Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 202 Confirming the Closed Beta

Chapter 202 Confirming the Closed Beta
"In other words, this EG game company in Europe has long planned to enter our game market after the advent of the virtual game warehouse?"

Liu Jin finally asked a question as if concluding.

"Well~ that's almost what it means, it's to join forces with Ma Teng to grab food!"

Muchen was very angry, very angry.

He hasn't even taken the initiative to find trouble with those European companies...

Well, in fact, Liang Zi has long been married.

As early as Mu Chen let his Shuguang game platform enter Europe, America and other continents, he was already a thorn in the side of those foreign game companies, a thorn in his flesh.

At that time, Shuguang Entertainment had already seized the market in other people's territory, and now after a few years, it is normal for people to want to grab his Shuguang Entertainment's market in turn.

emmm, Mu Chen took it for granted.

What's yours is mine, what's mine is still mine, I can take what's yours, but you can't take what's mine.

"Then... are we still in the closed beta?"

Finally, Liu Jin brought the topic back to the original point, whether or not the closed beta of World of Warcraft should be carried out.

"Test! Why not!"

Mu Chen said firmly.

"Didn't Xinhuo Game release his new game in June, then let's conduct a closed beta first, and wait until June to release it!"

"When the time comes, when the fire game is over, we Shuguang Entertainment will also give EG a gift in return. I believe that World of Warcraft will also shine in the European market!"

That's right, Mu Chen intends to fight with those foreigners in the virtual game market as well as the PC market.

In addition, the holographic game that has not been released in Europe and America before: Pokémon, Mu Chen believes that it will definitely achieve quite good results.

Emmm, as for why Pokémon didn't come out in Europe and America, it's purely a matter of small money.

After all, in addition to the slightly higher production and transportation costs, there is also the need to arrange some large-scale holographic projection equipment, and the cost is simply rising exponentially.

In the end, the accountants of Shuguang Entertainment added up the costs and came to the conclusion that the gains outweigh the losses.

Closer to home, let's talk about the internal test.

"Then how do we conduct internal testing? Are there any conditions for random invitations?"

Liu Jin asked again.

Mu Chen lowered his head and thought for a while, his eyes lit up, and he said to Liu Jin:
"How about this!"

"Holding an event on the entire Shuguang game platform, as long as players play Shuguang Entertainment's games within a certain period of time, they will have the opportunity to qualify for the closed beta; of course, we are not the kind of unreasonable people. We should also invite those players who have made significant contributions to Suguang Entertainment..."

Liu Jin was okay when he heard the previous one, so it was understandable, it was just a sham activity.

But the second half of Mu Chen's words involved his knowledge blind spot.

What is a player who "has made significant contributions to Sugon Entertainment"?

Could it be that our Shuguang Entertainment has awarded some achievement awards to players?What kind of contribution award?

Liu Jin, whose inner activities were all made up into a small theater, could only look at Mu Chen in a daze, waiting for his boss to explain to himself the meaning of that great contribution.

Mu Chen looked at Liu Jin not knowing why, looked at himself in a daze, and then explained:


"It's those players who are working hard to enrich our Shuguang Entertainment's small coffers!"

"Without these players freeing up their wallets, our Shuguang Entertainment would not have grown to this point so quickly! It is a big reward of gratitude!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Chen didn't look at the confused faces of Liu Jin and Lin Sen, and continued talking about the conditions.

"From top to bottom, players who have recharged more than [-] RMB will be given an internal test quota~"

"Old Liu, remember to count the number of players, and arrange the game room then."

As soon as Mu Chen's voice fell, Lin Sen, who had already reacted, immediately said tentatively:

"Young Master Mu, then... we can sell the virtual game first, anyway, those players who are eligible to directly get the internal test qualification are basically able to buy the game warehouse, so we don't have to arrange too much in the company game room."

Liu Jin nodded in agreement when he heard what Lin Sen said, and said:
"Xiao Linzi is right."

"Moreover, these players are definitely more willing to buy a game warehouse, rather than having to go to Shuguang Entertainment to play games."

Seeing that both of them said this, Mu Chen agreed with them after thinking about it for a while.

Those thick leeks are really not suitable for playing games here.

"Okay, let's combine the sales of the game warehouse and the issuance of the internal test qualification, and proceed at the same time."

"This may increase the sales of some game warehouses."

Mu Chen said with the final word.

Two days later, after checking the company's inventory, Mu Chen always felt that the game warehouse with a total of more than 2000 units was still a little short, so he called Shuguang Entertainment's production line to continue to increase production.


January 1st is another small long holiday that office workers and student parties love to see.

Of course, for the anchors of Turkey Entertainment, holidays also mean more viewers.

Although Yang Wei, our turkey head row, has passed the time when we still need to hold festivals to increase traffic, but because her girlfriend Wang Xiaowu came home, he is currently the only one in the imperial capital, and this fellow is too lazy to go out and spend time. , so he nestled in his imperial capital's "small nest" of more than 200 square meters, and opened a live chat to pass the time.

"Why doesn't a baboon go out for a swim today?"

"Hahaha, because Wang Xiaowu didn't bring him home, Bizheng felt wronged!"

"That's just right! Quickly take out your weapon that has been boosted by 15, and then charge it, maybe it will reach 16!"

"Fash the wool! Let's play League of Legends. You said last year that you will be the king this year. Today is the first day of this year. Go to Waves and get a good start!"

Yang Wei looked at the audience's suggestions in the barrage and responded one by one.

"No increase, I had a fight with Celia last night, and I don't want to give her pocket money today!"

"League of Legends doesn't want to play either. The sun in Summoner's Canyon is so hot these two days, it's hot to walk!"

Yang Wei's tone of voice when he said these words, coupled with his bored expression, made it sound like it was true.

"I believe you a ghost!"

"God is so hot jio! Then why don't you say that the grass is too hard? The keyboard is too soft?"

"Fuck off the dead baboon! Celia is my wife! You still want to cuckold me?"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa than at ata than to play a new game!"

"Hehe, the latest new game has to wait for the virtual game of Suguang Entertainment or Xinhuo Game, but can you afford the virtual game warehouse?"

"Of course I... can't afford it!"

 Ask for votes! (2/3)

(End of this chapter)

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