Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 261 The Storm Begins

Chapter 261 The Storm Begins
"Fuck, I just said why it looks so familiar, it turns out that it is the same style as Dark Soul!"

"Emmmm, could it be Black Soul II?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, the lifetime series! My five-year-old soul scientist finally has a bright future!"

"Dark Soul II, don't you see that the gameplay of this new game is much more complicated than that of Black Soul? It can only be said that the style is similar, but it is definitely not from the Dark Soul series!"

"Let me tell you, little brat, have you understood?"

"I XX you OO, if you have the ability to solo, use Yasuo, whoever loses will be an orphan!"

Although I don't know why they are discussing the soul of darkness, they use Yasuo to solo, but this does not prevent the melon-eating crowd from joining in the fun.

There is no way, the current Internet environment is like this, every day is filled with countless father-son bureaus, mother-son bureaus, brother bureaus, etc. Some people with excess energy even enjoy this kind of incomprehensible behavior.

After Mu Chen posted the second Weibo, he didn't pay any attention to these netizens who were fighting with each other.

He wished that these netizens would be a little more noisy, wouldn't it be so hot, and there would be a lot of publicity fees left.

Alas, if you are not in charge, you don't know that materials, rice, oil and salt are expensive!

Of course, Mu Chen was just pretending silently in his heart, if he really said that, he would probably be dragged out by jealous and blinded netizens and severely whipped.

On the other side, in Xinhuo Game's office, Ma Teng also just turned off Mu Chen's new game trailer video.

Then, he picked up his cell phone and called Griffin.

Although the two are not far apart now, in special times, in order to prevent Suguang Entertainment from being aware of anything, the two of them communicated by phone as much as possible.

"Mr. Griffin, I think our plan can start. The new game promotional video of Xinhuo Game is ready, and EG can start to build momentum. Otherwise, it will take a long time. It can't compare to Shuguang Entertainment, so this time our hot spot must be hard enough!"

Although Ma Teng is Griffin's boy, Griffin still attaches great importance to Ma Teng's opinion on how to fight against Shuguang Entertainment. After all, Xinhuo Game has been fighting against Shuguang Entertainment for several years.

"Well, yes, you can arrange these things. I just want to see the results I want."

Griffin's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Okay, EG's cooperation may be needed at that time. I hope that EG's press conference time and related publicity plans will be arranged by me. Do you think it's okay?"

Ma Teng said to Griffin again with a little apprehension.

Griffin on the other end of the phone probably didn't expect Ma Teng to make such a request, but he agreed after a moment of pondering.

The storm is coming~
Not long after Mu Chen and Shuguang Entertainment officially released the promotional video of the new game, many netizens who prefer to read major game newspapers suddenly discovered something extraordinary.

The giant game company in Europe, EG Games, will officially enter the game market in Xia Country. The head of EG, Griffin, will hold a press conference at the EG branch in Shanghai tomorrow afternoon.

At the beginning, this news was only circulated among a small group of players who paid more attention to the dynamics of the entire game market, and because the protagonist this time was a real game giant, as time went by, people who discussed this matter There are more and more people.

"6666, is this the meaning of coming to fight head-to-head with our young master Mu? He actually established a branch without saying a word. The old overlord is rich and self-willed!"

"I don't know what Suguang Entertainment is going to do this time. EG is not a good person, or they deliberately picked the date for the new game preview of Suguang Entertainment."

"Uh, is there any big friends who came to popularize the science of this EG company?"

"The No. [-] game company in Europe. When we were young, the classic games such as Templars, Dragons and Braves and so on came from EG. However, after it developed into the online game period, I don’t know what happened. EG didn’t appeared in the country."

"Hehe, it's because those game companies raising Kun are obstructing it in every possible way!"

With the popularization of science by some enthusiastic netizens, EG company is also known to more and more people, what's more, it is still publicized on Weibo and Post Bar.

Similarly, apart from those netizens who want to know about EG or are worried about Suguang Entertainment, there are also many people applauding.

Spicy Chicken Shuguang Entertainment: "Hehe, congratulations to Mu Chen for mentioning the European Overlord. This time, Shuguang Entertainment's new game won't hit the street. I will live stream handstand diarrhea and wash my hair!"

Mu Chen returned my hard-earned money: "Come on, just like Shuguang Entertainment, they can only be arrogant in China, and when they meet foreign game manufacturers, they will definitely have to be crushed!"

I'm not a troll: "That's right, after earning so much money, and selling the game so expensively, it will close down sooner or later!"

As soon as these remarks came out, they immediately attracted criticism from countless Suguang Entertainment fans.

"Hehe, I'm afraid you have forgotten that Xinhuo Game introduced a game from EG company back then, and it was still overthrown by Shuguang Entertainment."

"I'm too lazy to go through the procedure with you, please send the group number, if you have money, let's go together, even though it's bad money!"

"Sit and wait for the slap in the face. Also, the ID of the brother on the first floor who said he wanted to live broadcast handstand diarrhea and wash his hair has already been remembered for you. If you really live broadcast by then, grandpa will even give me my three-year poisoned milk powder account. Even if I sell it, I will support you!"

On the other hand, shortly after it was revealed on the Internet that EG had set up a branch in China and would hold a press conference tomorrow, Mu Chen also received the news.

"I didn't expect the fat man Griffin to be so calm. He waited until the virtual game market was opened, and only entered after confirming that he would make money. This is as annoying as that old boy Ma Teng."

Mu Chen looked at the news on the Internet and muttered to himself in the office.

After a while, Liu Jin, Lin Sen, and Ye Shengge rushed over one after another.

Mu Chen: "You know everything, right?"

Ye Shengge: "I know, isn't it just that someone came to grab the territory, just kill him!"

Mu Chen: ".I called you here to discuss how to get rid of this EG company."

Lin Sen said at this time: "I think as long as the game is done well, it doesn't matter if they come or not."

But Liu Jin thought for a while, frowned and said: "I just don't know if there is any other conspiracy behind this. We, Shuguang Entertainment, are definitely not afraid of a head-on collision, but if EG is behind the scenes and makes small moves, that's still the case." There will be a lot of impact."

(End of this chapter)

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