Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 187 Mythical Beast Grass Mud Horse

Chapter 187 Mythical Beast Grass Mud Horse

Perhaps it was because the first player who opened the box was shrouded in resentment from countless netizens. Not long after, this player posted his first Pokémon on Weibo under the eyes of everyone.

That is the water-attribute Pokémon known as the naive Pokémon, which is so angry that people will not pay for their lives-Kudduck!

"Ahh! Why? If I were to switch to a normal online game, I would be the first player to enter the game! Not to mention any other rewards, but why is the first Pokémon a Pokémon?"

On the Weibo picture of the first player who received and unpacked the Poké Ball, a yellow duck with a few dull feathers on its head was staring at it above a fist-sized Poké Ball. ahead.

"Oh, this little duck is quite cute, the host is discouraged..."

"Hahaha, don't worry bro, Kodak is still very good, besides, if you really don't like it, you can catch other Pokémon in the future~"

"Also, Kodak Duck seems to be quite powerful. He has the power of mind and can petrify enemies. He is a very powerful duck!"

Emmm, when netizens saw that the first Pokémon in this world was Kodak, they were all under the Weibo of this "lucky goose", seemingly sad, but in fact they were all gloating and "comforting" this Fortunately, a group of viewers.

Shuguang Entertainment Office, Mu Chen also saw this lucky goose Pokémon trainer who was awarded the Reachable Duck on Weibo.

"Haha, Xiaomo, look, this person's Pokémon is also a Duck~ But he doesn't seem to have a big cold for this duck..."

Muchen teased Tang Xiaomo who was studying Poké Balls at the side of the office.

Emmm, that's right...

Tang Xiaomo's own elf ball, she took the initiative to choose Koda Duck to be her first Pokémon.

Of course, don't say random or anything.

As the proprietress of Shuguang Entertainment, what's wrong with asking for a Kodak?
Just come to a Mewtwo!

"Huh? How could someone despise such a beloved little yellow duck? You see, it's silly and cute, how could it be despised by others?"

Tang Xiaomo looked at the Kodak Duck in front of her who was looking at her with its head tilted, and couldn't help but want to touch the dull hair on the Kodak Duck's head.

Of course, Tang Xiaomo had tried it before, and she couldn't touch anything, it was just air.

"Okay, let's go back and touch the doll at home~"

When Muchen saw Tang Xiaomo making such a naive gesture again, he couldn't help saying angrily.

"~Rain Girl Wugua! I just want to touch the real Pokémon Duck! Do you think there is such a thing as Pokémon in the world?"

Tang Xiaomo, after being arrogant for a while, wondered if there would really be Pokémon in the world.

"Okay, where did you get so many Pokémon? Are you 484 stupid again? I said you are thinking about something every day with your little head, read the book carefully, and learn how to deal with those companies with Lao Liu if you have nothing to do Business is right!"

Now Muchen is working hard to train Tang Xiaomo into a more qualified company manager.

After all, after the situation of the holographic game Pokémon stabilizes, he will start working on the first game in the virtual game room - World of Warcraft.

emmm, it's just that this reality development game seems to have such a little bit of difficulty.

Tang Xiaomo, a silly girl, is like squeezing toothpaste to the company's management. Only when Mu Chen and Liu Jin are away or when she is not free, will she deal with company affairs when she has no other choice.

But in normal times, don't look at how Mu Chen keeps asking Tang Xiaomo to learn from Liu Jin how to handle affairs.

Kuo is...

She was just fishing for three days, at least she would have to dry the net for more than ten days!

"Don't want to learn~ Stamping and signing every day, it's so boring!"

When Tang Xiaomo heard that Mu Chen asked her to study company management again, she instantly turned into a monster, and acted like a baby to Mu Chen crazily.

Ran goose ...

Our Young Master Mu is no longer that innocent little virgin, and he will never be seduced by Tang Xiaomo's low-level acting like a baby.

"No! You must learn!"

Mu Chen's attitude was very tough, and he very clearly expressed his rejection.

Hearing Mu Chen's tough tone, Tang Xiaomo's pretty face turned serious, and made an expression that said the baby was unhappy and needed coaxing.

Seeing Tang Xiaomo's expression and hearing the faint humming and chirping from her mouth, Muchen remained unmoved.

Tang Xiaomo sees Mu Chen as if I can't hear, I can't see, and I don't want to ask.

Biting her lip lightly, her face suddenly turned a little rosy.

Immediately, she walked up to Mu Chen's side, leaned close to Mu Chen's ear, exhaled like blue and said something, immediately causing Mu Chen, who was still as hard-hearted as before, to have a slight change in his face.

However, Mu Chen chose to continue to stick to his principle of not speaking, and continued to ignore Tang Xiaomo.

And our classmate Xiao Tang saw that Mu Chen was still gritting his teeth and insisted, so he said something in Mu Chen's ear.

But this time, after Mu Chen heard Tang Xiaomo's words, he couldn't hold back anymore.

"you sure?"

Mu Chen's voice was slightly excited.

"Oh~ how many times do you want me to say something so embarrassing?"

After Tang Xiaomo finished speaking, she was shy for a while.

As for Mu Chen, he showed a satisfied smile, and didn't mention Tang Xiaomo's learning about company management anymore.

As for what the two secretly exchanged, it is difficult to elaborate.

In short, they are all grown-ups, so what they are talking about is naturally a topic among those grown-ups.

………Adult Segmentation………

The next day, many players who bought Pokémon balls received their long-awaited Pokémon Pokéballs one after another.

Of course, for unboxing.

Oh no~ Now it should be said that it is a kick-off, the old fans and players of Suguang Entertainment can be said to be quite familiar with it.

After all, some players with relatively high krypton gold have already kryptonized several thousand RMB, converted to the previous Xinyue system, which is enough to be a member of Xinyue.

Therefore, for these players, the kick-off is the same as opening the box. The old churros players said that there is no such thing as the European Emperor and the African chief.

As long as you krypton enough, sooner or later there will be a day when you leave Africa and enter Europe.

This is the conclusion they came to after using countless RMB for krypton gold experience.

No, a Haoerdai whose coordinates are located in the villa area of ​​Modu was looking at the fist-sized poke ball in front of him, and directly chose to open it, without any fancy prayers.


He found a divine beast appeared in front of him, the real divine beast—alpaca grass mud horse!

 Ask for a ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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