Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 179 Talking about the color change of "Escape"

Chapter 179 Talking about the color change of "Escape"

"Hahahaha, this stupid fat man doesn't know I'm here!"

In this dark room, the heavy breathing of the protagonist Miles in the game and Yang Wei's wretched laughter complement each other, forming a stark contrast.

After 20 seconds, the fat monster walked out of the room because it didn't find its prey.

"At this time, we can't go out in a hurry, because judging from the urine nature of this game before, if I go out now, I will definitely be cool.

So, let's still use one word, let's fight first! "

After maybe 10 minutes, or 10 minutes, anyway, when the audience in the live broadcast room were bored to the point of falling asleep, Yang Wei finally climbed out of the closet.

"OK, now let's see where we go next."

After speaking, he continued to walk along the bloodstained arrows on the wall and on the ground.

After passing through a blood-stained corridor full of corpses, Yang Wei turned the corner and saw a room with a half-closed door.

Maybe it's because I haven't heard the saying that curiosity killed the cat, or maybe it's more than being scared twice and getting bolder or something.

Anyway, he looks eager to try it now, and wants to open the door and go in to find out.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's pitch black in here, what's there?"

Before opening the door, Yang Wei chose to communicate with the audience to relieve some of his nervousness.

"There's a female baboon waiting for you!"

"Trust me, don't open the door!"

"Don't believe the upstairs, I just came from the live broadcast room next door to play escape, there are two batteries in it, I'm so happy!"

"Uh...cough cough, yes, there are batteries inside."

At the beginning, there were vague audiences on the bullet screen persuading Yang Wei not to open the door, but then the screen was brushed off by the five words "there is a battery inside".

Yang Wei didn't think there was anything wrong with these bullet screens. When he saw the audience saying that there was a battery, he directly chose to push the door and enter.

Ran goose ...

The moment Yang Wei pushed open the door, a headless corpse happened to "face" him!

This is the cry of the protagonist Miles in the game. Although it is a little scary, it still sounds normal.


This is Yang Wei's cry, with a hint of melodiousness in its shrillness, and a bit of a shriek in it...out of breath.

"What the hell is this?! This routine again? Isn't this insane!"

Yang Wei was frightened to the point of collapse by the same way that the corpse appeared through the window before.

"Hey~ Labor and capital don't play anymore! If you play again, it will really kill you! I'm afraid I'm going to give me a heart attack later!"

Our unrivaled hero Yang Wei chose to quit the game in the midst of the sound of "Yixiong" on the bullet screen.


Not to mention Yang Wei, according to the incomplete statistics of netizens on forums, Weibo, and the official website, in the first day of the release of "Escape", hundreds of anchors were scared and directly chose to quit the game.

There were even a few female anchors who were instigated by water friends to play escape, but they all turned over the window and were frightened by the corpse of the meeting ceremony.

It was the kind that really cried out.

Since then, playing "Escape" has basically become the audience's first choice to punish the anchor, or to make demands on the anchor.

As for all the anchors, their expressions changed naturally when they talked about "Escape". Some anchors even said that they would rather broadcast live handstands and wash their hair than play "Escape" again.

A week later.

"Master Mu, are we going to produce the holographic projection game console as a separate product from Suguang Entertainment?"

Liu Jin was the first to ask his own question.

In the office, Mu Chen, Liu Jin, Lin Sen, and Hu Feng, who is rarely seen in various materials, are discussing the strategic deployment of Shuguang Entertainment for the next period of time.

Regarding Liu Jin's question, Muchen had already thought about this question a long time ago.

But he didn't answer right away, but asked Liu Jin back.

"What do you think, old Liu?"

Liu Jin didn't panic when he heard Mu Chen's question, and after sorting out his language a bit, he opened his mouth and said:
"I think it's better for us to combine holographic technology with a certain product of Suguang Entertainment.

After all, there is also a virtual game room, which is an inevitable new product. If the holographic game is made into an additional product, it will seem a bit complicated. "

"Then does Lao Liu have any ideas?"

Seeing that Liu Jin looked confident, Muchen asked directly.

"I think we can combine it with the switch, upgrade the switch, or make a hardware with holographic technology and update the internal plug-ins of the switch. It should be feasible."

After Liu Jin finished speaking, Muchen smiled.

"Haha, yes, Lao Liu! You have a sharp eye."

"It's really a good idea to combine holographic technology with the switch handheld, and our switch can indeed be updated."

After a wave of business exchanges, Mu Chen asked Hu Feng again:

"Old Hu, you went over there to learn about it before. How do you think the feasibility of Lao Liu's idea?"

Mu Chen asked Hu Feng next to him again.

"Yes, but you still need a smaller piece of hardware to add to the switch, and then add a few plug-ins to the switch as you said before, Mr. Mu."

Hu Feng pushed the black-rimmed glasses that he didn't know when he put on, and said calmly.

"How about the cost? When I asked Lao Guo before, he told me 6000RMB, which is still a bit high!"

At this time, Muchen turned into an old landlord who knew that firewood, rice, oil and salt were expensive, and he was still worried about the high price.

"Yes, I also asked Lao Guo, and the price he said is that we need to make an additional new product, just like the poke ball in their laboratory, which only needs 6000 RMB. If it is just an accessory with a holographic projection function, Only about 3000 will do.”

When Mu Chen heard the 3000RMB, he was slightly relieved, but it was still half the amount.

Although this price is still a bit touching, if compared with the virtual game warehouse behind, it is simply too close to the people.

"That's fine! Lao Hu, together with Lao Guo, first make the samples of the holographic accessories and the virtual game room, and then we can prepare for the product launch."

After Mu Chen finished speaking to Hu Feng, he said to Lin Sen who was driving the plane beside him and staring at the ceiling:
"I said, Kobayashi~"

"Have you finished the cg of Pokémon? These models and original paintings are all ready-made, just change some old style of painting, you can hold back the chain!"

Lin Sen was suddenly called by Mu Chen's name, he trembled slightly, and then replied:
"It's been done a long time ago."

After finishing speaking, Lin Sen continued to say aggrievedly:

"Young Master Mu, can we finish the game first before launching a conference? A game conference without a game is boring!"


Muchen gently tapped Lin Sen's head.

 One more bird...

  Two more wait...

  Three still have to wait...

(End of this chapter)

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