Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 201 The Great Era That Is About to Begin

Chapter 201 The Great Era That Is About to Begin

Apart from posting a CG of World of Warcraft in the middle, the insane Shuguang Entertainment didn't have any news about the new game.

Gao Cheng once wanted to ask Mu Chen, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

At the same time, not only Gao Cheng was full of resentment, but those fans of Shuguang Entertainment who had been looking forward to it for a long, long time, almost spat at the door of Shuguang Entertainment's company.

Emmm, although you can't spit out Shuguang Entertainment in real life, but on Weibo, the netizens don't care who you are.

"Shocking! The new games of the two most powerful game companies in the country are delayed at the same time. Is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?"

"Emmm, there is news from Xinhuo Game, next June, there is still half a year..."

"Hold the grass, last year it was said that it was June this year, but it jumped directly to next year? Is it so hanging?"

"What about Shuguang Entertainment? Why is there no news yet? Are you going to keep jumping?"

Some netizens saw that Xinhuo Game had posted a message again, and they were very concerned and asked about Shuguang Entertainment's news.

"There's a P!"

"Could it be that there is something wrong with the new game?"

Some netizens began to play the fine tradition of bold guessing.

However, this speculation was like stabbing a hornet's nest, causing countless fans of Shuguang Entertainment to spit out their mouths.

"Speak if you can't speak!"

"It was only said two months ago that Suguang Entertainment is already testing the new game World of Warcraft. What could go wrong?"

Of course, the entire network is not all fans of Suguang Entertainment, there are supporters, and naturally there are doubts.

"Why can't there be problems in the test? Maybe the problem was discovered during the test?"

"That's right, they are all a group of brainless fans, Mu Chen is also a human being, and as a human being, he will make mistakes, this is unavoidable!"

"Hahaha, Shuguang Entertainment is finally at the end of its rope! I want to set off firecrackers to celebrate!"


Well, what that person said in the end directly triggered a scolding battle.

However, at this time, Mu Chen was indeed guessing like those rational netizens on the Internet, the new game World of Warcraft really encountered such a small problem.

emmm, it's not a problem in the game.

It was Mu Chen who was hesitating whether to conduct an internal test of World of Warcraft.

The current situation is that if the internal test is carried out, the launch time of World of Warcraft will definitely be delayed by one or two months.

Originally, it could be launched at the end of March next year, but at least it will be postponed until the end of May or June.

Emmm, the reason why it didn't go online earlier is because the production capacity of the virtual game warehouse can't keep up with it. It took nearly ten days just to produce the one hundred game warehouses downstairs in Shuguang Entertainment.

Only ten units a day...

In Muchen's office, Liu Jin saw that his boss was still thinking, so he said:
"Young Master Mu, let's do an internal test, otherwise we will only be able to produce [-] game warehouses by the end of March, and this number is still in addition to the inventory produced in the previous six months."

After finishing speaking, Old Liu paused and continued:

"If two months later, after the production efficiency is slowly improved, when we release the game warehouse, the inventory can reach [-] units!"

After Liu Jin finished speaking, he just looked at Mu Chen like this.

"Then it's okay to sell it directly first, and then wait for the follow-up finished product to come out. We can also seize the opportunity!"

Lin Sen, who was watching the show, suddenly expressed his opinion.

"Seize the opportunity? Whose?"

Liu Jin was stunned for a moment.

"Fire Game!"

Before Lin Sen could speak, Mu Chen answered first.

Moreover, there was a weird smile on his face.

"That's right! Their new game is scheduled to be released in June next year."

"Then... Young Master Mu, let's... why don't we stop the closed beta?"

Liu Jin also suddenly understood after hearing about the fire game.

If Mu Chen didn't say it, he would have forgotten about this rival company.

"They haven't heard from them for so long, is there any big move besides the new game?"

Liu Jin then guessed with divergent thinking.

Mu Chen shook his head when he heard Liu Jin's guess, and said with a light smile:

"Hehe, it's really a big move, but it's just in that game."

Seeing Mu Chen's expression of knowing everything, Liu Jin asked cooperatively:

"Then... what exactly is the action?"

"Remember the knight game that Xinhuo Game represented in Europe two years ago?"

Muchen didn't answer directly, but asked Liu Jin back.

"Remember~ I heard that a lot of wool was collected, but I just don't know if it will continue to operate."

Liu Jin still has a little impression of this game.

"It's still in operation. Although the number of players is small, they are all local rich players with strong purchasing power. Now it can be regarded as a small source of income for Xinhuo Game."

Lin Sen knew it very clearly.

"Hehe, it's okay, that's not what I'm talking about."

Under the puzzled eyes of Liu Jin and Lin Sen, Mu Chen continued to speak.

"Didn't I ask someone to check which company's game he represented, but I couldn't find it."

"But now, I finally found out the old boy's backer!"

When he said this, Mu Chen's tone had become stiff, and there was even a hint of chill.

To be honest, Liu Jin and Lin Sen, as veterans who have been with Mu Chen for so long, have never seen him so angry.

"It's fine for this old boy to act as an agent for European games. After all, it's a business. The idea of ​​making money is understandable."

"But he actually sold 80.00% of the shares of Xinhuo Game Company to the company behind him!"

"That is to say, the current Xinhuo game is the thug of the game company behind him in our Xia country, and the hand that makes money for that European game company in our Xia country game market!"

Hearing Mu Chen finished speaking, Liu Jin's eyes lit up, and he murmured to himself: "No wonder some of their krypton gold levels have been getting higher and higher in the past two years, so high that they can't play without krypton gold. That's right!"

"Which company is behind the Xinhuo game?"

Lin Sen asked.

"EG Game Company..."

Mu Chen spit out these words lightly.

"The game company that asked us to represent a mediocre game before? The legendary game company that is the most powerful in Europe?"

Liu Jin blurted out the relationship between EG Games and Shuguang Entertainment.

Muchen didn't expect Lao Liu to remember it so clearly, he had to go through the records to find out.

"Well, it's this company. I didn't expect that he has been dormant for so many years, because of the virtual game market that is about to open in our country."

Mu Chen explained the ultimate goal of this EG game company.

"It's no wonder that our PC games have basically not encountered too many powerful competitors in Europe these years. I didn't expect them to start preparing so early!"

Liu Jin was very emotional.

He thought it was because Shuguang Entertainment was already invincible, but the result was that the opponent didn't seem to be in the same field as them before.

 One more (1/3)

(End of this chapter)

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