Chapter 211
After all, the series of tricks to cheat players this time were carefully designed by Mu Chen, which was not found in the original World of Warcraft.

Unlike Black Soul, it's just that the difficulty of the game itself made players feel that it was impossible at the beginning.

And this kind of difficulty problem is actually not considered to be cheating players. After all, love grows with time... Ah bah, after practice makes perfect, players will not be too challenging to play Black Soul again.


Thinking of this, Mu Chen felt that he seemed to have to put a game rescue operation on the agenda again.

However, the so-called putting on the agenda is actually to write down these thoughts first, and when you are free, or to be precise, when Mu Chen happens to be free and remembers these schedules, then he will act.

For example, now, when Mu Chen thinks that Black Soul should have a sequel, he also thinks of a schedule that he mentioned before he doesn't know how long—CS's rescue plan.

But...but it's not the same.

Even if he thinks about it now, he can't do much. After all, World of Warcraft is still at the critical point of the closed beta, and he doesn't have time.

Thinking of the internal test, Mu Chen was going to go to the office to find Lao Liu again.


"Old Liu, to what extent do you think our internal test has been carried out? Will there be any changes in the future?"

Mu Chen is more concerned about Liu Jin's thoughts on the internal test.

After all, Lao Liu is recognized by Shuguang Entertainment... the mythical beast + koi, Mu Chen thinks his opinion is very constructive.

"Uh... this is..."

Although Liu Jin was slightly puzzled by Mu Chen's sudden question, but after hesitating for a while and organizing his words, our Liu·Kini·Pixiu·Jin still opened his mouth and said:
"Young Master Mu, I think our closed beta should not be too long. After all, World of Warcraft is indeed an extremely mature game now. The reason we conducted the closed beta at the beginning was just to see how players feel about the first virtual game. level of acceptance."

Having said that, Liu Jin paused and continued:
"Although there is no effective player feedback yet, I believe the final result must be very good."

"And the second reason, which I think is more important, is what Young Master Mu said before, the firecracker game."

"Some time ago, they once again revealed to the outside world that their Xinhuo game will release their first virtual game in June."

"So, in my opinion, our main purpose is to make a fuss about Ma Teng, and the closed beta is just incidental, so that we have a reason to delay the launch of World of Warcraft~"

After finishing speaking, Lao Liu swallowed a little to moisten his extremely dry throat.

Then, he stared at Mu Chen, wanting to hear if his boss had any different opinions.

Of course, the main reason is to pretend to be Xiaobi, after all, he is a man who wants to be called Pixiu! (I don’t know if there are male and female Pixiu)

Muchen also saw the look on Old Liu's face, I can't do it, I'm talking nonsense, but his eyes are full of - "Praise me!"~
Although he really didn't want him to accept it and pretend to be successful in front of him, but... Liu Jin did have a point.

"Ahem, yeah, it's almost what you meant, Old Liu."

"Then how long do you think our closed beta should last?"

Muchen continued to ask Liu Jin, asking him to pretend as much as he wanted at once.

And Liu Jin also rarely had the opportunity to wear this kind of comfortable clothes. In the past, there were many people in the place, and Mu Chen asked him to pretend that he didn't go.

On the contrary, now that there are only him and Muchen, Lao Liu has to let go a lot.

This... is a typical boring man!
"Emmm, regarding the duration of this closed beta, if nothing happens during the period, then I think a week is pretty good."

Liu Jin smiled and said his answer.

"A week!?"

Mu Chen was extremely surprised when he heard Liu Jin's answer.

"Old Liu, a week is too tight!"

Hearing Mu Chen's question, Liu Jin raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said confidently:
"Because... there is nothing wrong with our game! If the closed beta has been going on for a long time, and there is no change in the public beta, wouldn't the thousand and five hundred players who are qualified for the closed beta have a huge advantage?"


Mu Chen, who had never experienced the internal test in his previous life, felt that Liu Jin was right at this moment.

If the content of the game is let players finish playing during the closed beta, what will they play after that?play snake?

"Ahem, alright then~ let's beta test for a week, and announce the good news to these beta players in the evening!"

At this moment, those closed beta players who are still fighting in Azeroth don't know that their closed beta trip was shortened to a week by Mu Chen and Liu Jin in just a few words.

For example, our Young Master Feng Xiafeng, he is looking at his task panel and laughing, as happy as the five hundred catty silly son of the landlord's family.

"Hahahaha, I really am a genius. It took me only two hours to reach level five. I just want to ask, who else is there!?"

Because of the closed beta stage, this time World of Warcraft did not open the major lists.

And this has caused many players to look like they are number one in labor and capital when they look at their panels.

After all, not everyone likes to put their rank on their foreheads, that doesn't look cool, but rather silly.


Our young master Feng Xia called out another operation panel, and after messing around, he——successfully displayed his level on his forehead.

Many animals in nature have a habit, that is, when they are just born, they will regard the first living thing they see when they open their eyes as their father or mother.

And the reason why our classmate Feng Xia is like this is also because he was influenced by seeing a third-level boss with a "3" on his forehead at the resurrection birth point when he just entered the game.

Naturally, Feng Xia, who has reached the fifth level now, feels that he is a strong person (higher than the third level), so he is very proud to show his level.


Feng Xia walked out from the birth point of the resurrection in an extremely chic posture like a dragon and a tiger (he hung up directly in order to hurry).

Emmm, however, the imaginary Mengxin with envious eyes did not appear in front of Feng Xia.

What's more, Feng Xia felt it was too much, there were actually two orc players looking at him with two hundred and five eyes.

How can it be repaired!
I, Feng Xia, am a level five powerhouse!

I am not afraid of you!
 I just finished my busy work today, and it will be a little later...

  Guaranteed three times tomorrow~
  Thanks for the reward from the big guy ", drunk????".

(End of this chapter)

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