Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 225 Public Beta Begins

Chapter 225 Public Beta Begins (25)

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhh

Feng Xia hurriedly drove his own luxury four-wheeled electric donkey, while complaining loudly about the instigator of this incident, Muchen.

There is no way, anyone who is woken up by a phone call in Wenrou Township, and then you have to leave Wenrou Township because of this call, it will be this Yazi.

He was woken up by the phone, so he hung up the phone directly, and then prepared to fight with the little model next to him for another [-] rounds.

However, the phone rang again and again after hanging up, and continued to ring again after hanging up, so he could only suppress the restlessness in his dantian and answer the phone.

And then...he appeared on the crowded road in Shanghai, with a few lipstick marks on his face.

Feng Xia checked the time, it was already 45:5, and World of Warcraft was about to start its official public beta in [-] minutes.

But the fucking Internet cafe has not opened yet, and he himself is still stuck on the way to the Internet cafe, what's going on!
Looking at the red light with 60 seconds left, Feng Xia's foot on the brake almost couldn't bear it anymore.

But when I think about that year, I ran through a dozen red lights because of the drag racing, and was finally taken back from the police station to be hanged and beaten by my father.

Feng Xia immediately dismissed this idea.

Forget it, let's be late~ Maybe there are still many players who haven't reacted yet.

Feng Xia could only comfort himself like this.

But our other Internet cafe owner, Yang Wei, is different.

At this time, he was lying on the boss's chair in his office in the internet cafe, playing cheating on the live broadcast and the audience in the live broadcast room.

"How about it, I told you Meng that there is good news to tell you Meng before eleven o'clock, is it not a lie? Is this news the best for you Meng?"

After glancing at the barrage, Yang Wei continued:

"It's right to be explosive, then I will announce a generally explosive news.

The students in the imperial capital are blessed today. Today, you Viagra and I celebrate the grand opening of "Xiaowu Internet Cafe". All friends who come to play games, give as much as you charge! "

After announcing the news, Yang Wei waited for the audience in the live broadcast room to react for a while, then turned off the live broadcast, ready to receive guests, ahh, ready to receive players.

Because he had already seen some players rushing in.

"Viagra! Viagra! I'm your loyal fan, can the first player come for free?"

The first player who rushed in immediately started to make friends with Yang Wei as soon as he saw Yang Wei.

As for Yang Wei, for such active and cheeky fans, he has always liked it very much.

Therefore, Yang Wei justly rejected the fan's proposal.

The fans also knew that this matter was unreliable, so after they had spent 1000 yuan happily, they happily ran inside to find a virtual game warehouse, ready to get in.

"Hey! Will it work? Remember to read the manual after entering!"

Yang Wei reminded worriedly.

"Don't worry, Viagra, I've read the instruction manual countless times on the Internet, and I almost didn't memorize it!"

As soon as the player finished speaking, he immediately got into the game room.

After Yang Wei saw that the person had already entered, he timidly walked over to Wang Xiaowu who was sitting at the cash register and was the supervisor of the army, and smiled brightly.

"Daughter-in-law~ You see, there are not many people now, and World of Warcraft is about to start serving, I think...hehehe~"

Wang Xiaowu, who was chatting with the cashier girl, didn't speak, but looked at Yang Wei with her beautiful big eyes.

"Uh... Just kidding, I don't want to, I don't want to think about anything!"

Yang Wei smiled mischievously, and then just found a corner to hide and lick his wounds, and miss the days when he was single by the way.

In the same way, when Feng Xia, Yang Wei and other virtual game Internet cafe bosses were feeling sad and happy, the boss of our Xinhuo game, Ma Teng, could be said to be sad and wanted to jump directly from the 24th floor.

The time goes back to the time when our Ma Teng, Mr. Ma, was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window to YY.

Just when he was full of pride, Secretary Wang, who had just left the office for less than 2 minutes, rushed back in a panic.

"Ma...Ma...Mr. Ma! It's not good, Shu, Shuguang Entertainment, they, they just announced the news that World of Warcraft will be in..."

Having said that, Secretary Xiao Wang paused for a while because he ran up in a hurry.

And this pause directly made Ma Teng, who was there YY had already killed Shuguang Entertainment, furious.

"Be clear, what's the matter? Otherwise, you can go home today!"

Ma Teng resisted the urge to tell his secretary to leave immediately, and said through gritted teeth.

Secretary Xiao Wang paused for a while, and immediately said with trepidation:
"Well, Shuguang Entertainment just announced that their new game World of Warcraft will start a public beta at [-]:[-]."

After the secretary finished speaking, he took a few steps back cautiously, lowered his head, not daring to look at the expression on Ma Teng's face.

After Ma Teng heard what the secretary said, he was stunned.

"Are you sure that Shuguang Entertainment said it was [-]:[-] noon today?"

After slowing down for a while, Ma Teng said again with an incredible tone.

"OK, look..."

Secretary Xiao Wang nodded, and after finishing speaking, he took out the phone thoughtfully, clicked on the official website of Shuguang Entertainment, and handed it to Ma Teng with a livid face.

As soon as Ma Teng took the phone, his face became darker the more he looked at it, and he even felt a little pain in his heart.

And then... a few minutes ago, Ma Teng, who was still full of pride and ambition, especially in his heart, his eyes went dark... and he fell straight down.

"Mr. Ma! Mr. Ma!"

Then, 2 minutes before the World of Warcraft server was about to open, Ma Teng, the owner of Xinhuo Game Company, passed out directly because of the news of Shuguang Entertainment.

Let's not talk about the fire entertainment where Ma Teng fainted and jumped like a dog.

There is still one minute before the server opening of World of Warcraft, and the virtual game Internet cafes in major cities are overcrowded in just 1 minutes after Shuguang Entertainment announced that World of Warcraft server will be opening soon.

Feng Xia, who was located in Shanghai, even had to call a few of his good friends over to help.

No way, there are too many people.

Under the sudden attack of Shuguang Entertainment, Feng Xia's shop was not fully staffed, not enough at all.

As for Yang Wei, who was located in the imperial capital, he looked at himself in this overcrowded Internet cafe, showing a pained and happy expression.

In this way, the public beta of World of Warcraft officially begins!
 The second update is here!
  Ask for a ticket!

  Let's start with a second consecutive update...

(End of this chapter)

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