Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 273 Griffin's Plan

Chapter 273 Griffin's Plan
So, our classmate Ma Teng once again ignited his fighting spirit in his heart.

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the middle-aged and poor! ! !
He, Ma Teng, is also a middle-aged man with blood still in his heart. He must take back all the lost things one by one!
Emmm, after burning the soul of the second class for a while, Ma Teng looked at Griffin and said: "Then, Mr. Griffin, from now on we will directly talk about the quality of the game works, after all, we have been making games for others. The wedding dress feels really bad!"

When Ma Teng said this, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

"Hehe, when it's hot, it's all about running a company. Naturally, the product is the first, but if there is a chance to defeat the opponent (Shuguang Entertainment) in the future, I will not let it go easily. This time I will treat it as the first Let me come to Xiaguo to pay the tuition!"

At this moment, Griffin's chubby face was no longer as proud as before, but full of sternness.

"Besides, since we have to compete, wouldn't it be lonely to only have our three companies? There are still so many potential markets for virtual games in the entire Xia Kingdom to be developed. Why don't we make the entire market more active?!"

Griffin once again showed a dangerous smile on his fat face.

"what do you mean"

Looking at Griffin with a dangerous face, Ma Teng couldn't help but suddenly had a not-so-good guess.

"Hehe, I think in Europe, not only my game company is interested in a game market as big as Xiaguo. After all, Bruce from Storm Games has been investigating me for a long time, and now I haven't appeared in the European company headquarters for so long. With his wisdom, he should have already guessed where I went."

After Ma Teng heard Griffin's words, he frowned and thought for a while, then asked:
"Then...why hasn't there been any movement from Stormwind Game Company so far?"

Griffin chuckled, and said confidently, "Hehe, because of this vulture-like person, he won't end up so soon."

"He wants to wait for my EG game company to gain a firm foothold in the Xia country market before coming here to pick up bargains.

Because in this way, he basically doesn't have to have any conflicts with Xia Guo's local companies. After all, in his opinion, I have cleared the obstacles for him at that time! "

Having said that, Griffin laughed and continued, "However, this time, this maggot who has been hiding behind me and trying to suck blood has miscalculated, because instead of taking down the Xiaguo Market, I was even deflated."

Emmm, although Ma Teng couldn't understand why Griffin could smile so happily when he said he was deflated, but his intuition told him that Bruce from the storm game should not be a good character to get along with.

"Then... will he come over this time? After all, as Mr. Griffin said, Bruce should be a very cautious person."

Ma Teng asked.

After hearing Ma Teng's question, Griffin said confidently, "Yes!"

"Because I will tell him that the virtual game market here is still an extremely empty virgin land, and even Shuguang Entertainment, which he once regarded as the biggest threat, has to be restricted due to insufficient equipment productivity. speed."

"I think, when he hears the news, he will come over immediately. After all, there are euros everywhere waiting for him here!"

After Griffin finished speaking, Ma Teng didn't know why, but he felt an aura in Griffin that seemed to be rumored to be a boss.

The ability to draw big cakes and fool people is even more powerful than him, the leader of the Yangkun game company who used to rely on love to generate electricity.

"Hehe, not only that, I think Brother John in the United States will definitely be interested, and the most important thing for their two brothers is the virtual game room.

Even, their company has exported many game warehouses to our Europe. "

After hearing Griffin say a candidate again, Ma Teng opened his mouth, but he still couldn't say anything.

Griffin glanced at Ma Teng, who was hesitating to speak, and said very calmly: "Ma, don't worry, the cooperative relationship between us will not change, even after these two vampires enter the arena, there will be no change between us. We should help each other, otherwise we will definitely suffer.”

"But... I have no choice but to call them into the arena now. After all, after today, Suguang can indeed make us feel tremendous pressure."


After Griffin thought about it for a while, seeing that Ma Teng just nodded, he patted Ma Teng on the shoulder and said, "Ma, first think about our situation after Bruce and John entered the field." Go ahead and develop a plan, I have to go call these two bloody vampires."

After finishing speaking, Griffin took out his mobile phone, stood by the window of the office and started calling.

As for Ma Teng, the expression on his face was even more uncertain.

The reason why he is like this is naturally not, as Griffin said, worrying about Bruce, John and the like.

What he was really worried about was...whether he would be drowned in saliva by Xia Guo's netizens when his relationship with EG game company was exposed.

After all, in a situation like his, it would be a serious crime of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country during the war, and he would be dragged to the vegetable market and beheaded.

Moreover, he is even more worried, that is, besides the companies of Brothers Bruce and John, there must be more such and such game companies abroad. It became a mess.

At this time, our horse boy Ma Teng looks like a positive energy businessman who worries about the country, the people and the market.

Of course, if he wasn't standing in the office of EG game company at this time, it would be more similar.

Just as Ma Teng continued to carry out a self-salvation that no one knew about there, Griffin, who called a car of bakers by the window, finally finished the call.

"Haha, Ma, I have good news for you. It won't be long before the market in the entire Xia Kingdom will not be so lonely, and Shuguang Entertainment will no longer be the dominant player!"

Looking at Griffin's appearance, Ma Teng knew that this guy had already fooled these two giants in the gaming world.

"Then...Mr. Griffin, will other game companies in Europe or the United States come to share the market after learning the news?"

Ma Teng said what he was most worried about.

"Hehe, are you talking about those game companies that don't have the ability to independently produce virtual game warehouses? They don't even have the ability to make virtual games, and they still want to come to Xia Kingdom to carve up the market?"

Griffin replied domineeringly.

 The second watch is coming

  The next additions may be late, but they will never be absent!

  Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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