Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 186 Chapter 178 Reachable Duck?Garlic King 8?

Chapter 186 The first seventy-eighth reachable duck?Garlic bastard?

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the moment the download channel on Suguang Entertainment's official website was lit up, countless netizens who had been waiting for an hour or two in front of the computer quickly clicked the mouse in their hands.


"Taishang Laojun, Patriarch of Sanqing, Grandpa Tathagata, Lord God! You must bless me!"

While waiting for the purchase results to be refreshed, many netizens frantically prayed to the gods of the East and the West, hoping to bless themselves once they hit their souls.


The vast majority of people can only cry and look at the three big red letters "sold out" displayed on their computer screens!
Five minutes after the opening of the sales channel, the official websites of Muchen and Shuguang Entertainment were blasted again by netizens who couldn't buy Poké Balls.

"Damn, what the hell is this? I woke up early in the morning and waited in front of the computer for two hours, but I didn't even get a hair! Instead, a friend of mine , I turned on the computer at 59:[-], and I bought it as soon as I went in, and it was a one-to-one poke ball. I was so envious that I cried! T﹏T”

"Ahem, the one upstairs, just ask, is your friend still short of friends? It's nothing else, I just want to share with him the experience of grabbing things, and by the way, look up at the real Poké Ball~"

"Emmm, has anyone bought a Poké Ball? When it arrives, come to Shanghai to make an appointment, okay?"

"Fake! I'm envious of the boss who bought the Poké Ball by real name. Can you post a photo on Weibo so that we Africans can take a good look at it?"

The comments from the netizens in the front are quite normal, but the comments in the latter part are purely for venting their anger.

"The profiteer Mu Chen! Get out of here!"

"The profiteer Muchen! Lied to my feelings and ruined my youth!"

"Businessman Muchen! Accompany me with the poke ball!"


"Master Mu, 3 small Poke Balls and 3 Poke Balls are one-to-one. The Poke Balls were all sold out at 8:[-] in the morning."

In Shuguang Entertainment's office, Liu Jin went to report the sales of Pokémon Ball as soon as he saw Mu Chen appear in the office.

After Mu Chen heard Liu Jin's report, he raised his eyebrows, obviously a little surprised.

But immediately, Mu Chen asked:

"Did you ask the factory to step up stocking?"

Now Mu Chen knows without even looking, those players on the Internet must have been blown up, maybe now his Weibo comment section and private messages have been blown up by netizens.

So he had to learn about Suguang Entertainment's production capacity as soon as possible, so as to comfort these irritable netizens.

"Turn up, we're working in three shifts now! But the fastest batch of goods will be in next week, and there's only 5 pieces in total..."

Liu Jin looked at the report in his hand, and immediately gave Mu Chen a clear answer.

"That's fine~"

"By the way, if our elf ball is the fastest, when will it reach the player's hand?"

Muchen also wanted to see the feedback of the Pokémon Poké Ball in the hands of the players as soon as possible.

"The fastest, it should be the players in the imperial capital area. Basically, it will be in the hands of the players this afternoon."

When Mu Chen heard this speed, he also felt that it was okay, so he didn't ask any more questions, and turned around to try to appease those extremely irritable netizens on Weibo.

"Ivy Batty!"

"Tell you a good news~"

"In the next week, there will be a batch of [-] Pokeballs going online, with small and large ones accounting for a certain proportion, so please don't worry about it~ Stay rational, stay awake, and don't scold me in private messages on Weibo ,otherwise……"

"Be careful that your number is gone! ( ̄~ ̄;)"

Mu Chen's arrogant speech reached the ears of many netizens (mainly those who didn't buy poke balls) through Weibo around nine o'clock.

Netizens have said...

I'm so...

This is what you've been waiting for!
emmm, as for why not continue to Bibi Mu Chen, it is certainly not because of his coercive power or the like.

But netizens saw that Mu Chen said that there will be a new batch of goods next week, so they naturally have no reason to continue comparing...

I can't write any more...

In fact, netizens just succumbed...

No way, if you compare it again, the title warning may be a joke, but if you give you a Pokémon Ball that you can’t buy, it’s still okay...

If at that time, after a long time of comparison, Mu Chen punishes him, wouldn't it be worth the loss? !

Sand sculpture netizens still understand this kind of ratio, and they will not mess around in front of their own interests.

Soon, under Mu Chen's appeasement (threat) on Weibo, the netizens who didn't buy the Poké Ball restrained their prehistoric power a little bit.

However, when the time passed to around two o'clock in the afternoon on the day of the sale, some players near the imperial capital had already received poke balls.

Under normal circumstances, at this time, more than 60.00% of the people who receive the goods will choose to show off the treasures they have snatched (hard work) in the circle of friends.

And this show off directly made the group of netizens who were suffering from the advanced stage of red eye disease that Mu Chen calmed down in the morning once again become irritable + impatient.

For example, now, a netizen who is showing off on Weibo likes to mention Dang licking the hot search in the afternoon.

"Ahahahaha, although I'm very close to Shuguang Entertainment Company, I still didn't expect it to arrive so soon, hahahaha! I need to get on my hips for a while!"

At the end, a picture of laughing with arms akimbo was added under the text on Weibo, and a photo of the courier box with the Suguang Yule logo printed on it that has haunted countless netizens.

And the bottom of this lucky netizen is full of comments from netizens who come here for fame (envy, jealousy and hatred).

"Ahhh! Oh my god! Why should I click in to see it so cheaply?!"

"I'm also from the imperial capital, why haven't I arrived yet?"

"Didn't you see the landlord say, his house is very close to Shuguang Entertainment, let's take a look at you ~ is it outside the fifth or sixth ring?"

"Hey, I don't want a poke ball, can you get me a house near Dawn Entertainment?"

"Hehe, for a house in the second ring road of the imperial capital, let's see if my annual salary is enough to buy half a toilet!"

"Emmm, half of the toilet is heartbroken. After all, people have to have dreams~ What if we buy a lottery ticket and win 800 million yuan~"

"6666, compared to this, I'm still half a toilet and half a toilet, slowly getting it together!"

"The building is crooked..."

"That's right, the most important thing to do now is to let the landlord show us the appearance of the Poké Ball and the Pokémon you drew. It's okay if you can't afford it!"

"The host said that she burns incense and prays, takes a bath and changes clothes, and then draws a fraudulent Pokémon..."

Seeing this, netizens prayed with the utmost sincerity, praying that the first man to get a Pokémon would draw a Kodak or Garlic!
 Attending the graduation ceremony today, I was delayed all day, took various photos, held meetings, and ate and drank... I didn't go back until eleven o'clock...

  All, having said so much, said that there is only a short and weak update today, and it will be added tomorrow!
  Thanks to the book friend "Xin S Zhe" for the reward, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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