Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 249 Sudden Arrival

Chapter 249 Sudden Arrival
After Mu Chen solved the problem of the welfare housing for several generals he took in, the things Mu Chen had to do during this period were basically over.

After the competition at the end of the month, he can go out with Tang Xiaomo and have fun.

Two days later, because the game time is generally too short, so this time CS, which started at the end of the group stage, started the finals first.

Actually, it's not that there is no bladder game, but... how should I put it, the strength of this year's CS participating teams is uneven, uh, Mu Chen thinks that unevenness is an exaltation of some teams.

Except for those two or three teams that have appeared in the SG Global E-sports Competition all the year round, Mu Chen doubted whether they have the strength of a small earth for the rest of the participating teams.

It's a jio dish!

Not to mention all kinds of blind comparisons, even in the semi-finals two days ago, there were negative competitions.

It was a team from Europe called rbq. The domestic audience kindly called them "untouchable". This was the first time they reached the quarterfinals this year, and even entered the semifinals for the first time.

So... when it came to the semi-finals, the players of this team began to let themselves go.

This time I really can't afford to provoke him.

In the semi-finals, their opponent was a team that also came from Europe, but they were the previous champions of the European Division.

Therefore, after they summed up, they felt that they couldn't win anyway, so they might as well be happy.

So... From the first round to the No.15 round, there were five members of their team, all of whom bought various throwing objects and went out.

It is estimated that I have played too much with chicken, and I want to try the man-made bombing area in CS.

When Muchen heard Ye Shengge tell him about this situation, he laughed outright.

Muchen appreciates this kind of team that dares to challenge the authority and is fearless.

So, in the end, Mu Chen gave rbq, a happy team, a suspension package.

In the beginning, the rbq team, from the manager to the team members, felt dissatisfied with the punishment given to them by the Shuguang Entertainment official, clamoring for justice.

Then...they were directly disqualified from the Europa League and sent to the secondary league.

This man is really a cheapskate.

Although Mu Chen's initial suspension was a bit severe, compared to a direct relegation, a one or two month suspension is not a problem at all.

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world, they still broke their legs after all.

After the final result of the rbq team's negative game handling this time came out, although there were still many European players who came over the wall and said it on the domestic CS forum.

But... When it comes to quarreling and scolding people, my netizens in Dahuaxia have never been afraid of anyone!
The group of European netizens who came to Xiaguo Forum last time to find fault, now the grass on the computer screen and keyboard is probably several feet high.

Today, two days have passed since the negative game incident of the rbq team, and the attention of netizens has shifted to the upcoming CS finals.

However, for this year's finals, the expectations of domestic players have plummeted compared to previous years.

Because, among the two teams in this year's CS finals, none of them has always been the Xia Guo team, and there is not even a Xia Guo player. (Because CS was first developed in China, there has been export of foreign aid)
In fact, if it were a civil war in a certain competition area, the domestic audience would not be so willing to watch it this time.

However, the wonderful thing about the finals of this word is that their two teams are the king team from the European division and the box team from the American division.

Originally, when the SG global e-sports competition just started, the big brothers from Europe and the United States were still in the same spirit to find trouble for the Xia Guo team.

And because these two teams are from Europe and America respectively, it has now become a situation of spitting at each other.

Even in order to cause unnecessary physical conflicts, Shuguang Entertainment specially adjusted the auditorium slightly, placing the domestic audience in the middle of the European and American audience as much as possible, so as to separate them.

Otherwise, it is estimated that the game will be played, and the audience will also fight.

Mu Chen didn't want to have European or American guys with big breasts suddenly stand up during the competition and shout: "Baidi Holy Sword, Yujian follow me!"
Then there was a body-to-body collision...

This kind of scene, Mu Chen is very frightening when he thinks about it.

This time the CS final was scheduled for the afternoon, Mu Chen took Mu Xiaosan, who had almost passed away, to the venue after having lunch.

However, when Mu Chen had just stepped onto the square of the e-sports venue, before he reached the entrance of the venue, a group of reporters suddenly rushed out from around the square and shouted at Mu Chen.

"Young Master Mu, I'm a reporter from the Imperial Capital Game News. May I ask how you feel about the domestic team's complete annihilation in the CS competition this time?"

Feelings like fart, Mu Chen almost scolded directly when he heard this question.

"Young Master Mu, I'm... May I ask how is the preparation of Shuguang Entertainment's new game? How soon will it be released? Is it after the game is over?"

To mud widowed!
"Master Mu, may I ask Shuguang Entertainment..."

"Master Mu..."

Mu Chen looked expressionlessly at the one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... so many microphones, recording pens and other equipment in front of his mouth, he felt dizzy for a while.

To be honest……

He has been here for six years, and today is the first time he has been blocked by reporters.

Although some reporters had said before that they wanted to interview him, and after being rejected, they were also blocked downstairs at Shuguang Entertainment's company, but at that time he was driving home directly from the garage, and they had no chance at all.

Over time, these reporters gave up their plan to interview Mu Chen.

But today is different. There are many more reporters who want to interview him than before.

"Today are these reporters fed up? They came to block me? I'm not a celebrity, rich man!"

Just when Mu Chen was blocked and couldn't move, complaining silently, and even wanted to herd Xiaosan to bite them, Ye Shengge brought the security guards from the stadium over.

Soon, this interview farce that came suddenly and disappeared suddenly ended inexplicably.

"Do you know what's going on? I was walking from here a few days ago, why did I come to interview today? So many people came here at once!"

After entering, Muchen asked Ye Shengge.

"How do I know that, I'm not a god!"

Ye Shengge rolled his eyes, patted Mu Xiaosan's dog's head and replied.

"I'm holding back. When I was surrounded by reporters just now, this stupid dog almost didn't pee in fright. It hid under my crotch and didn't dare to bark!"

Mu Chen looked at Mu Xiaosan and got angry.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm afraid you're thinking about farting. The third is a husky, not a Tibetan mastiff!"

Ye Shengge continued to roll his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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