Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 176 Clearing the Buddha System

Chapter 176 Clearing the Buddha System
"Fucked up?"

Torch game, in Ma Teng's office, looking at Secretary Li who just came back from the phone call, asked in a flat tone.

"Well, he messed up on Weibo..."

Secretary Li was about to explain, but Ma Teng interrupted directly:
"I know, let's forget about this matter, and I don't expect these people to make things happen, I just want to create a little trouble for Mu Chen.

Between companies, it still depends on the strength in the end, and it won't be long before the strength of our Xinhuo game will have a qualitative leap!

At that time, I will let Mu Chen know who is the overlord of the game!
For this reason, what does it matter if you sell more shares? "

In the end, Ma Teng realized that his voice was getting smaller and smaller, as if he was talking to himself.


On the other hand, Mu Chen also just came out of the hardware research center of Shuguang Entertainment (which the Mu Group helped to establish).

"Old Guo, that is to say, from the current point of view, whether it is holographic projection technology or virtual reality technology, it can basically be applied in our game industry? Are you sure it is the kind that can be used on a large scale?"

Mu Chen asked a middle-aged uncle who was following him.

Guo Cunhai is also the old Guo that Muchen called just now. He graduated from Imperial University with a doctorate and is a master of the Mu Group who specializes in virtual reality technology. permanent.

Seeing that Muchen still had some doubts, Lao Guo said with a smile:
"My Young Master Mu~ You have used the products using these two technologies separately just now, you should have an intuitive feeling! Or do you not believe in my old Guo's level?"

Emmm, this is the case with technical talents, as long as there is any doubt about his achievements, he will be anxious to you immediately, and then he will bring out two books on what, what and what to learn to give you theories.

Mu Chen resolutely admits that he has no such intention.

"It means that these two technologies can be fully popularized? There are no hidden dangers?"

Now as a businessman, Mu Chen's first consideration is the issue of risk.

After all, something like a virtual game room involves the forbidden area of ​​the human body - the brain. If something goes wrong, there will be no good results.

"No, how could there be? It's impossible to do this at all, so why should I study it?

Guo Cunhai first vowed that there could be no hidden dangers, but then gave Mu Chen a major turning point in his tone.

"...Old Guo, can you finish the story in one breath? Your panting like this makes my heart hurt! Tell me quickly, what is the bad news!"

Muchen said angrily.

"Emmm, it's actually nothing, it's just that these two products are so expensive..."

Muchen: mmp!

He thought it was a technical problem, but it turned out to be a RMB problem after a long time. This is not a problem at all!
"How much? Tell me~"

When he said this, Mu Chen was so arrogant, as if he was the richest man (his father, Mu Feng).

"The holographic projection equipment is okay, and the cost of the laboratory is about 6000 RMB, but for the virtual game room, the cost of the laboratory is 3 RMB."

After Guo Cunhai finished speaking, he looked at Muchen, he wanted to know how much confidence Muchen, the son of the richest man, had.

As for Mu Chen, when he heard the first price, he just made some calculations in his mind, and felt that this price should be acceptable to many players.

However, when Guo Cunhai protruded 3 RMB, Mu Chen had the urge to immediately forget about this technique.

"The virtual warehouse can't be cheaper? Otherwise, the price will be the biggest problem in the promotion process!"

Mu Chen is still struggling, hoping that Bi will hear some good news from Lao Guo.

"This is basically the lowest cost. If other materials are replaced, not to mention that the effect will be greatly reduced, and accidents are very likely.

There is no way for the virtual warehouse. For holographic projection, because the materials required for this technology are much simpler than that of the virtual warehouse. If the quantity is large, the cost price should be as low as 5000. "

After bidding farewell to Lao Guo, Mu Chen returned to the office alone, frowning and thinking about this extremely difficult problem.

According to what Lao Guo said, 3 RMB for the game warehouse should be the lowest. No matter how much the amount is, it is estimated that it will not be much lower, but it should be possible to struggle.

But even if you struggle, it will reach more than 2, which is still an extremely huge number!

The price of a virtual warehouse will basically discourage 80.00% of people.

After all, not everyone is a rich second generation, so he casually spends [-] to [-] yuan to buy a game console that can only be used to play games.

That's right, although the name of this thing sounds bluffing, it's really just a game console, and [-] to [-] RMB is enough for an ordinary family of three to live for a year, and some people even earn a year's salary Not so high either.

For example, Mu Chen before crossing, as a university monk, he never had more than [-] money in his hand.


Forget it, don't be in a hurry, think about it carefully!

Mu Chen forced himself to calm down first, not to think about this problem in a hurry.

In this way, he spent a week in sorrow, and finally waited for... the day when "Escape" was released.

Friday, April 4.

Shuguang Entertainment's horror healing game "Escape" has finally been launched in anticipation of countless players.

And Yang Wei also bought it immediately.

"Brothers! "Escape" is on the shelves, let's buy one and try it out, shall we?"

In Yang Wei's live broadcast room, he was downloading "Escape", taking advantage of his spare time to chat with the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Within 3 minutes, Yang Wei will be scared to pee!"

"Emmm, give him a hand, 5 minutes!"

Just as Yang Wei finished saying that he was going to play escape, the audience on the bullet screen began to bet, blindly guessing how many seconds it would take for Yang Wei to check.

Although they haven't played it yet, this does not prevent them from having a deep understanding of Yang Wei's strength.

After all, he has already proved himself with countless games such as League of Legends, CS, and Dark Souls. He, Yang Wei, is indeed... a game anchor who can't beat his game.

"The medicine is so cute? What's the point of me insisting on being cute with you for a few minutes? Playing games, the emphasis is on participation, not on killing you to the death."

Yang Wei first publicized his Buddhist game theory in the live broadcast room, and then said:

"Take this game as an example. Believe it or not, I can pass the level without killing any monsters?!"

Yang Wei impassionedly set the flag.

"Come on, come on, impotence, he's cheating on food, drinking, and feelings in the live broadcast room again!"

"If you don't kill any monsters, how about I wash my hair upside down live?"

"Wei, it's strange, eat the screen quickly!"

This time, the screen was full of barrage, and there was no audience who believed that impotence would not kill a monster to pass the level.

And Yang Wei...

The corners of the mouth began to rise crazily!
 Lord, the word code is over, vote quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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