yang Wei's mood was like eating an iced watermelon + drinking a bottle of iced Kuoluo in the dog days, it was refreshing from the beginning to the end!
The audience in Yang Wei's live broadcast room saw him kill an enemy with a frying pan, and they expressed that they would drink a bottle of 82-year-old Bing Kuo Luo to celebrate.

Maybe it's because of Kuoluo's cowardly appearance, although it's a mentally cold Kuoluo, but Yang Wei still decided to fight another big man with a knife.

"Today, I will not be named Yang unless Yang arranges you clearly!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Wei rushed towards the remaining pursuer with his frying pan in hand.

Lushan Shenglong Pot!
Two voices sounded simultaneously.

Ran goose ...

This time it was Yang Wei who was holding the pot who fell down.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! Help help!"

After the end, Yang Wei's high-decibel voice resounded through the live broadcast room again.

And many viewers who watched Yang Wei's live broadcast with earphones in front of the screen, and many people who turned up their voices frowned, feeling as if a husky with chrysanthemums had exploded lived in their ears.

Then, it was natural to verbally criticize Yang Wei on the barrage.

Seeing the sound of the frying pan, Yang Wei was about to be killed by the enemy's knife, when a burst of gunshots came suddenly, He Xiu finally rushed to the battlefield before Yang Wei was completely cold.

After Yang Wei was helped up by He Xiu, for the first time, he didn't lick the bag immediately, but said to He Xiu on the other end of the headset with a sullen expression:

"Ah Xiu, how's it going? You still have my frying pan with Viagra, don't you?"



Yang Wei shut himself up again.

"Then have you received the invitation letter for the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds anchor competition for this SG Global E-sports competition?"

Yang Wei cheered up again, he said, help me up, I can still pretend!
"Received, in the professional group."

He Xiu's voice was as calm as ever.

Yang Wei: Hello, goodbye...

This time, when Ye Shengge invited these anchors, he thought about Yang Wei, who was extremely popular but lacked skills.

So in order to prevent conflicts in the team due to technical differences when the four of them form a team, Ye Shengge and Liu Jin decided to divide these anchors into entertainment group and professional group after discussion.

Yang Wei naturally knew this, he received an invitation letter from the entertainment group, but he didn't tell the audience when he pretended in the live broadcast room.

After all, after this kind of thing is said, the effect of the comparison will basically be greatly reduced.

However, it was in vain that he painstakingly concealed it, but in the end he was punctured by He Xiu's words.

In the end, it was unavoidable to be ridiculed by the audience in the live broadcast room.

Not to mention Yang Wei, who was ridiculed for pretending to be incompetent many times, there are also many PUBG anchors abroad who have received official invitations from Shuguang Entertainment.

Bird, the American YouTube anchor, also received the invitation on this day.

"Oh~ Ivy Batty, look what I have in my hand?"

In front of the camera, Bird took out the invitation letter in his hand and shook it in front of the camera.

"It looks like an invitation letter?"

"Oh my god, I saw the Suguang Entertainment logo on it!"

"Is that the company that made CS, League of Legends and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?"

"This should be the invitation letter for this year's SG Global E-sports PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Invitational Tournament. I see that their company's official website has said that they will invite PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds hosts from all over the world to Xiaguo to participate in the competition."

An audience who usually pays more attention to Shuguang Entertainment popularized science on the barrage for everyone who didn't know the reason.

"That's right, it's the invitation letter for the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds anchor competition from Shuguang Entertainment, ahahahaha, I'm going to Xiaguo to participate in the competition in one month's time!"

Because there are many events, the game of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is actually arranged in the second half of the game schedule.

"OKOK! It means that the ticket to the Imperial Capital of Xia Kingdom has already been booked a second ago! Is there any one together? Can we form a team!"

Immediately after Byrd finished speaking, there were local tyrants on the barrage who said they had already booked their tickets.

"Oh, buy melons! Worshiping local tyrants, can you bring me one?"

"I am a female, which can make you less lonely during the journey!"

"Big pool upstairs!"

Ahem, it seems that the bullet screens in the world are all mentally retarded, ordinary sand sculptures.

In this way, more than half a month later, while Mu Chen was working on updating CS and League of Legends, the [-]th SG Global E-sports Competition was also in full swing under the auspices of Ye Shengge and Liu Jin.

 Ask for a ticket!
  Ask for a ticket!

  Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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