Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 260 Warming Up

Chapter 260 Warming Up

Three months later.

Mu Chen held Tang Xiaomo with one hand, and the silly dog ​​Mu Xiaosan with the other, and walked out from the exit of the Imperial Capital International Airport.

"Ah~ long-lost winter, I'm back!"

Then, he slapped the pendulum fiercely to show his respect for winter.

At this moment, Muchen is much darker than when he left. Anyway, when the players see Muchen's skin color, they must not dare to open boxes or increase those who need European style in front of his photo. Behavior.

Muchen first sent Tang Xiaomo and Mu Xiaosan back home.

Because it happened to be morning in China when Mu Chen and the others came back, so Mu Chen went directly to the company after returning home.

When Liu Jin saw the complexion of his boss in Muchen's office, he froze there.

"Uh...Mu, Young Master Mu..."

"Your skin color...looks very suitable for your temperament!"

Liu Jin who came to report work looked at Muchen and stammered.

"Ahem, the Australian sun is a little bit hot, so I went to get a bronzed skin on purpose."

Mu Chen explained a bit, and then began to change the subject.

"Okay, let's talk about the company's recent situation first. I still don't understand it so clearly outside."

Liu Jin didn't continue to worry about Mu Chen's skin color, and replied:

"At present, the sales of the PC version of World of Warcraft are steadily increasing, and the third pre-sale event of the virtual game warehouse has also ended. This time, a total of about 1 units have been pre-sold, and all of them should be delivered around March."

"On the other hand, an employee in the mobile game department proposed to reproduce League of Legends on mobile phones and make a mobile game version of League of Legends. After discussing this matter with Lin Sen, I think it is very feasible. Now it has been called They started making it."

When Mu Chen heard this, his eyes lit up.

He didn't expect that the staff under him would actually sort out the pesticides.

He has never paid too much attention to the mobile game business of Shuguang Entertainment. Only after he took an onmyoji to plan it when he first established the department, he did not continue to pay attention.

"Well, yes, tell them to stop later and show me the game plan. I may have a good idea for this game."

Muchen talked for a while, and after Liu Jin nodded, he told him to continue talking.

"In terms of handheld games, we have discovered several good independent games during this period of time. Although we don't say they are popular, they have achieved some success."

"As for our main event this year, the wolf, it was completed a week ago, and it is now in the testing stage."

Liu Jin reported to Mu Chen all the recent important matters of Shuguang Entertainment in one breath.

"Well, yes."

Mu Chen nodded.

Liu Jin: "Then...Master Mu, when do you think Sekiro will be released?"

Mu Chen: "It's New Year's Day, there are still about 20 days left, it should be enough to promote and warm up those things."

Liu Jin: "Aren't we going to use the closed beta this time?"

Mu Chen: "No, World of Warcraft was released as a virtual game for the first time before, so I only tested the waters in closed beta, but this time, it is completely unnecessary. I still have great confidence in Sekiro."

After finishing speaking, Mu Chen seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly said: "By the way, give me the audio files of all the voice actors and listen to them later, the last time you sent me too little, I can't hear anything Feel it."

Emmm, before Mu Chen planned to go to Fusang to find a voice actor in person, but Tang Xiaomo didn’t have this stop in his travel itinerary, so Muchen simply let Liu Jin go, but he still participated in the selection of voice actors remotely. I still found a group of voice actors who are similar to the original version.

Liu Jin: "Okay, Master Mu."

"By the way, what...there are so many festivals recently, have we arranged any dinner events for our games?"

Muchen asked Liu Jin very cryptically.

Liu Jin looked at his boss with black lines all over his face, an activity is an activity, why do you have to add a "Qiafan" in front?
However, he still answered his boss's question truthfully.

"Yes, CS has added two new skins. Recently, many old players have opened more boxes than usual because it is the end of the year."

"League of Legends has added several new Christmas series skins as usual; PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds also added the box opening system in a previous version update. After this period of time, the effect is not bad; the dungeon is still in accordance with the Changing into a warm routine..."

Liu Jin explained to Mu Chen all the games of Suguang Entertainment in detail.

"Hahaha, not bad, old Liu, I knew it was the right choice to entrust you with the krypton gold job!"

Muchen smiled and said to Liu Jin.

Liu Jin: Don't you just want to find someone who will take the blame...

That night, netizens were surprised to find that Mu Chen, who had been there for three months, suddenly posted on Weibo.

After the melon eaters clicked on Mu Chen's Weibo, they found that the latest Weibo only had one video.

When seeing this, many sensitive netizens already had guesses in their hearts.

Sure enough, after 2 minutes, the netizens who watched the video were all excited.

"Wow Kaka Kaka! New game!"

"How can I repair it? I waited until the flowers bloomed again after they faded. Finally, it's a new game from Dawn Entertainment."

"Hehe, I have written my will and told my son to remember to buy the new game from Shuguang Entertainment. I didn't expect him to have news, and he came back to life!"

"Wake up upstairs, it won't be too late to make a will after you have a girlfriend."

"Ahem, let's discuss the business! Apart from the characters, the overall mode of this game looks a bit familiar at first glance!"

"I feel the same way. I seem to have seen the style of painting somewhere, but it's been too long and I can't remember it."

"If you can't think of it, don't think about it. Anyway, if you start, you will definitely get it. Listen to the sound of clang clang clang, and you will know that the combat feeling of this game is great!"

"This pig's foot is a ninja. It looks like Fuso's samurai background."

Just when netizens were discussing the background of the wolf and why it looked so familiar, Mu Chen posted another Weibo.

"Ahem, those friends who seem familiar, you can move the timeline of Shuguang Entertainment's game history to the front a little bit, and you will find out by then."

After finishing speaking, Muchen continued to let netizens explore and discover.

After seeing this Weibo, the netizens began to rack their brains to think about the games that Shuguang Entertainment has made in recent years.

In the end... the true and wise netizens have locked on a target - the soul of darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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