Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 224 Sudden Arrival

Chapter 224 Sudden Arrival (15)

At [-]:[-] am on Children's Day, the entire Xinhuo Game Company was filled with tension.

After all, the results of the new game server opening this time determine whether their company can soar into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

"Has the server checked?"

"Is there any problem with the network connection of the game device?"

"Continue to increase the publicity on Weibo, forums, etc.!"

"Today, I'm going to let that kid Mu Chen take a good look at it!"

Ma Teng's orders spread from the office to the entire Xinhuo Game Company one after another.

At the same time, Shuguang Entertainment, Mu Chen's office.

Mu Chen, Liu Jin, Hu Feng, and Lin Sen, who is so soy sauced, also sat together to discuss today's "ambush" against Xinhuo Game Company.

"The news announced by Xinhuo Game is that the server will open at [-] noon today, right?"

Mu Chen was once again sure about this important news.

"Well, I'm sure it's twelve noon today, and their official website still said this time when they advertised just now."

Lao Liu, who has been paying attention to the opponent's situation, immediately gave Mu Chen an answer.

"Hehe~ that's good, then let's start the official public beta at [-]:[-]!"

Mu Chen said with a smile.

"By the way, for publicity, let's start the official publicity at 10:[-]. I believe [-] minutes is enough!"

"After all, if the publicity is early, it will give Ma Teng time to react, and the effect of our assault will be greatly reduced!"

Mu Chen continued to talk about the next arrangement.

"Uh...that what~"

Liu Jin was contemplating, and Lao Hu still looked like a buddhist programmer, but it was Lin Sen who came to make soy sauce and spoke first.

"Is 10 minutes... a bit tight?"

Although Mu Chen had explained this time issue before, Lin Sen still felt that such a small amount of time was unreliable.

"Hehe, Xiao Linzi, don't underestimate the speed of news spreading on Weibo and forums~"

"Besides, because of the particularity of the virtual game this time, not every player who sees our World of Warcraft server can enter the game."

"After all, so far, our virtual game warehouse has sold less than [-] units. Although the game is also charged, the number of players ultimately depends on the number of game devices. Not every city has virtual games. Not every player wants to buy games even if they don’t have a game store in Internet cafes.”

"So, this time we have only two goals: first, the number of simultaneous online users is the same as the number of game warehouses we have sold; second, to disgust Ma Teng as much as possible, it is best to let His [-] virtual game warehouses can't be full!"

After Mu Chen finished speaking sadly, he looked at the time, and there were still 5 minutes before the start of the show.

At this time, Ma Teng was also a little nervous.

If you say that he is also in his forties, and he has experienced the ups and downs of life... It stands to reason that he can still stabilize his mentality more or less now.

But I don't know why, he just feels very comfortable with jio, and always feels that something bad is about to happen.

"Xiao Wang, have you checked and prepared everything I ordered before?"

After calling his secretary, the restless Ma Teng frowned and said.

"It's all ready, Mr. Ma."

Xiao Wang saw that his boss's expression was not right, so he quickly answered.

" there any news from Shuguang Entertainment recently? Has their World of Warcraft public beta time been announced?"

Ma Teng immediately thought of his old opponent, the one he was going to challenge this time - Muchen.

"Uh... this, no!"

Secretary Xiao Wang hesitated for a moment, but still answered in the affirmative.

"No news at all?"

There must be something wrong with Ma Teng's jio.

"Well, their latest news about the new game is that Mu Chen said two months ago that he would start the production of a new game, and the rest is just some daily news or game news from Shuguang Entertainment; No news has been released."

After Ma Teng listened to Secretary Xiao Wang's answer, although he was relieved a little, the anxiety still lingered in his heart.

"Okay, the server will be officially opened in about twenty minutes, tell them to pay attention and cheer up."

"Today, our goal is to fill the virtual game warehouse of these [-] units with players!"

Ma Teng still forced himself to wash his head, and asked the secretary solemnly.

After Secretary Wang left the office, Ma Teng got up and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the indistinct traffic on the road below, his heart burst out with pride.

He, Ma Teng, will soon come to the game world once again as a king!
And just as Ma Teng was facing the demon land where he was infinitely YYing, Shuguang Entertainment's official Weibo, official website, and official forum simultaneously released a message without warning.

"My dears, the open beta of Shuguang Entertainment's new game "World of Warcraft" will be officially opened at 10:[-] in [-] minutes. I wish you a happy game!"

emmm, very concise, it can be said that it is a message that is extremely concise.

However, it was such a message of less than fifty characters that immediately detonated the players in the entire game industry.

"I'm in a hurry!"

"Ward God~ It's so sudden! Isn't today Children's Day? Could it be that April Fool's Day has been changed to this day?"

"Go to the Dawning Game Platform to have a look. I remember that World of Warcraft game purchases can be purchased on the PC side. Let's see if there is an open purchase channel!"

The World of Warcraft forum, Shuguang Entertainment's official Weibo, Mu Chen's Weibo, and various unofficial discussion forums, big and small, all went crazy because of this sudden news from Shuguang Entertainment.

Of course, this news must be more surprising than frightening to the bosses of those virtual game Internet cafes.

Little money comes too fast like a tornado~
However, those who should complain still have to complain.

For example, our classmate Feng Xia.

After he experienced a not-so-pleasant internal beta tour in World of Warcraft, he became particularly interested in news related to World of Warcraft.

Later, when he was wandering around the forum for nothing, he happened to see someone talking about the virtual game experience of Shuguang Entertainment, so he had the idea of ​​opening such an Internet cafe in the first place.

And for a second generation who can't be more embarrassing, as long as he has an idea, he can start right away.

Therefore, after applying for 2000 million start-up funds from the family, this "Axia's Internet Cafe" opened logically.

At this moment, our boss Feng Xiafeng was complaining while looking at the messages on the phone.

 Ask for a vote!
  The recommendation ticket and the monthly ticket are all handed over!
  Thank you "I'm funny, not cute" for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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