Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 221 Retreat and Server Opening

Chapter 221 Retreat and Server Opening

After Liu Jin sympathized with his boss for 2 minutes, his mind returned to business.

"Master Mu, are you sure about the shooting game you planned to make?"

Although Liu Jin is skeptical about Mu Chen's previous decision to make an fps game, but out of trust in his own boss ability, our old Liu still believes that Mu Chen can release a new fps game.

As for Mu Chen here, after hearing Liu Jin's question, his old face couldn't stop turning red even though he was extremely thick-skinned.

Immediately, Mu Chen laughed and said:
"Uh... Well, after my careful consideration these days, I still decided not to do fps."

However, Mu Chen still read the book "Actor's Self-Cultivation" when he was bored.

Therefore, he adjusted his face and expression the next moment after he was embarrassed.

For example, now, he has a serious face, looking at Liu Jin like I really have serious consideration.


And our upright old Liu didn't think much at all. After hearing that his boss said he wouldn't make fps games, he asked subconsciously.

"Emmm, because after thinking about it for the past few days, I found that the idea of ​​this fps game is not very mature. If it is made in such a hurry, there may be some problems in quality."

"In this way, it will even damage our Shuguang Entertainment's reputation for creating high-quality products.

So, I finally decided to make a Dark Souls style game. "

"Stay safe and win! Don't blindly advance~"

Mu Chen's high-sounding and righteous words raised Mu Chen's height in Liu Jin's mind in an instant.

Seeing his boss' haggard and somewhat stubborn look, Lao Liu was deeply moved.

"Huh~ Fortunately, my acting skills are in place, otherwise I will be ashamed today! My glorious image is almost lost~"

Relying on Oscar-like superb acting skills, Mu Chen started to explain the idea of ​​this new game carefully to Old Liu after he finished fooling Liu Jin.

So, on the second day, Liu Jin, who was in a hurry, and Mu Chen, who was taken by Liu Jin in a hurry, called together the shrimp soldiers and crab generals of the Shuguang Entertainment virtual game production team, ah bah, they are elite soldiers and giants, before starting the retreat mobilization meeting.

"We have only one purpose and requirement for making this game, and that is - to let players all over the world know how to write the word 'death'!"

Mu Chen's domineering opening remarks directly shocked the game development programmers of Shuguang Entertainment sitting below.

They all thought at the same time, is the new game this time so bloody and violent? The boss said it was so cruel when he came.

Afterwards, Muchen began to tell his employees the story to write the word "death" with his ability to fool his skills, which is the same as his acting skills.


Time passed slowly when Mu Chen and the others were retreating.

In a flash, it was more than two months.

It's the annual...Children's Day again.

In addition to being a festival for the majority of children, today is also an extremely important day for Ma Teng, who has been struggling in Shanghai for several years.

That is, the father behind him, the father who supported him with technical support, plus... anyway, he was the father who finally made the first virtual game in May.

Afterwards, their Xinhuo game started a frenzied and viral publicity.

Similarly, with the foundation of the new game, Ma Teng naturally has the confidence to sell virtual game warehouses.

Therefore, the sale of the virtual game warehouse of his Xinhuo game is also going on simultaneously with the promotion of their new game "Legend of Shushan".

And today, that is, June [-]st, is the day when his new game "Legend of Shushan" officially launched.

It was just past nine o'clock in the morning, and Ma Teng set the new game's opening time at twelve o'clock in the noon.

No way, even though today is Saturday, Ma Teng is not as confident as Mu Chen, and he always starts the server at [-]:[-] in the morning.

If Ma Teng's Xinhuo Game's new game starts at [-] or [-] in the morning, he estimates that except for a small number of loyal fans of their Xinhuo Game who will enter the game immediately, others will definitely choose to continue to sleep.

Therefore, he wisely chose the time of 12 noon.

After all, eating lunch is not about sleeping in, it won't take long.

"Xiao Wang, how many units have been sold in our virtual game warehouse so far?"

After calling his secretary, Ma Teng asked calmly.

The secretary flipped through the documents in his hand quickly, and answered after a while:
"Mr. Ma, as of [-] o'clock this morning, our virtual game warehouse has sold a total of about [-] units, and the price of each unit is [-] RMB."

Ma Teng raised his eyebrows and continued to ask:
"What is the price of Dawn Entertainment's game room?"

"It's 26888RMB, which is about the same as ours~"

The secretary immediately answered Ma Teng's question.

After hearing the prices of the two game warehouses, the corners of Ma Teng's mouth couldn't stop rising.

This is his masterpiece.

At the beginning, he deliberately waited until Shuguang Entertainment announced their pricing before he, Ma Teng, set such a perfect price for his game warehouse.

Although it is the same game warehouse, there is no difference, but a little difference in price can often bring a lot of gains.

Of course, what Ma Teng thinks here is not necessarily money gain.

After all, the profit and sales volume of the virtual game warehouse is where it is now, and it is impossible to make a lot of money by relying on the game warehouse alone.

But if games are added, the benefits will not be as simple as one plus one.

This is also the reason why Ma Teng had to wait until the virtual game warehouse came out no matter what, before challenging Shuguang Entertainment and Mu Chen.

Because after the virtual game warehouse comes out, the structure of the game market will definitely change.

The situation where the two major markets of the PC game end and the mobile game end are fighting each other will become a three-legged situation after the addition of the virtual game warehouse.

And Ma Teng just wants to compete with Mu Chen again on this newly added third leg of the game market.

After all, on the PC game side, Mu Chen kicked him out six years ago. If he hadn't hugged his thigh behind him, there probably wouldn't be a company like Xinhuo Games now.

As for the mobile game market, Ma Teng has more than enough energy.

So the opening of the virtual game market this time, in Ma Teng's view, is an opportunity to fight Mu Chen again.

Of course, they're not a fair one-on-one.

Behind the fire games, there is still a wretched fat man hidden - the boss of the European EG game company, Griffin.

He has always been eyeing the Xia country game market.

 Second update~
(End of this chapter)

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