Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 175 The Temptation of Being Famous

Chapter 175 The Temptation of Being Famous

In April of the next year, spring came, and it was the mating season for animals.

This time, in order to keep improving, Muchen forcibly extended the production time of "Escape" by two months.

Originally, in February, "Escape" was basically completed, but after Mu Chen looked at the original finished product, he felt that he could optimize the modeling of the characters and scenery in it.

As a result, it took an extra two months to know that this optimization was done.

It's just that these two months are not in vain. After optimization, at least in Mu Chen's opinion, this time his Shuguang Entertainment version of "Escape" is much better than the original version.

Especially character modeling.

Except for the similar face modeling of the twin brother, none of the rest of the character modeling is repeated, even the dead bodies of passers-by who are just hung on the wall as the background are all different.

In the office, ignoring Tang Xiaomo who was yelling in fright after trying out "Escape" there, Muchen started browsing on Weibo after agreeing with Liu Jin on the promotional matters and the release time.

After all, after retreating for so long, I still need to understand the melons of this period of time, such as so-and-so getting married, so-and-so and so-and-so getting divorced, it is still very rewarding.

That night, the promotional video of Shuguang Entertainment's new game "Escape" officially met with a group of netizens.

"Hiss~ After watching this promotional video, why do I feel this way?"

"Ahem, that's why I didn't click on it at all because I was timid, just read your comments."

"Tsk tsk tsk, look at this background, this picture, this plot, this... is so good!"

"Is it overblown upstairs, huh? There is a plot about Mao in the promotional film, and the backs of two characters appear, and the rest are all scenes of the protagonist running in a mental hospital."

"Cut~ it looks just average, there are not even half a ghost!"

"Then you go to Hades to discuss it and ask him to get you two to play with?"


As soon as the promotional video came out, netizens couldn't wait to discuss it on Weibo and forums.

At this time, a well-known game critic named Babo suddenly commented on the promotional video of "Escape" on Weibo.

"This new game of Dawn Entertainment looks like the kind of action game that sells dog meat. Although in the promotional video, the protagonist is running throughout the whole process, but from the shadow behind the protagonist when running, and the two previous appearances similar to Judging from the back of the monster, this game is definitely an action game with the skin of a horror game, but the character models inside may be a little more hideous, and the background music is a little more creepy."

As soon as this long speech by the game critic named Babo came out, there were thousands of netizens commenting on it.

Emmm, it's just that these comments are not so powerful... making this critic named Gbagbo so easy to accept.

"Hehe, does your action game use a camera to beat people?"

"Take care of this thief! This is not the first time Jill has been blinded like this!"

In the beginning, fans of Shuguang Entertainment were there to unilaterally output this Gbagbo, but after a while, many netizens expressed their agreement with Gbagbo's analysis.

"Eh... Although Gbagbo's words are a bit harsh, I think the analysis is quite reasonable!"

"That's right, it's just that these stupid fans of Shuguang Entertainment don't want to accept this fact~"

"Just kidding, if they don't lick Mu Chen, why don't they want to lick you?"


This is the third time a war of words has started on Weibo because of "Escape".

On the second day after the promotional video was released, that Gbagbo posted another Weibo, saying that he had been abused by fans of Suguang Entertainment through human flesh and private messages.

He first sold a wave of misery frantically, saying how pitiful he was and how miserably he was scolded, and then he said that he would send a lawyer's letter to Shuguang Entertainment, and he wanted to maintain his innocence.

Netizens were completely dumbfounded by this person's operation.

"Hold the grass! I'm afraid it's not Shi Lezhi? Fans scolded him, and he sued Shuguang Entertainment?"

"Emmm, maybe he fabricated the fans' insults and so on. After all, we Shuguang fans are quite rational. Besides, nerds who regard games as their fate don't have time to talk to a mentally retarded blogger, let alone send a private message I'm going to scold people, I have enough time to brush a few more waves of time and space."

"It's okay, Xiaoba, bravely send the screenshots of those people scolding you! Let these people see how ugly Ren's face is!"

The two sides battled again on Weibo, but this time it was obvious that the fans of Shuguang Entertainment had a huge advantage.

Because Gbagbo didn't come up with any evidence~
But at this time, Babo is also about to regret it, even to the point of being colorful.

"I'm so mean! Why do you add those few sentences if you have nothing to do? Why don't you continue to analyze properly!"

In the office of a studio, the well-known game critic Babo was looking at the screen under his Weibo and his head was smoking with worry.

"How do I explain now..."

Babo was thinking about how to explain to his father, the benefactor behind him, when his phone rang.

He answered the phone tremblingly.

"Uh... Boss Li, hello~"

"I'm bad! Why are you posting things that don't exist?"

"Here, I will apologize right away, and then I will definitely not post anything randomly! I promise to post according to the plan!"

Listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, Gbagbo made a guarantee with trepidation.

"Yes, if you can still tweet."

After finishing speaking, Boss Li hung up the phone directly.

Babo was a little worried by Boss Li's inexplicable words, so he opened Weibo, edited a sincere apology in his opinion, and was about to click send, but suddenly found that his account could not be posted on Weibo, saying It's been reported too much.

Seeing this result, he understood why the boss Li told him not to mess around for the sake of fame before he took the job.

Ran goose ...

Now he understands a little late.

His Weibo marketing account took a lot of money and effort to get it up, and he even set up a studio for better operation.

As a result, now, because of his temporary obsession, not only did Boss Li's big list disappear, but even his own critic who had more than one hundred thousand followers also disappeared.

And he still needs to pay salaries to those members of his studio, but now that the number is gone, what is his life to pay?

"Fortunately, I still have a trumpet with [-] to [-] fans, otherwise this time it would be really cool.

Hmph, block my account!Labor and management are now at odds with you, Mu Chen! "

Just as he was about to go out and ask someone to use a trumpet to post an article with the rhythm of Mu Chen and Shu Guang's entertainment, a younger brother from the studio suddenly rushed in and said:
"Brother Bo, it's too bad, our trumpet account has been blocked! Just now I received a meal order, but I can't even post it on Weibo!"

Gbagbo, who had just got up, slumped powerlessly on the boss chair behind him after hearing the news.

 ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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