Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 184 I'm moved and dare not move~

Chapter 184 I'm moved and dare not move~ (seeking tickets)
On the stage, after Liu Jin introduced the necessary functions of the virtual game warehouse, he didn't directly talk about the price as the audience expected, so as to disappoint or even despair them.

"Haha, before announcing the price, let me tell you something that will make everyone happy and excited, so that you won't be later... ahem, anyway, next, I will announce a good news first, to make everyone happy Happy!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Jin paused for a few seconds before speaking again:

"Today, in order to repay the fans and players for their support over the years, Dawn Entertainment will draw ten lucky viewers at the scene..."

Speaking of this, Liu Jin paused again, whetted his appetite, and then said:
"Ten viewers will be drawn... before the official release of the three new products, a complete set of products from this Suguang Entertainment conference will be distributed to the selected audience in advance!"

"That's right! It's a whole set!"

"It is issued in advance!"

"Including small poke balls, one-to-one poke balls, and a virtual game room!"


After Liu Jin finished speaking, the atmosphere immediately became philosophical...

When friends look at each other, they can see the little flames burning in each other's eyes.

After all, from now on, they are competing with each other.

But at this time in Yang Wei's live broadcast room, it was another scene.

"Look... Young Master Mu made ten sets, but this is a full ten sets!"

"That's right, look at yourself for impotence, why did you smoke five sets? You haven't kept up with the leaders! You will fall out of favor in the future!"

Seeing this statement, Yang Wei curled his lips quietly, and secretly said something stunned.

If labor and management give away [-] or [-] sets, wouldn't that steal the leadership's limelight? This is a taboo in the workplace!

The self-satisfied Yang Wei ignored the nonsensical viewers, but began to count the prices guessed by the viewers in his live broadcast room.

On the other side, at the Suguang Entertainment press conference, Liu Jin waited for the audience to get excited before saying:
"So, who are the lucky viewers who can get the favor of Goddess of Luck today?"

"Next, ten ticket numbers will be randomly drawn on the big screen, and the winners will go to the backstage to collect their prizes after the press conference."

After speaking, Liu Jin picked up the remote control in his hand and started the lottery draw.

"Number 38!"

"Number 66!"

"Number 69!"

"Number 103!"


After the ten numbers were drawn, ten people were happy at the press conference, and thousands were sad!
"Brother, can you sell this set of things? Is it worth [-] RMB?"

"I'll offer 3, brother, can you sell it to me?"

At this moment, a lot of people surrounded the audience at number 38. It looked like a small auction, where a group of people were scrambling to increase the price.

And around the other nine winning audiences, there were also many people, who were also rushing to bid there.

Liu Jin on the stage naturally also saw the following situation, but he did not try to stop it.

However, after hearing some of Ren's asking prices, in order not to be scolded after the press conference, he chose to announce the price of the virtual game warehouse first.

"Hehe, everyone doing business in the audience can wait for a while, because in order to avoid any unpleasantness for the teacher, I will announce the price of the virtual game warehouse next."

After Liu Jin finished speaking, the audience who had been noisy before became quiet for a moment.

This price really touched the hearts of many people. After all, there are still millions of viewers watching Yang Wei's live broadcast room eagerly.

"The official price of the game warehouse is 26888RMB!"

After Liu Jin finished speaking, the audience in the audience was not as noisy as before when they heard the price of the poke ball, but was silent.

After a while, there were a few faint sounds of swallowing saliva echoing in the quiet press conference.

The same is true for the bullet screen in Yang Wei's live broadcast room. The entire live broadcast room was quiet for a while, and then the bullet screen slowly floated out.

"This price... ahem, it's really touching!"

"Hehe, are you moved? I dare not move! I don't have money to move!"

"Hahahaha! [-], I guessed it right, Impotence is about to announce the list of winners! I haven't seen it announced at the press conference, why are you still haggling!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, if it's [-] yuan, then Yang Wei is worth more than [-] RMB compared to this lottery draw!"

"Viagra is popular, Viagra is generous, and Viagra will marry more than [-] wives!"

"I also guessed [-], Viagra, hurry up and draw a lottery!"


After Liu Jin announced the price, the audience was stunned for a while, but the audience in Yang Wei's live broadcast room were the first to react and urged Yang Wei to go to the lottery quickly.

Yang Wei also followed the audience's request and announced the list of winners.

Although the value of the lucky draw this time is not as high as that at the press conference, the popularity is not small.

In the end, after Yang Wei announced the list of winners, the five winners happily sent their IDs and contact information to Yang Wei. When the virtual game warehouse came out, Yang Wei would naturally send it out.

emmm, of course, for the viewers who did not win the lottery in the live broadcast room, it is quite uncomfortable ╯﹏╰.

This time, five people were happy and millions were sad.

At the press conference, the audience gradually came to their senses after being shocked by the price of 26888 for a while.

After that, the intense...whispering began again.

"This price... can't be said to be close to the people, but it's still... emmm, the kind that can be barely accepted."

"Is it okay to barely accept it? This is [-], not [-], not [-], it's even more than half a year's salary!"

"But this price is not unreasonable, after all, it is such a cutting-edge technology!"

Immediately, someone retorted that it was reasonable for Shuguang Entertainment to set this price.

"No matter how cutting-edge the technology is, this is just a machine for playing games! It can't bring about great changes in our lives. The price is really... unacceptable."

Immediately, the audience held different opinions and refuted from the sidelines.

"Emmm, I have money, and I just want a game console like this, can't I?"

At this time, a young man with the appearance of a rich second generation interjected lightly beside him.

"Ha ha……"

The person who refuted the price before didn't say anything, just smiled and took away a piece of contempt.

After the price was announced, Liu Jin said that the new product launch conference of Dawn Entertainment was officially over.

Everyone also left the venue of the Shuguang Building slowly amidst the intense exchanges.

 The fourth update is here... Ask for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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