Chapter 177

After entering the game, the first step is to choose the difficulty.

"Escape" has a total of four difficulties, normal, difficult, nightmare, crazy.

At this time, Yang Wei decisively pretended to be deaf and dumb, directly ignoring the audience on the bullet screen who asked him to choose the crazy difficulty, and chose the normal difficulty.

Although he hasn't played it before, he doesn't know how difficult it is, but...

It doesn't mean he wants to choose this difficulty!

Men, when you should follow your heart, you have to follow your heart.

After starting the game, the protagonist Miles first drives to the destination - the restarted abandoned mental hospital, the process animation of the giant mountain mental hospital, and the game narration in the middle.

After arriving at the gate of the Giant Mountain Mental Hospital at the destination, the animation part ends, and the protagonist Miles picks up the thing that prompted him to come to the Giant Mountain Mental Hospital-a mail.

Waylon Parker, software consultant from the Psychiatric Research Unit at Giant Mountain Mental Asylum.

Of course, the name of Waylon Parker did not appear in the mail in the game.

After reading the email, the protagonist Miles picked up another thing on the co-pilot—the DV player.

After installing the attached two batteries, the DV machine can be used.

After getting off the car at the gate, Yang Wei didn't walk into the Jushan Mental Hospital immediately.

Instead, he looked curiously at the only item currently available to him in the game.

"Oh~ Brothers, here we come! Look at this DV player~ It can have night vision! And it can also zoom in and out of the field of view, is it a bit 6?"

Yang Wei followed the tutorial on the screen while introducing it to the audience in the live broadcast room.

After speaking, Yang Wei used the night vision function of the DV player to look around.

After holding the DV around for a few times, Yang Wei carefully controlled the protagonist Miles to push open the iron gate and walked into Jushan Mental Hospital.

When the game came to this point, the audience in Yang Wei's live broadcast room stopped bragging about the barrage, but were gradually attracted by the background music of the game and the eerie environment inside.

"This BGM sounds a little creepy to me~"

"Hold your words and watch carefully. The ghost is about to come out. This is the usual routine in horror games. It will scare you when you enter the door."

"Has Mr. Gao Neng come to warn you? The labor and management at night are alone, afraid!"

Yang Wei put away the DV, stopped to look at the barrage, and saw many audiences talking there, so he couldn't help but patted his slightly fat pectoralis major, and said:

"Tut tsk tsk, look at how cowardly you all are. I, a gamer, didn't say I was afraid. Are you afraid of chicken feathers?"

After speaking, Yang Wei continued to move forward.

However, just after Yang Wei took a few steps, he saw the second floor of Jushan Mental Hospital, which was still dark before, and suddenly the lights of two rooms were turned on.

"Hold the grass!!!"

"There's someone over there, do you see that!"

Yang Wei was being attracted by the sudden lights on the second floor, he was concentrating on it, and saw a shadow of a person suddenly appeared on the left window.

At this time, Yang Wei's face was no longer the same as when he said he was not afraid before, and the horror on his face could not be hidden.

"666, this sudden panic directly exposed the impotence like an ape."

"But don't tell me, it's really a bit scary to come here like this. If you get closer, the effect will be better."

"Dawn Entertainment made this game with great care. Look at these dead trees, leaves all over the ground, and the rustling wind, tsk tsk tsk, if it is really in such an environment, there is no need for any shadows to scare me to death gone."

Yang Wei walked to the gate when the audience was blowing water, ready to open the door and enter.


Push door……

"Hold the grass, this door can't be pushed open? How can you play this damn thing?! Is it possible that labor and management are required to open the window?"

After Yang Wei pushed the door for a long time, he found that the door could not be opened at all.

Then, Yang Ruizhi Wei turned on the DV player.

"This door definitely has a mechanism! Maybe you need to use night vision to see it!"

After Yang Wei turned on the DV player, he said vowedly.

2 minutes later...

Yang Wei turned off the DV silently, and began to walk around the outside of the Jushan Mental Hospital.

Because he saw a figure upstairs on the left before, so this time Yang Wei thought it was a wise choice to start from the right.

Ran goose ...

After he made a large circle carefully, he had to come to the left side which he least wanted to take.

However, when he came to the left, he suddenly found that there were some shelves and ladders, and there was even an operation tutorial.

Yang Wei silently picked up the large porcelain jar in his hand and took a sip of the 82-year-old tap water to calm his shock.

"666, wise anchor, pay attention!"

"Hahaha, seeing Yang Wei is more cowardly than that, don't you always feel that a head will pop up?"

"xswl! After a long time, it's still on the left!"

In this way, under the pressure of the audience, Yang Wei silently climbed the iron frame outside the window.

One minute later, our Yang Wei finally climbed to Yang Wei outside the second floor after turning his head three times in one step, and squatted directly on the shelf outside the window.

"Ahem, let's play it safe here, we saw a ghost here before, maybe it's waiting for me inside now.

So, let's hang around outside first, and listen to the movement inside before we talk. "

Yang Wei described his love in a fresh and refined way, as if going in now is courting death.

5 minutes later……

Yang Wei has now left the keyboard with both hands, swiping his phone there, bragging with the audience in the live broadcast room by the way.

"Let me tell you that when playing horror games, you have to be patient. After you are fully prepared, no matter how scary it is, it will not scare you.

This is what I learned from watching horror movies, that is, when the feeling is about to be the scariest, just pause for a while, and then you will not be afraid anymore! "

( ̄y▽ ̄)~*

Hearing Yang Wei's extremely brazen words, the screen was filled with "?" in the live broadcast room.

"I see, other anchors have been fucked to death once, and this guy is still lying here?"

At this time, it should be because Yang Wei's counseling disgusted the attention, so I went to other live broadcast rooms to watch other people's progress.

"Ahem... Well, after so long of observation (actually, it's bullshit), it's now confirmed that it's safe inside.

So, our mental hospital adventure is about to officially begin! "

After finishing speaking, Yang Wei didn't go to those barrages that crazily hijacked him, turned over smartly, and went directly to the room on the second floor.

On the barrage ignored by Yang Wei, some viewers transferred from other live broadcast rooms began to swipe frantically:

"(ノ°ο°)ノ High energy warning ahead!"

"(*°ω°*)ノ" Non-combatants please evacuate! ! "

"Ivy Batty! Please put your phones far away, and be careful not to break them!"

next second...

He jumped up from the chair, pointed at the shadow on his computer screen that had disappeared, and howled ghostly there.


"I'm transparent..."

"What is this skr?"

 One update is coming...

  Add more tomorrow, how much you add depends on the tickets of the big guys...

(End of this chapter)

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