Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 185 What to Buy?

Chapter 185 What to Buy? (add more for Shanbanxian)

After everyone left the venue, reporters A, B, C, and D, who had previously "conspired" to write about Shuguang Entertainment, stopped not far from the Shuguang Building.

Of course, they stopped at this time not to write about Shuguang Entertainment, to write a little black article about the virtual game warehouse, but to...

"Cough cough, Xiao Bing~ Tell me, how does brother treat you?"

Reporter A hugged Reporter C's shoulder very affectionately, and spoke in an extremely warm tone, as if the two were brothers who hadn't seen each other for many years.

"Very good! Brother Jia, you treat me like a real brother. You usually think of asking me to do everything, so that you can train me to become a talent as soon as possible."

"Haha, yes, Xiao Bing, you are still very enlightened. You know that Brother A is supporting you, so do you want to transfer the prize you won just now to Brother A? Don't worry, my brother, Brother A will definitely not let you go. You are at a disadvantage!"

Reporter B also took the opportunity to beat the side drum, but they showed their fangs while talking.

"Transfer? No! I like Pokémon so much, how can I transfer it?"

When reporter C heard that he was asked to give up his prize and hand it over to reporter A, he immediately shook his head like a rattle.

Reporter A's face, which was still warm and sunny before, changed from sunny to cloudy when he heard Reporter C's refusal, and suddenly became gloomy enough to drip water.

"Xiao Bing stop thinking about it?"

Reporter A asked again in a deep voice.

"No, then Brother Jia has nothing to do, so I'll go home first!"

Reporter C also felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere of the scene at this time, so he decided to use 36 tricks as the best strategy.

Just like that, the three reporters, A, B and D, could only watch helplessly as reporter B happily left the scene.

Reporter B looked at Reporter C, and asked cautiously:
"Boss, shall we... still write Little Black Letters?"

Reporter Ding also reacted, and said:

"Should we make this virtual game warehouse a little hotter for Xie De? Only then can we treat the boss behind us better, right?"

Reporter Ding felt that there was nothing wrong with his analysis, and he would definitely attract the attention of the boss.

"I'll write about your size! Go back and write normally! Don't mess with me, otherwise, next time you all go to form a team with A Bing and go out on a mission!"

Reporter A said something very uncomfortable and angry, and then left the Shuguang Building angrily.


After Suguang Entertainment's press conference ended, the enthusiasm caused by the Poké Ball and the virtual game room also slowly subsided over time.

After all, these new products are only a concept up to now, and no specific products have been released, so it will be a matter of time before the enthusiasm subsides.


Three months later, in March of the following year, the enthusiasm for the upheaval in Xia Kingdom's domestic game market caused by the two companies of Shuguang Entertainment and Xinhuo Games also completely disappeared in the long river of time.

The players should still eat, drink, and play League of Legends, CS, or eat chicken if they have nothing to do.

Although these games, the "youngest" PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has already been played for a year.

The oldest games, like CS, have been released for the fifth year, so they can be regarded as ancient games of Suguang Entertainment.

However, in mid-March this year, Dawn Entertainment announced a news that made countless fans extremely excited.

That is, the middle-aged people in their [-]s and [-]s, and the teenagers in their teens are looking forward to it, and at the same time they are very familiar with the Pokémon, which is finally coming out.

Under Muchen's Weibo, once again fell under the saliva (greetings) of netizens.

"Mu Chen! Come on~ How long will it take for Pokémon to be released?"

"The money is ready, Mu Chen is here quickly!"

"The money is ready, Pokémon is coming!"

"Hey, can the little brothers upstairs give me an elf ball? The little girl can warm the bed, cook, and beep QAQ!"

"Big JJ cute girl, go away! I only saw you 5 minutes ago, this is better than begging for a girl to mate under the topic of making friends in the same city, and now you come here to pretend to be a girl?"

On the day when Shuguang Entertainment announced that Pokémon will be released a week later, many netizens rushed to tell each other that it was like a new year in March.

Seeing these excited netizens, Mu Chen expressed a little confusion.

This f*cking game hasn't even been released yet, so I'm so excited. If it is really released on the day, wouldn't it explode in place?

With such doubts in mind, Mu Chen waited until the day when Shuguang Entertainment released Pokémon a week later.

At five o'clock in the morning on the day when Pokémon was released, most players were already on the Internet, waiting for the Pokémon to be released at 8 am.

Of course, the vast majority of netizens are planning to start with the small Poké Ball, which is the one that can only be used with the switch.

After all, the one-to-one Poke Ball price is made me cry.

There is also a reason why netizens got up so early and stood in front of the computer.

Because Shuguang Entertainment said in the announcement that due to the lack of production capacity of Poké Balls, there are only 1 small Poké Balls in this batch, and only [-] one-to-one Poké Balls because of the high complexity of production.

This news immediately made many netizens gearing up, and those netizens who had already prepared their wallets became nervous.

No way, before they know the news, they can still sit on the Diaoyutai and just wait for the day of release to pay.

But now that the number is limited, it depends on whose internet speed is faster and whose hand speed is faster.

This also made many netizens resentful.

But... scolding is scolding, complaints are complaining, the real fragrance must still be the real fragrance.

It is impossible to miss the first time to play the game that you have wanted for a long time because of a moment of unhappiness.

It's 7 a.m., an hour before the Poke Ball shopping lanes open.

"Xiao Hei, turn off the computer where you download porn, don't affect my internet speed!"

In a college dorm, a college student yells at the roommate next to him.

"Hold the grass! Why are you panicking? What time is it? There is still an hour, enough for me to download several volumes!"

The two started a heated debate early in the morning because of the pornography issue.

As for why he downloads porn in the morning, it may be because the school's internet speed is fast at this time...

On the other side, a 30-year-old young man tiptoed, turned over carefully and got out of bed, quietly walked to the study room, turned on the computer, clicked on the official website of Shuguang Entertainment, and waited for the arrival of 8 o'clock.

"What are you doing?"

A voice suddenly sounded from behind the old youth.

"Hehe... my wife~"

"I... I... I'm going to buy something for you~"

At this moment, Pokémon and everything are just floating clouds, and my life is more important.

"Ha~ Thank you husband~"

"Then you should come back early after shopping~ It's a bit cold in bed alone..."

Seeing the back of his wife when she returned to the room, the old young man shed tears of regret.

My private money...

 The fifth update for the rudder master "Mountain Banxian" is coming...

  emmm, because I was shocked by the earthquake in the middle, it took a lot of time to put on clothes and run the post is late


(End of this chapter)

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