Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 167 Version Update!

Chapter 167 Version Update!

By the beginning of the school season in September, the enthusiasm for winning the championship of the Zhatian Gang had not completely subsided, and many high school students who had already started school still got together in twos and threes to discuss this matter.

Student A: "Yesterday, I read on the Zhatian Gang's official Weibo that the champion skin for the mid laner position is Yasuo!"

Student B next to him then said: "I heard that this time the champion skin will come out together with the new model in the next version update, I'm looking forward to it!"

When the two were discussing, after the boy in front heard it, he also joined in about Yasuo's champion skin and the upcoming new version.

At the same time, after seeing the update announcements of League of Legends and CS, many fans of Suguang Entertainment felt a little weird.After all, in their impression, the two mainstay products of Dawn Entertainment had never been updated in any major version, and it was unprecedented that these two games were updated at the same time this time.

Time flies in the sound of people's discussions, and it will be the end of the year again in a flash.

In Shuguang Entertainment, in Muchen's office, Muchen, who had been in retreat for three months, finally ended the update of the two games in November.

"Master Mu, when is the time for our version update?"

Old Liu came to the office to ask Mu Chen the first time he finished the version update work, as if he was the son of a workaholic.

"Is the champion skin of ZTB ready?"

Mu Chen first asked about the champion's skin.

You know, when the art department of Shuguang Entertainment was making skins, Mu Chen came to take a look and put forward a lot of opinions that he thought were very pertinent (nonsense).

As for the employees of Shuguang Entertainment's art department, under the coercion of the boss, although they were skeptical of Mu Chen's opinions in their hearts, they still implemented them meticulously.

In fact, Mu Chen didn't say anything excessive or incomprehensible, he just mentioned some good skin concepts from the previous League of Legends.

The Death Star series, the Hex series, and the Source Project series are all excellent skin series.

For a free game, in-app purchases such as skins, which can be compared without affecting combat effectiveness, are naturally the most important source of income.

League of Legends has nearly 800 million players worldwide. The global average daily online users have remained at 1000 million for a long time, and the peak simultaneous online users can exceed [-] million. Selling a few skins is a big profit.

In addition, under Mu Chen's brainwashing, Liu Jin completely carried forward the strategy of one krypton gold a day.

Nowadays, the League of Legends basically has some activities more or less every month, big or small, but they never stop.

It's just that Mu Chen didn't make these activities so deceitful in order to avoid being scolded by the players for asking for money.

Generally speaking, there will be no such disgusting situation where players spend dozens of dollars or nearly a hundred dollars, but in the end they give you ten seven-day limited skins (heroes).

Basically, no matter how much you pay, at least you will get something of the same value as what you paid, and the players will not lose money.


So here comes the question, if the players didn't lose money, does it mean that Shuguang Entertainment and Mu Chen lost money?

The Buddha said: Do not speak, do not speak.

In short, in the situation where both parties are not losing money, the krypton gold activities of the League of Legends did not arouse much resentment from the players, and Mu Chen was not scolded too badly.

That's why Mu Chen casually asked about the situation of this year's champion skin.

"No problem. We also did a test in a small area. The skin effect is very good. It should be able to harvest a wave of wallets."

When Lao Liu said this, he blurted it out without thinking about it.

When Mu Chen heard Liu Jin's last words, he also had such a little bit of surprise on his face, he didn't expect that old Liu could talk about harvesting players' wallets so confidently now.

Although this is the basic business of every game company, Mu Chen's decision is a bit contrary to Liu Jin's mouth.

"Let's release the version update together with the champion skin, which will have a greater impact. As for the time, it will be this Friday, and there are still four days to promote it.

By the way, the promotional videos of the two new versions are ready, right? "

"It's done, so let's let it out today?"

"Well, just tonight~"


Friday night at eight.

Yang Wei, the top turkey player, is still working hard, diligently earning his live broadcast salary.

"We ordinary people are so happy today~"

In the live broadcast room, Yang Wei shook his head and sang his Wei's folk songs there.

"Today, the new versions of League of Legends and CS are finally updated! I'm sorry for Nimeng, if it's not updated, I'm going to Shuguang Entertainment to hand over the blade to Young Master Mu in person."

"You know, I'm getting tired of playing these modes for the past few years. Fortunately, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds came out before, otherwise I'd be out of games!"

Yang Wei was in the live broadcast room, waiting for the update of the two games, and at the same time complaining to the audience about the update of the game.

"Screen recording, 50 hush money!"

"Tomorrow, just tomorrow, if you dare to go to Shuguang Entertainment to find Mu Chen to hand over the blades, then I'll live broadcast the [-]th electric fan! Post it as proof!"

"Hehe, as far as Yang Wei is concerned, it would be strange if he dared to go!"

The audience did not discuss the issue of the new version. Instead, they caught Yang Wei's daily outfit comparison and mocked him.

However, after years of experience in live broadcasting, our Yang Wei has the face to deal with the magical damage of ridicule. He comes with Morgana's permanent black shield, which is basically immune to all ridicule.

"Cut~ The update is complete, I'm going to start!"

As for whether he dared to pass the blade to Muchen, Yang Wei chose not to respond.

After seeing that the two games had been updated, Yang Wei first opened CS which he hadn't played for a long time.

"Hey! This is biochemical mode~"

Although the battle between biochemical humans and players has been seen in the promotional video released by Shuguang Entertainment before, the specific game mode is still not visible in the promotional video.

That's why Yang Wei sighed after entering the game and watching the specific gameplay introduction of Biochemical Mode.

"This biochemical matrix looks good! And just now I saw that there seem to be other biochemical matrixes that can be purchased in the mall. Tsk tsk tsk, is it possible that this is the legendary kryptonite that can become stronger?"

Yang Wei saw the stronger-looking biochemical matrices in the mall, Yang Wei smashed his mouth, quietly wondering if Mu Chen had fallen.

And on the bullet screen, there are words such as krypton gold will become stronger, Mu Chen has fallen, and so on.

After all, this is really the first time that a game under Shuguang Entertainment has such a situation, and it actually sells things that can strengthen combat effectiveness directly in the mall.

However, after watching Yang Wei play with biochemical mode, they also understood why Shuguang Entertainment wanted to engage in this thing.

 Crying for votes~
  Kneeling ○| ̄|_
(End of this chapter)

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