Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 223 On the Eve of the Collision~

Chapter 223 On the Eve of the Collision~
"Hey~ Pretend to be a monster and show up quickly! It's as if your home is a virtual game Internet cafe!"

"That's right, I don't want to give you a single point for your pretense~"

"Cough cough, maybe he is a real local tyrant? What, boss~ Can we get a discount or something when we go to your Internet cafe in the future?"


For a while, netizens on Weibo launched a heated discussion on the comment posted by this ID as "Feng Dashao".

Most of the netizens think this guy is a Hongguoguo pretending to be a monster, and a small number of them are carrying out the legendary dog-licking ceremony there.

Of course, neutral sitting on the fence and eating melon pie is essential.

And just when everyone was discussing extremely intensely, the person involved, "Young Master Feng", spoke again.

Uh... only one picture was posted this time.

In the center of the photo is a man with a mosaic thicker than Fusang ***, but when netizens on Weibo saw this photo, their attention was not on the mosaic, but on this Behind the mosaic man—full, rows and rows of virtual game warehouses with silver-white shells.

The visual impact of this photo is not ordinary. No one replied within a minute or two after the "Feng Da Shao" sent the photo.

Then, netizens started a new round of fancy dog ​​licking contest.

No. [-] licking dog said: "Ahem, can this brother meet for a while? Not for other reasons, the main reason is that the mosaic on Xiongtai's handsome face is really energetic, and I want to make friends with Xiongtai!"

No. [-] Licking Dog spoke: "Dad~ Why do you have a mosaic on your face?"

Dog Licking No. [-] said: "Grandpa! Those things behind you must be very heavy. Grandson, I am very strong. Let me carry it for you, okay?"


Licking Dog No. N spoke: "My ancestors! Your descendants are unfilial, how can you bear so many things by yourself?"

At the same time, on the other side, there was also a person being licked by countless people.

Turkey Live, Room 6612138.

Yang Wei looked at the barrage in his live broadcast room and coughed a little arrogantly.

"Ahem~ Hurry up and stop your dog-licking behavior. Is this anchor the kind of person who can be swayed by a few words?"

It's just that what he said seems to be useless, and there are still some dog-licking barrages of various categories frantically on the barrage:

"The host is so handsome!"

"The anchor is extremely invincible and the spiral pineapple is handsome!"

This is a direct line of praise for appearance.

"Xiao Wu is so beautiful, she matches our baboons in just one word - perfect match!"

"That's right, you've been married for a long time? What a match made in heaven~"

These are roundabout routes.

Of course, the most frequent ones are those who recognize their relatives, and they say "father", "grandfather", "ancestor" and so on. The way is simply wild.

And why?

Why did Yang Wei's live broadcast room full of love and peace turn into a big dog licking scene in an instant?

Approaching science, take you to find out!
emmm, a string of words.

All in all, the reason is that Yang Wei revealed to the water friends in the live broadcast room 2 minutes ago that he opened a virtual game Internet cafe in the imperial capital.

At the beginning, to the audience in his live broadcast room, this news was like dropping tons of explosives on their heart lake full of quiet, peace, love and peace.

It directly dried up all the water in their heart lake, and they couldn't calm down at all.

After all, the turkey live-streaming Yang Wei who usually plays games and cooks, is not as handsome as himself, and is often beaten by his girlfriend, quietly opened a virtual gaming Internet cafe costing tens of millions , water friends can accept it is strange!

It was agreed to fight Gai together and decline together, but impotence suddenly turned into tall, rich and handsome (?), this... the surprise before and after is even bigger than the Pacific Ocean.

Afterwards, tens of thousands of water friends sighed in Yang Wei's live broadcast room (Cha Lemon) after Yang Wei, the guy who quietly went to make up lessons during the nine-year compulsory education.

The live broadcast room became a large-scale dog licking scene very, very logically.

"Ahem, don't know where to go, the Internet cafe hasn't opened yet, even if you invite you to go online, you won't be able to use it!"

Yang Wei spoke again to appease these water friends who were in a hurry to recognize their father.

"Not open? No! Isn't Shushan Chuan of the fire game going to open at 12 noon today?"

"That's right, we are honest people, you can fool us!"

"Hey~ you 484 are stupid? Impotence is a loyal fan of Young Master Mu (licking dogs), and Young Master Mu is the boss of Shuguang Entertainment, and Xinhuo Game and Shuguang Entertainment are in a competitive relationship. Enemies? In the past, they would have suffered peanuts!"

Regarding the debates and speculations of the water friends, Yang Wei just smiled and didn't say anything.

Emmm, in fact, he also wanted to say something, and he wanted to open the business sooner, after all, it was all small money one day earlier.

However, Muchen didn't say that World of Warcraft has been in public beta for a long time, even if he opened it, he wouldn't be able to play the game.

Just when our Yang Papa Wei was feeling sad in the live broadcast room because he missed a lot of opportunities to make a small amount of money.

His cell phone rang suddenly, and when he looked closely, it was Mu Chen who was calling.

After notifying the audience in the live broadcast room, Yang Wei got up and went to answer the phone.

"Yang Wei~ I remember you seem to have said that you opened a virtual game Internet cafe, right?"

"It's nothing, I just called to tell you that World of Warcraft will start its official beta test at noon today, your Internet cafe can prepare and start business~"

"Well~ it's okay, I wish you a prosperous business, I won't come here."


Five minutes later, Yang Wei returned to the studio with a flushed face after answering the call.

"Hold the grass! We know you are impotent, but you are too fast!"

"+Quin, old Chinese doctor, 12138***68."

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at Yang Wei's blushing, shiny face, and they started the train to the mysterious world one after another.

"Ahem, let me tell you some good news!"

Yang Wei sold the key in a serious manner.

"That's... at noon today, I have good news to tell you Meng!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Wei didn't look at the bullet screen full of exasperation and fragrance in the live broadcast room, and continued:
"Ahem, and, because something happened suddenly in the store, I have to download it in advance. It's 25:[-], see you at [-]:[-]~"

After finishing speaking, Yang Wei turned off the live broadcast directly, and went to Wang Xiaowei's live broadcast room next door, pulled her out, and excitedly told his girlfriend the news.

Then...the live broadcast of Turkey's famous husband and wife turned off the live broadcast on the pretext of having something to do.

 Two more birds~
  Thank you "Mountain Banxian" for another two thousand coins reward, thank you very much!
  It's five o'clock tomorrow, or I'll wash my hair upside down!

(End of this chapter)

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