Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 180 Conference

Chapter 180 Press Conference ([-])

"What do you know! All the games you made before were for nothing?"

"Even if we only need to reproduce Pokémon on a holographic projection device, it will take time? It won't take a year or so to make it? Can the press conference be delayed for that long?"

"Besides, didn't that guy Ma Teng dance very happily two days ago~ We can't let the fire game steal the limelight, can we?"

Speaking of this, Mu Chen was a little caught off guard by the big action of the Xinhuo game two days ago.

Just two days ago, Ma Teng Bibi suddenly held a product launch conference, at which they announced a brand new game method - players can use the virtual game room to play the game.

As soon as this press conference came out, the entire game market was detonated immediately, and even many other fields were shocked by the virtual game warehouse at the Xinhuo game product conference.

For a while, news about the virtual game warehouse was flying all over the sky, and it even became the number one most searched on Weibo.

Similarly, the release of Xinhuo Game's virtual game warehouse this time directly covered up the limelight of Shuguang Entertainment's new game, "Escape".

This wave of operations by Ma Teng really surprised Mu Chen and everyone at Shuguang Entertainment, even quite unexpected.

At the same time, Xinhuo Games announced that the game warehouse will be released next year together with their new game, Xianxia masterpiece, "Journey to Shushan".

After the press conference of Xinhuo Game, the surprised melon-eating crowd naturally turned their attention to the leader of domestic games, Suguang Entertainment.

Many netizens who follow Shuguang Entertainment are frantically @朱光娱乐官方和圣光 on Weibo, forums, and the official website.

Netizens said that the old horse has already made his moves, and you, Mu Chen, should also make your own voice.

Back to the present, after Mu Chen "educated" Lin Sen, he was very serious again, and said to Hu Feng very seriously:

"Old Hu, try to make a sample of the press conference next week, don't make our fans wait too long!"

"Okay, Young Master Mu, it will definitely be finished within a week!"

Hu Feng's tone was very flat, but also extremely confident.

just sauce...

Amidst the expectations and speculations of many netizens, Shuguang Entertainment finally has a new move.

"Dawn Entertainment will hold a new product launch event at 14:[-] tomorrow afternoon. At that time..."

An announcement about Shuguang Entertainment's upcoming press conference appeared on Shuguang Entertainment's official website and official Weibo at the same time.

"Muhahahaha! I said that Shuguang Entertainment will definitely not be absent from such an important event, look~ this is coming!"

"Hehe, it's not a plagiarized Xinhuo game. I can guarantee that the products released by Shuguang Entertainment must still be virtual game warehouses!"

"Upstairs Shabi, the appraisal is complete!"

"It's better to be a little black-headed, okay? Who the hell can copy a trick in a week?"

"It's okay, don't worry about these retarded people! Do you want to go to the press conference together tomorrow? My cousin's neighbor's uncle's son works in Shuguang Entertainment. You can get two tickets. First come, first served." !"

This press conference announcement directly made the fans of Shuguang Entertainment, who were aggrieved and speechless a few days ago, feel elated, and began to frantically counterattack the fans of Xinhuo Game (water army) on the Internet.

In the early morning of the next day, many fans of Shuguang Entertainment who grabbed tickets for the press conference came to the Shuguang Building, waiting for the press conference at [-] o'clock in the afternoon.

At the gate of Shuguang Entertainment, Reporter A flaunted to a group of reporters B, B, D, and said: "Hey~ Have you heard that game companies in Europe and the United States also announced their new products two days ago? The news is all from this virtual game warehouse, it seems that the game market will change in the future!"

After speaking, Reporter A raised his head slightly, ready to accept the rainbow fart from his colleagues.

"Haha, Brother Li's news is still as good as ever! He was born to eat like a reporter. If he becomes famous in the future, he should remember to support his little brother a lot."

Reporter B started his own flattery show.

"That's right, most of the new products of Suguang Entertainment this time are also virtual game warehouses."

Reporter C echoed a little weakly, but did not produce any good results.

Hearing reporter C's words, reporter A silently sentenced him to death, feeling that this newcomer had no understanding.

"Then shall we continue to act according to the original plan?"

Reporter Ding's words immediately attracted the attention of several people, including the head of Reporter A.

"The original plan will remain the same. Anyway, Shuguang Entertainment's new product can only be a virtual game warehouse. At that time, we can let us play by ourselves. It doesn't matter whether it is plagiarized, imitated, or the quality is not good, anyway. There are a lot of points to write~ I don’t have to worry about finding black ones.”

The leading reporter A said confidently, as if he had already attended the press conference of Shuguang Entertainment.

"But now many people on the Internet are saying the same thing, and those pink people from Shuguang Entertainment still have something to refute!"

Reporter C spoke again at this time, which again attracted the attention of everyone else.

But this time their eyes were no longer so friendly.

Reporters A, B, and D looked at each other, and decided not to bring this reporter C any more. They simply didn't wince, didn't know how to assess the situation, like a red-hot stunned young man.

Reporter C didn't know that he had been blacklisted by his companion, and was still waiting for his companion to answer his doubts.

"One more thing, remember not to talk nonsense after you go in. If you want to ask questions, you have to ask the questions we discussed before. Don't ask me about other weird things, especially you, Xiao Bing!"

Reporter A didn't answer Reporter C's question, and told his younger brothers very solemnly.

Of course, he no longer regards Reporter C as his younger brother, so his tone is a little more serious.

Half a day passed by, and soon it was two o'clock in the afternoon. Shuguang Entertainment's new product launch conference was about to start, and a group of reporters and fans also walked into the Shuguang Building impatiently.

At [-]:[-] p.m., Shuguang Entertainment's new product launch officially began.

"Everyone, welcome to the new product launch conference of Dawn Entertainment. I believe that many friends and fans present have roughly guessed what the new product is, but please believe that Dawn Entertainment has always brought players new products. Surprise company.

So, let's take a look at the first new product of our Shuguang Entertainment new product launch conference today-the holographic Pokémon. "

"aka pokemmo go!"

 I'm very sorry, I went out to attend the graduation dinner tonight, so the update time is late!Gagen also needs water today.

  Tomorrow four updates will be added!In order to thank the first rudder master in this book—Shan Banxian, I will add another update tomorrow, which is the fifth update~
  Absolutely no water, otherwise the live broadcast will cut the roommate's penis!

  Finally, once again thank you for your support!thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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