Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 212 How Can It Be Repaired!

Chapter 212 How Can It Be Repaired!
At this moment, Feng Xia's inner drama is extremely rich.

The moment he saw the eyes of these two people, Feng Xia thought:

Hold the grass!

What do these two forced mean?
How crazy do you have to be to look down on my fat tiger so much?
How dare you use this kind of eyes to look at you, Young Master Feng, a majestic fifth-level powerhouse, are you looking for shit?

Thinking in this way, Feng Xia held his head high, strode with pride, and walked towards the two green-skinned savages with great arrogance.

And the two orc players looked at each other even more when they saw Feng Xia approaching them.

"Are you two~ scared?"

"It's still too late to beg for mercy, so I won't hold you accountable for blindly looking at me!"

Feng Xia walked in front of the two orc players, imitating his father's usual tone of reprimanding him, and immediately gave them a head start.

Two brats, grandpa, I'm scared!

Tremble!Weak orcs!
After Feng Xia finished what he felt was extremely domineering, he directly looked up at the sky at a 45° angle, trying hard to create the appearance of a tall man.

Therefore, when he was looking up at the sky, he didn't see the extremely strange expressions of the two orc players in front of him after they looked at each other.


It's that kind of...

We are all professionally trained, and generally we don’t know how to laugh—unless we can’t help it!


"Damn it! Is this a funny comparison invited by Teacher Zhang?"

"Ahem, civilized people, just hold your breath!"

"But I really can't help it! Hahahaha!"

The two orc players were laughing and communicating with each other using "six studies".

The almost dying laughter of the two of them directly pulled Feng Xia out of his fantasy world.

He saw himself sitting on the seat of the city lord of Stormwind City, and countless players below him were paying attention to him, and there were two beside him, oh no, three, emmm, it was still missing.Anyway, there are countless beautiful city lord wives standing around.

However, the beautiful and yearning scene in Feng Xia's mind was interrupted by a burst of laughter.

Feng Xia looked at the two orc players leaning back and forth laughing in front of him, he was puzzled, but more angry.

As a level five powerhouse, it's fine if these two weak chickens don't give me the respect they deserve, but now they dare to laugh in front of me!

The most important thing is that it was still when he held the enthronement ceremony of the city lord.

Although this is in a dream, and it is still a daydream, it is unforgivable!
Uncles and aunts can bear it, but he, Feng Xia, can't bear it today!

"You guys, what are you laughing at!!??"

Well, the tone is still the same as before, full of majesty.

Hearing Feng Xia's question, one of the stronger orcs grinned and said:

"Hehe, you missed a word 'bi', add this word, and you will know what we are laughing at!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at his companion again, then continued to laugh loudly.

When Feng Xia heard that he missed a single word, the big eyes given to him by the blood elves were full of doubts.

But when Feng Xia heard the orc player say that the last word with less is "bi", his anger directly reached max.

(#`皮)<angry angry angry angry!!!
How can it be repaired!
How dare I give you the title of Young Master to play with flowers!

Without further ado, Feng Xia took out the crude long sword in his backpack with an attack power of up to 18 points, which is five times the attack power of a novice long sword, and stabbed straight at the two who were still laughing at the end of their lives. Orc player.

And the two players laughed even harder when they saw the swords drawn and stabbed them.

"Boy~ If you can really kill our two brothers here today, we will give you a big red envelope when we go out, okay? Huh? Hahahaha!"

"Really, we are talking to you very seriously."

The two are like singing a double reed, each with a sentence.

However, although these words made the two orc players happy, to Feng Xia, it was no ordinary shrimp and pig's heart.

"Hehehe, okay! Let's see how labor and management let you two green-skinned blood splatter on the spot today!"

Laughtered angrily, Feng Xia turned the sword in his hand into a slash, trying to split the two green-skinned orcs in front of him into four pieces.

If possible, he would also like to sew their mouths shut, and change the curvature of their mouth corners from this (* ̄︶ ̄) to (`へ) this!

When the crude long sword in Feng Xia's hand, which had five times more attack power than the novice long sword, was about to touch the two orcs, Feng Xia showed a bloodthirsty and cruel smile.

It was as if he had seen the two of them being torn apart by him.

Ran goose ...

The reality made Feng Xia a big joke.

Just when his spear was about to pierce the skin of the green-skinned orc, a flash of lightning suddenly fell.

he died.

Don't want to die.

Even Feng Xia could smell the aroma of barbecue just a second before GG.

And the two orc players saw that Feng Xia's scorched corpse disappeared, they didn't choose to leave immediately, but continued to wait there with smiles on their faces.

1 minutes later.

Feng Hansan, who was burnt from electric shock, came out from the resurrection birth point again.

But this time, he didn't do any more walking and tiger walking, and there was no BGM of Fa Ge's appearance, he just ran straight outside.

"Hold the grass, you two bastards are actually playing dirty with me! There is someone who is upright and fair to fight!"

Feng Xia was very angry, and felt that the lightning bolt that killed him just now was the work of these two orc players.

Therefore, the player Feng Xia asked to do it all over again!

The two orc players looked at each other, revealing an expression that was as expected.

Then, he nodded to Feng Xia.

Two minutes later, the three came to a room with a ring in the center.

Seeing Feng Xia's puzzled face, the strong orc player said while walking:
"If you fight in the city of Stormwind, you will be chopped to death by heaven, so you can only come to the PK area of ​​the ring."

"Hehe, otherwise, when you were born, you would die even uglier than before!"

And Feng Xia listened to the orc player's words in a daze, he didn't even listen to the orc player's provocation.

"This is so... the script is a bit different from what I imagined!"

Not only did no one see him as a fifth-level boss and bow down, but two orc players laughed at him, then seduced him, made him die of the thunder, and finally soloed with him.

This is so...

Just like that, Feng Xia, in a state of extreme skepticism about life, stepped onto the ring without any hesitation.

"Boy~ Today, you Master Lei taught you to be a good boy, don't put your grade on your forehead casually!"

After finishing speaking, the top of the strong orc player's head lit up, and a big number "8" leaped above the green head.

(End of this chapter)

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