Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 166 Yasuo's Champion Skin

Chapter 166 Yasuo's Champion Skin

October 8, Saturday, sunny.

The sky of the imperial capital is shining under the sunshine, which makes people feel very relaxed and happy.

Many office workers who did not go to work got up early this weekend for an unprecedented time.

Many young office workers, as well as some future flowers of the motherland, got up early and went out to breathe the fresh air full of PM2.5 in the imperial capital.

After inhaling enough PM2.5, these young people with an average age of about 20 came to the Shuguang Entertainment e-sports venue next to the Second Ring Road of the Imperial City.

As for Mu Chen, although he said he didn't care about the competition this time, he still showed his face at today's opening ceremony and became a mascot.

This time, the CS competition is still held first, followed by the League of Legends; at the same time, the time-consuming "Minecraft" Creation Competition is also going on, and the latest addition of the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds anchor competition is scheduled for ten days. It will start in days.

This time, the SG Global E-sports Competition, in the first part of the schedule, is still a big show of wild card brothers accompanied by laughter.

All kinds of ridiculous comparisons made many viewers who bought tickets to watch live feel that the performance of these wild card brothers alone is enough to be worth the ticket price.

After a few days, the previous matches with wild card brothers were basically over, and the atmosphere of the competition became more and more tense and serious.

Although some funny elements are missing, the classic tactics on the field and the show-stopping operations also make the audience enjoy watching.

This time, the CS champion also lost the championship again just like last year.

Perhaps it was because of the loss once last year, but this time after the domestic team fell into the sand again, the domestic CS players didn't say much.

Although there are still many people who hate that iron is not steel, but the facts are already in front of them, and there is no point in spraying them.

In addition, because of the emergence of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, it can be said that the popularity of CS has been reduced to a certain extent, resulting in very few CS players who scold domestic teams.

Of course, this situation also stunned those domestic professional trolls...

They spent a long time spraying each other on various forums, posts, bars, Weibo, etc. before they found out that the guy who exhaled fragrance with him was actually in the same company!
This is quite painful~
A few days later, the League of Legends also ushered in the final moment.

However, the final team this time is quite different from previous years. Last year's champion team ENG did not succeed in reaching the final in this competition. It was upset in the semi-final by a team The team from Kimchi Country, the KL team was sent back to their hometown in Suzhou City.

The other final team is also a new face, not the comeback WJ team, nor the "veteran team" LT team, but the ZTB team that was once very active in the domestic competition area and had good results.

And this time the final was called the dark horse battle by the players.

The final will start on August 8th.

The two teams that rarely appeared on the stage of the World Championship entered the finals for an unprecedented time. This is also the first time since the SG e-sports competition was held.

This time, our ZTB team is shouldering the heavy responsibility of defending the dignity of the competition area, and brought the audience an extremely intense BO5 with the newly promoted team KL.

In the first two rounds, both sides were slightly nervous, perhaps because they were on the final stage for the first time.

Both teams lost a game due to some mistakes, and the score was tied one to one.

In the third game, the KL team took the lead in recovering their status. The Nakano-Jungle linkage did a very good job. They firmly grasped the rhythm in the early stage, and then slowly began to snowball their operations. Finally, they were pushed away when they had a huge advantage. ZTB base.

In the fourth round, the Zhatian Gang also fell into a disadvantage in the early stage, but under the control of everyone in the team, they finally stabilized the situation. In the end, the mid laner Zhong Haiwen even used tricks to deceive pigs, er, no, it was tricks. Shu Yaoji ruthlessly showed off a wave of maneuvers, took five kills, and finally ended the game, tying the score, and bringing the finals to the final decisive round.

In the fifth game, it was supposed to be a very tense and exciting moment, but Zhong Haiwen, the mid laner of our Zhatian Gang, made the style of the game suddenly happy.

He chose a hero who had never appeared on the stage of the finals of the World Championship——A.Orphan.Happy.Suo!
When Zhong Haiwen locked on Yasuo, the scene recalled overwhelming cries, whether it was domestic or foreign audiences, at this moment they were all shocked by this hot and happy figure.

In the fifth round of BO5 in the world finals, having the courage to choose Yasuo as a hero is enough to make all League of Legends players feel excited and excited.

In the end, perhaps because of Yasuo's cheer bonus at the scene, Zhong Haiwen used Yasuo to play a very strong suppressing effect. In addition, there was also a jungler blind monk who was tied to the middle lane after level 6 to act like a dog. The Zhatian Gang beat the opposing KL team violently with this combination known by countless players as primary school students + orphans.

When finally in the KL highlands, after the jungler Lee Sin of the Exploding Sky Gang kicked a series of four invincible world waves, Yasuo's Gale of Last Breath (same as your bet) caught it instantly.

Seeing this scene, the audience at the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast in front of the screen have already started cheering.

In this picturesque team battle, they couldn't think of any possibility of losing, unless the Zhatian Gang brain teased and sent a spring water 5 kills, otherwise this one is the spiral ascending to the sky, invincible and iron-steady!

The final result was as expected. The Zhatian Gang, who played one for four, ended the game in a wave, and won the League of Legends championship of this SG e-sports global competition with an attitude that made all players extremely fanatical.

For a moment, the shouts of the scene were loud, and the barrage in the live broadcast room also fell into a carnival.

Many viewers even expressed that they want to apologize to the majority of Yasuo players.

"To the Yasuo players who I once called orphans, I'm sorry, today, I will personally put on the resurrection armor for your mother!"

"Emmm, and elementary school monks, even if you play openly today, you will never scold you. Even if you are a holy monk who saves lives and heals the wounded, I won't say a word!"

"I've been looking forward to the champion skins of Yasuo and the blind monk, especially Yasuo's. I've been looking forward to it for a long time, and finally it's here."

"As a Yasuo player, it means that I'm dead, that kind of shit!"

/ (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~
After the Zhatian Gang won the championship, it caused countless Yasuo players to cry!
Mu Chen, who was in retreat, was also stunned for a while when he heard the news.

He didn't expect that Yasuo's champion skin didn't exist in the S game that he played for 8 years in the previous life, but here, it actually appeared in the third year of the game.

Really everything is impermanent~
 Two consecutive requests for tickets! !
  Yy, I really want a Yasuo champion skin!

(End of this chapter)

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