Chapter 248

At this time, Ni Youzan also used his thick fingers to nimbly flip through the Weibo content on the phone, and the Weibo homepage he was looking at was officially Mu Chen's Weibo homepage.

"Brother Mu didn't lie to me, the goods will be available soon, but I want to open two Internet cafes, and the virtual game warehouse needs hundreds of units. If it is pre-ordered, can it be delivered in one batch?"

Fatty Ni Youzan fell into trouble again at this time.

"Ah, it's so hard to make money by yourself, Mom~ I miss you!"

When Ni Youzan thought of these cumbersome things, and compared it with his previous scene at home, he felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to cry.

But, this time he came out one because he wanted to find the goddess of his dreams, the legendary Xiaomei who wanted to comfort the dog because the dog was depressed; ) came out, and wanted him to exercise, saying that he would not be allowed to go back unless he earned enough [-] million yuan.

Although our honest classmate Ni Xiaopang was going to tell his father honestly that he already had [-] million, but Ni Youzan's mother, who was by the side at the time, gave a subtle wink and told Ni Youzan not to say it. .

In the end, student Ni Xiaopang was successfully released to earn money.

Of course, this is just what Ni Youzan's father thought, because before Ni Youzan left home, his mother quietly told him that after he came out this time, he must find a daughter-in-law for her to go back. It doesn't matter if it's money or not. Despite the flowers, she will make up for Ni Youzan's quota of less than [-] million.

Originally, classmate Ni Xiaopang planned to refuse at first, but when he told his mother about this idea, his mother stared at him and said with a sinister tone: "If you don't bring me this time If a girlfriend comes back and doesn't save [-] million, then your father will have to go find your Uncle Chen, who has a daughter who is about your age."

After Ni Xiaopang heard this sentence, he was terrified, and flew to the United States overnight by plane to avoid the limelight.

It's not like he hasn't seen Uncle Chen's daughter.

Not only is he about the same age as him, but even his body type is also, maybe stronger than him.

Are fat people only worthy of having fat people?

I, Ni Youzan, just want to find someone who is thin, only half my weight!

Then, he met Xiaomei who comforted the dog in America, and then he chased back to Xia Guolai, and finally met Mu Chen, who awakened his life mentor.

However, I don’t know what kind of expression Ni Xiaopang would make if he knew that Mu Chen, the life mentor who explained that he didn’t want a girlfriend and only wanted games, actually had a girlfriend.

Just when Ni Youzan was thinking wildly, his phone rang suddenly.

He took it out and saw that it was Mu Chen, the life mentor he had been thinking of just now, calling him.

"Brother Mu, what's the matter?"

Mu Chen over there laughed and said:

"Little Fatty, uh, no, Xiao Zan, aren't you planning to open two Internet cafes? I've reserved [-] gaming machines here for you. You see, after you've found the venue, come to my company to pick up the goods. Bar."

Although I feel uncomfortable with the two titles of Mu Chen, an unreliable life mentor, Ni Youzan is really about to cry at this moment, but it is no longer sad, but the kind of crying with joy.

"Wuuuuuu, thank you~ Thank you, Big Brother Mu, you, you are my savior, I don't need to marry Chen Xiaohua!"

Although Mu Chen on the other end of the phone didn't know why the little fat man was so excited and talked about marrying Xiao Hua, such as Ru Hua, but he still smiled and comforted the fat little brother on the phone for a while.

After all, the reason why Mu Chen did this was mainly because he wanted to open more virtual game Internet cafes as soon as possible. In this way, the number of World of Warcraft players will naturally increase.

And our classmate Ni Xiaopang, after feeling that his gloomy life was saved, began to wander around the imperial capital, looking for one or two bigger venues to open the Internet cafe of his dreams.

At the same time, in Shuguang Entertainment, Liu Jin and Muchen were discussing the pre-sale of the game warehouse in the office.

"Young Master Mu, from the start of the pre-sale to the present, all the [-] game warehouses we pre-sold have been sold out within an hour."

Hearing Liu Jin's words, Muchen smiled and said, "It seems that we are going to buy some more production lines and factory buildings. Everyone is so enthusiastic. We are ashamed to keep enthusiastic players waiting for a long time."

Hearing what his boss said, Liu Jin almost couldn't hold back, saying that he was actually very embarrassed to keep the players waiting for a while, anyway, all the games could be delivered years ago, and spending money to buy them is really not worth the candle. .

But when he thought about the time when they liquidated Shuguang Entertainment's current assets a few days ago, he looked at the long string of 5s behind the number 0, even though he had worked with Mu Chen in the past few years and had seen many big scenes, He also swallowed his saliva in disappointment.

500 billion RMB, five times that of Dawn Entertainment four years ago.

And this is only the amount on the account, not counting the company building, those factories, production lines, and Fusang branch, etc., these are not counted, there are so many working capital alone.

Therefore, when he thought of this number, he had no desire to stop Mu Chen's buying behavior; after all, his boss didn't waste it, and investing something was better than putting it in the bank to earn interest. Although there is a lot of interest.

Moreover, what makes Lao Liu even more happy is that out of the 500 billion RMB, a little bit of it belongs to him, and of course Lao Hu, Lin Sen, and those old employees of Shuguang Entertainment.

Although the sum of these people may only account for less than one percent, but that is two to three hundred million yuan, which is enough for Liu Jin to buy a suite in the imperial capital. The full amount of money .

Thinking of this, the corners of Liu Jin's mouth could not stop rising.

Sitting opposite him, Monk Zhang Er, Monk Zhang Er, couldn't figure it out. He didn't understand why this man was talking, and then he started laughing, even with a trace of obscenity.

"Old Liu, it's time to eat!"

Muchen roared forcefully.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, Young Master Mu, I just went to think about the house."

Liu Jin also felt a little embarrassed at this time, he didn't expect his family to be so drifting, and he dared to think about buying a house in the imperial capital.

Although the account balance cannot be faked, there is still a little dream.

"Hehe, do you want to buy a house when you get the small money?"

"Ah, it's not good to live in a company all the time. I didn't have enough money before, but now I have so much. Of course, I should buy a set for myself."

Liu Jin said honestly.

"Okay, you can only buy a one-hundred-square-meter house for 3000 to [-] million yuan. How crowded is it to live in such a big place? Later, I will give you a set at my own real estate. It is guaranteed to be spacious enough!"

Seeing that Liu Jin was about to refuse, Muchen waved his hand and continued, "Not only you, but also Lao Hu, and Xiao Linzi."

"Don't worry, it's not worth a lot of money. My dad built the real estate in his head, but the market was not good at the time, so he didn't plan to sell it later, so he gave it to the company's employees."

Hearing what his boss said, Liu Jin didn't resist anymore.

Life is like this, since you can't resist, then enjoy it.

(End of this chapter)

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