Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 174 Muchen's Brain Twitched?

Chapter 174 Muchen's Brain Twitched?

It's just that before the anxious netizens debated what happened, there was a new theory on Weibo about Mu Chen's new game "Escape".

Raise your skull: "I'm a man, I like women, and I'm still single, but these are not the point. The point is that you don't know that horror games are... so many horrors."

I am a steel bar: "Oh? The lighting engineer, microphone, sound system, and stage are all in place, please tell your story!"

After a while, the netizen named Skull said:

"Although my biggest hobby is women, I still like horror stories, horror movies, novels, etc.; however, these years of horror with video and audio content can't satisfy my need for that kind of excitement, so I just look at Move over to horror games.

At the beginning, I simply thought that horror games should have a much higher sense of substitution than other movies and novels, and it would be easier to bring me that exciting feeling.

But... After I spent nearly [-] RMB to play all the horror games on the market, I shed tears of regret. "

Perhaps when typing here, the skull brother thought of something sad again, so there is no further text for the time being.

And the melon-eating netizens naturally quit, and finally caught a big and round melon, which still had such a slight relationship with Mu Chen, so they naturally had no reason to give up easily.

So, a group of people called him to update the story behind the news of the cranial netizen one after another.

"Half the speech, be careful not to give birth to a penis!"

"Quick! Update! New!"

"The blade is ready, the skull will return soon!"

Just when netizens were getting impatient, Skull Brothers finally updated.

"Oh~ I'm sorry everyone, just now I was thinking about the sad past, so I took some time to clean up my emotions.

Now let's continue, the reason why I shed tears of regret is because those horror games are simply not horror games, they are almost funny!If you want a plot, you don't have a plot, if you want a screen, you don't have a screen!
Can you believe it, among the horror games I played, the best one scored only 6 points!
And the reason why I say so much is to express one meaning, that is...horror games are really not that fun, I jio, Mu Chen's new game may be overturned this time! "

After the skull brother finished telling the story, he finally summed it up and made another prediction by the way, fully expressing his dislike for Shuguang Entertainment's new game "Escape".

And those netizens who sat in rows and ate melons, after reading the last statement about the skull, put away their initial mentality of eating melons, and began to seriously consider this issue.

"According to this statement, wouldn't the new game of Shuguang Entertainment be cool?"

Some people began to give full play to the excellent tradition of netizens' bold predictions, and directly said that "Escape" is estimated to be a pill.

"Not necessarily. Since Mu Chen is going to make a horror game, he must have studied the market. How could he make a low-level mistake and make a very mediocre game?"

"That's right, you know, Shuguang's products must be high-quality products! How could Mu Chen easily defeat the reputation that he spent several years building up!"

"I don't care! Anyway, I will play whatever games Suguang Entertainment makes!"


As soon as the word that Shuguang Entertainment was about to overturn came out, many fans of Shuguang Entertainment and Muchen clearly stated that they would definitely support the new game "Escape".

Of course, as more and more players discuss this matter, the popularity of "Escape" is getting higher and higher.

However, high heat is not necessarily a good thing.

For example, now, many netizens outside the game circle come to eat melons.

"I look forward to Mu Chen making a comedy game to contribute to the horror cause of my country!"

emmm, this is a typical high-grade black.

"Hehe, young people are like this. They don't know their last name or name because they have made some achievements. They are impetuous!"

This kind of thing... just treat it as the gas residue after the human body digests it and let it out.

Of course, netizens outside the game circle have come to eat melons, and the horror game game circle that fits with the event has naturally received this melon sent by Mu Chen.

"I really like things with horror elements. I hope that Shuguang Entertainment can make a good horror game. The horror movies and horror games on the market recently are terrible! I can only go to various haunted houses to have fun ~"

"Upstairs 666, it's a wolf!"

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard! It's okay to go to a haunted house to have fun!"

"Agreed, although the people in our circle are small, if Mu Chen's "Escape" is above the standard, I will definitely be a fan of Shuguang Entertainment!"

Different from others, perhaps because these horror games are really poisonous at present, the players in this circle are praying online, hoping that "Escape" that Mu Chen said is an excellent horror game.

Magic City, Torch Game, Boss Office.

"President Ma, Shuguang Entertainment has released a new game."

The secretary bowed in front of Ma Teng and said.

"Oh? What game?"

Ma Teng asked curiously.

"Now Mu Chen just said on Weibo, what is it called "Escape", that it is a horror healing game, and there is some mental hospital or something like that."

As soon as the secretary finished speaking, Ma Teng burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, Mu Chen is going to kill me from laughing! Who does he think he is? He really thinks of himself as the savior of the Xiaguo game market? He actually made a horror game! He really doesn't know what to do!"

This is not an exaggeration by Ma Teng.

After all, as the former boss of the domestic game market, he still knows something.

In this era when real ghosts can't appear in ghost movies, if Mu Chen really makes any good horror games, there will be ghosts.

It's nothing more than making the game bloodier and more violent, making an action game that sells dog meat.

At the same time, Ma Teng thought of the news from Europe, and the corners of his mouth began to rise wildly.

"Half a year! There is still half a year at most, when the time comes, the game pattern in the world will change dramatically, I don't know if Mu Chen will still be able to play your horror game at that time~"

When Mu Chen was divided, Ma Teng's mouth was raised, and at the same time, the melon eaters on the Internet were also fighting on their own at the beginning, and now they are divided into two parties.

One side thinks that Mu Chen is out of his mind, so he thought of making a game where there is no market and no money.

The other party believes that Mu Chen must have his own ideas in making horror games, otherwise he would not try it rashly, and we can just wait and play the game with peace of mind.

As for Mu Chen, he didn't pay attention to these remarks. When the game comes out, those people will naturally know whether Escape is a good game or not.

Facts speak louder than words...

 Come, come, he came after he coded Chapter 2!
  Thank you book friend "20190226203611339" for your reward!thank you very much

(End of this chapter)

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