Chapter 168
"I know! Why can't I bite anyone?! These nimas run so fast!"

Yang Wei looked at his blacked-out screen and curled his lips very uncomfortable.

Because he became the selected kid in the first game, and turned into a green biochemical monster.

After the excitement at the beginning, Yang Wei found that this thing is not so fun after 2 minutes of the game.

He could only use his paws to scratch people, but because he hadn't played CS for too long, he couldn't remember much of the map, and he couldn't catch people at all. He was the only biological mother in the whole game.

According to the rules of the biochemical model, he should have chased and killed the others.

But in the end, it turned out that he was being chased all over the map by a dozen other people.

"What is this? Let me tell you! Didn't Laozi transform into a boss? Why did he become a mob?"

Yang Wei pouted his baboon-like mouth, and began to turn into a monster.

"I know, impotence is more afraid than blindness? Isn't that green skill usable?"

"That's right! I just played biochemical mode, and the green mother on the other side accelerated and caught us flying with one paw!"

"Forget it~ Let's play League of Legends' clone mode and Infinity Smash Bros. mode, these two modes don't need to test the operation, and they will fall quickly!"

"Emmm, ten Yasuos accidentally appeared in the clone mode just now, tsk tsk tsk, that scene~"

"666, wouldn't ten Yasona be ten times happier?"

"There is also Infinity Brawl. It won't be long before you go in, and you can roll your face on the keyboard."

"I mixed the giant beast Malphite, it was born for this mode!"


And Yang Wei saw how happy and interesting the clone mode and Smash Bros. mode of League of Legends were displayed on the barrage, so he couldn't help being interested.

Emmm, of course, it’s actually because it’s more expensive than playing CS than League of Legends. If it’s converted into a League of Legends rank, it can barely be called a plastic rank under the black iron.

Therefore, comparing the two, Yang Wei decisively chose to play League of Legends.

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't tell me, the champion skin this time is pretty good~ Look at the special effect of Yasuo, what blows out is a trophy, there is something! It seems that I have to buy it immediately and have fun!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Wei first went out to have a look, and then opened another live broadcast room of Turkey Live to look at it. After finding that no one was live broadcast, he opened the mall with peace of mind and clicked to recharge...

And the audience in the live broadcast room looked at Yang Wei and cringed as if he was afraid of being caught by Wang Xiaowu, they all let out quack laughter.

When Yang Wei scanned the QR code to pay, the barrage mode started to taunt once an hour on average.

"Poor thing... I am very careful when I buy a skin worth tens of dollars."

"I can't help it. The last time I spent a total of 40 million out of the charging rate increase. It's good that Wang Xiaowu didn't ask him to kneel down on the keyboard. Now it's just ordering impotence not to charge more money~"

"It's more like raking ears than it looks!"

"Hehe, you are insulting my Tianfu ear-scraping man, who can't cook better than cooking, how dare you call it an ear-scratching?"

"Hurry up! I want to see Yasuo's champion skin!"

Under the urging of the audience, Yang Wei also quickly started an infinite chaos mode.

The main reason is that the CD of this mode is extremely fast, which can make his Yasuo so happy that he can fly~
As long as I get E fast enough, my teammates' flashes won't be able to catch up with me!

As for winning or losing? !
Haha, I'm already playing Yasuo, winning or losing doesn't seem so important.

On the other side, Mu Chen, who was also tortured to death by the rankings, was also fast-falling in the infinite chaos mode.

It has to be said that after setting aside the skill CD, Mu Chen's level has risen in a straight line.


After playing happily for a few days, Mu Chen began to think about the new game.

After all, it has been half a year since PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds went online, and now we can start preparing for new games after the new year.

It's just that this time, he didn't plan to make a big production, but made two small games for entertainment.

As for large-scale productions, we still have to wait for the successful research over there to see whether to make PCs or directly get started with virtual games according to the situation.

As for which new game to make, Mu Chen had already thought about it.

He decided to take advantage of the current popularity of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, to conduct a wave of self-challenge, to rub off his own enthusiasm.

This game is known as the anchor's keyboard killer. It's so mad that people don't pay for their lives. After being mad, they still want to be mad, and finally play to the point where they want to commit suicide--Sand Sculpture Game Digging for Promotion!

This half-length man sitting in the jar once ruled countless live broadcast platforms, attracting the bows of countless anchors, big or small.

Of course, during this period of time, many peripheral stores have made a lot of money, and keyboards and mice are really easy to sell!
This time, Mu Chen is going to release this extremely evil game, so that the anchors and players in this world can also try the fear of being dominated by this jar man!
Because some are relatively simple, the character model only has a single jar man, and the most complicated part is the map.

Just thinking of this, Mu Chen found that there seems to be another place where players can make money.

That is the character shape of the man in the pot, the shape and color of the pot, etc...

Tsk tsk tsk, thinking about it this way, this in-app purchase project is also very impressive!

Reining in his kryptonite consciousness a little bit, Mu Chen began to study how to upgrade this game that can make people brain-dead.

After all, the version that Muchen played before was a bit monotonous to him. Although the levels are not too short, the replayability is a bit low after all, and it is easy for players to experience aesthetic fatigue after playing.

It’s okay for the anchor, after all, you can still interact with the audience when playing games, just treat yourself as a decompression (hehe).

But as far as ordinary players are concerned, apart from making you want to smash the keyboard in the early stage, making you doubt your life in the middle stage, and making you uninstall the game in the later stage, this game can't bring players a lot of fast fall.

And a game, its core thing is to bring happiness to players.

Of course, the reason why Digging the Ground and Seeking Promotion became all the rage is that when the anchors were abused, it indirectly brought happiness to the players watching the live broadcast.

As for Mu Chen, he just wants it to not only convey happiness through the live broadcast room, but also to let players feel happy when they play by themselves, apart from smashing keyboards and throwing phones.

In this way, Mu Chen began to think about the upgrade plan of digging the ground for the purpose of quickly falling players.

 Huh huh~
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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