Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 222 Virtual Game Internet Cafe

Chapter 222 Virtual Game Internet Cafe
On the other side, in Shuguang Entertainment's office, Mu Chen and Liu Jin, who had retreated for more than two months, left for the first time.

After all, they have been looking forward to this good show for a long time, and they must not miss it.

Besides, they had already thought about what program to arrange for that old boy Ma Teng two months ago, so there was no reason why they couldn't get out of the customs.

"Young Master Mu, then are we really going to go directly without publicity today? Wouldn't this be a bit bad?"

Although Liu Jin also wanted to give that old boy Ma Teng a hard time, but he never thought that what his boss wanted was to come up with a head-to-head on the day when the Xinhuo game server was launched, or even at the same time. .

This is a bit too steely.

In Liu Jin's view, on the basis of the launch of Xinhuo Game's new game server, it's good to postpone it for a day or two, and after a few waves of basic game promotion, it's good to go to touch porcelain again!

As a result, now that it's done, their new game has been promoted for a month or two.

As for my own game, it just had an internal beta test more than two months ago, and the popularity is completely unmatched!
"Hehe, who said that I will open the server at the same time as Ma Teng?"

Mu Chen said with a mysterious smile.

Liu Jin: "? ()wow?"

When Mu Chen saw Old Liu's expression on Yazi's bewildered face, he gave a charming smile, then walked up to Liu Jin and said a few words in Liu Jin's ear.

After finishing speaking, Muchen immediately returned to his seat and looked at Liu Jin quietly.

Mu Chen knew that his right-hand man needed some time to digest what he said, after all, he himself felt that such an approach...was a bit too much~
And our Liu Jin, Liu Laoshi, just as Mu Chen thought, after listening to what the boss said, he stood there motionless, as if he had been frightened ten thousand points.

"Ahem, old Liu~"

"You go down first and make arrangements according to what I just said. Shopping malls are like battlefields. You must know that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to yourself!"

Mu Chen saw that Liu Jin was still in a daze, so after assigning the task, he also used the lines he learned from those workplace TV dramas in his previous life to soothe Liu Jin's shocked heart.

As for Liu Jin, when he heard Mu Chen tell him to go down and arrange today's plan, he slowly reacted.

"Uh... Alright Young Master Mu, let's go right away!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Jin hurriedly left Mu Chen's office, as if there was some scourge inside.

At the same time, there are many comments on the Internet about Xinhuo Entertainment in the past two months, especially when their new game server is launched today.

"Anyone who played Firework Shushan Legend together?"

"What kind of Shushan Legend are you playing? Could it be that World of Warcraft is not fun for me?"

"You can't say that, World of Warcraft hasn't come out yet~ It doesn't matter if you play it first!"

"Everyone upstairs is awake, have you bought all the virtual game warehouses? What game are you discussing over there now? How many dishes?"

Just when several netizens were discussing what kind of game to play in the topic of Weibo, suddenly some netizens stood up and said that they wanted to wake up those who were blind to Jill.

Indeed, if it is as normal, whether it is the virtual game warehouse of Suguang Entertainment or Xinhuo Games, the price is not a small sum.

Don't look at how the netizens usually talk about themselves on the Internet, how rich they are, how they go out in luxury cars, and travel with all the bosses.

But... Maybe they are actually just sitting in front of their computers eating instant noodles and typing on the keyboard.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with what this netizen said.

It's just that sometimes... the slap in the face just comes so fast!

"What's wrong with labor and capital? If you can't afford it, can't you go to an Internet cafe?"

Immediately, a netizen who was almost irritated refuted it, and even said something extraordinary.

"Internet cafes? Can Internet cafes play virtual games? Didn't the Shuguang Entertainment official respond to this?"

The netizen who was about to wake others up with urine was immediately stunned by this answer.

"Tsk tsk tsk, did you just connect to the Internet in Brother Village?"

"I don't know about other places. Anyway, I saw two virtual game warehouse Internet cafes in Shanghai~"

"Emperor Capital also has it!"

"Yangcheng is also..."

It's okay if you don't ask, but as soon as you ask, many netizens will stand up and say where there is a virtual game Internet cafe in their city.

In fact, the reason why there are so many virtual game Internet cafes in major cities is also because of Shuguang Entertainment.

After the closed beta of World of Warcraft ended, many netizens asked Mu Chen if he could open the virtual game experience area of ​​Shuguang Entertainment to all players.

But Mu Chen didn't choose to respond at that time in order to get a hand with these players, and then this matter passed by as time passed.

But... The most indispensable thing in this world is smart people.

You know, among the player groups of Dawn Entertainment, rich players account for a large proportion.

And the homes of these local rich players are mostly merchant families. Under the influence of what they have heard and seen, these Ren's business sense is still very good.

Therefore, rich local gamers who are not short of money and have brains directly spend a lot of money to buy dozens or one or two hundred virtual game warehouses, and set up a virtual game Internet cafe like the virtual game experience area of ​​Shuguang Entertainment.

And some netizens who didn't know about this kind of Internet cafe started a new round of questions.

"Have you ever used Shuguang Entertainment and the leader of the game room at Xinhuo Games at the same time? Tell me about the feeling, do they feel the same?"

"Also, you said that the game warehouses of these two different companies can't be compatible with the same game? For example, use Suguang Entertainment to play Xinhuo game..."

I have to say that the questions these players asked were very in-depth, which can be said to hit the nail on the head.

"Hen! There is no news about World of Warcraft now, and Shushan Chuanyou Yao waits until 12 o'clock to open the server, who knows that they are not compatible~"

"Ahhh, I really want to be the network manager of a virtual game Internet cafe! Did you go to the interview together?"

"It's still the same question, how much is it for an hour? How much is the night package? If the price is still the same as that of ordinary Internet cafes, labor and management will definitely pay him for three days and three nights!"

When all the netizens were talking about the price of the virtual game Internet cafe and the compatibility of the two, suddenly a netizen with the ID "Master Feng" spoke up.

"I personally tested that the two virtual game warehouses are compatible. After all, this thing uses the same technology. As for the price... it is about three times that of ordinary Internet cafes, which is about 10-20 RMB. Not decided~”

When netizens saw this Weibo comment, they basically thought it was a high-end outfit.

 One update is coming~
  At five o'clock tomorrow, Ivy Batty is ready for the ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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