Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 274 Griffin's Temptation

Chapter 274 Griffin's Temptation
After hearing Griffin's slightly crazy words, Ma Teng was still relieved in his heart.

After all, as long as it's not the kind of aggressive attack.

If game companies from ten or eight other countries and regions flooded in all of a sudden, he would really be a sinner in Xia Kingdom's game industry.

"Then... How long will it take for brothers Bruce and John to come over?"

Ma Teng continued to ask.

"I'm not sure about this, but it's inevitable for them to enter the Xia country market. Especially Bruce, after all, our market is too small, but the pressure of competition is too huge. It's rare to have such a place with so many people and a huge market. , Bruce will not miss it."

"Don't look at my EG game company as the number one game company in Europe, but other than the Bruce Storm game company, there are many large and small game companies that are threatening competitors, although these companies may not be able to travel across the ocean. To Xia, but it’s still okay to make trouble for us in the country.”

What Griffin said was news that Ma Teng had never heard of.

However, in his opinion, this should be a deliberately exaggerated statement by the fat man Griffin.

Otherwise, if they rushed to Xiaguo to open up the market without securing their own territory, it would be ridiculous to be stolen by other hostile companies.

Although communication is so developed now, there are always times when people are dark, especially when the boss is not in the company.

Therefore, Ma Teng believed in his own judgment. Griffin must have deliberately released news to confuse, or test himself.

As for why Ma Teng had such speculations, it was because... when he heard Griffin say that his rear was empty, he really had the idea of ​​reporting to Mu Chen in the past.

However, this kind of thought only came to him after a turn in his mind.

One is that he thinks that this fat man Griffin deliberately sent news to test him, and wants to see if he can continue to play happily with Griffin on the same front at this time.

Secondly, it is Ma Teng's obsession with Muchen.

He wanted to defeat Mu Chen, even if he had to rely on external forces, even... the domestic game market would become more cruel, but he still couldn't let go.

and so……

After listening to Griffin, Ma Teng chose to remain silent, and when he left Griffin's office, he turned his head and said to Griffin: "I understand" and left.

As for Griffin, after hearing Ma Teng's last words, a brilliant smile appeared on his face, like a two-hundred-pound weasel that stole a chicken.

Afterwards, he took out the phone again and called twice in a row, saying the same thing.

"Okay, the hidden danger is removed, you can come over and start this feast."


On the other hand, after the turmoil of Mu Chen's Shuguang Entertainment subsided due to the intervention of the game management committee, those melon-eating netizens did not continue to crusade on the Internet.

What followed was instead an overwhelming demand for purchasing virtual game warehouses, as well as a crazy surge in the sales of the new game Sekiro.

"Young Master Mu, we have released all the virtual game warehouses that were previously stored to prevent the sanction of Xinhuo Games. Now our company has a total of [-] games left for emergency use."

"For Sekiro, in addition to the soaring sales in the domestic market, it also achieved good sales in the European and American markets because of this promotion."

After listening to Liu Jin's report, Mu Chen knocked on the table thinking about something.

That's right, this time when Mu Chen was dealing with the two old coins Ma Teng and Griffin, he also used the Suguang game platform that was "left over" on the players' computers when PC games were popular before to forcibly play a game. Wave ad.

Although it is not as violent as the previous promotion of League of Legends or CS and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, it still has more or less achieved good results.

At least let those foreign players know that Suguang Games is still making virtual games.

This time, Mu Chen didn't want too much, he just wanted to leave a little impression in the hearts of foreign players.

In short, it is: if you sell it, you will earn, if you don't sell it, you will not lose.

After all, Griffin has been bullying him, Muchen. He will definitely go to Griffin's territory to do things in the future, so it's not wrong to make some preparations at this time.

Ran goose ...

What Mu Chen didn't know at this time, Griffin had already found two so-called "allies" to trouble him.

Two days later, the Xinghuo Game sanction against Shuguang Entertainment, which shocked the game world of Xia Kingdom, quickly disappeared among the player groups.

It's just that there are still some netizens who occasionally use it to mock the players of the Xinhuo game when they are fighting with each other.

After all, the game circle is not a fan circle, one thing can make those stupid fans tear up the competition for several years or even a lifetime.

Now players are discussing the most new games from these three companies.

Needless to say, Shuguang Entertainment's Sekiro.

After these two days of fermentation, the word "death" has penetrated into the deepest part of the players' hearts. It can be said that they can't forget it even if they want to.

The suspected Tomb Raider game of EG game company also relied on the exquisite character modeling and level production, so that EG game company achieved good results in its first appearance in front of Xiaguo players.

And Sansheng Sanshi, emmm, from Xinhuo Game is still very popular among girls who are keen on dress-up games.

Of course, in terms of popularity, Sekiro of Shuguang Entertainment still has the upper hand.

The most intuitive point is to see what games the game anchors on the turkey live broadcast platform are currently playing.

First of all, League of Legends is undoubtedly the most popular game. After all, the number of players in this game can be said to be the largest in the world.

The second is PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, which is still in a rising period.

If any chicken-eating anchor has superb chicken-eating skills and can kill two or thirty chickens with one hit, the number of people in the live broadcast room must be indispensable.

As for the third, it was not so obvious before, and all kinds of games are not bad.

But when the wolf came out, it only took two days to rush to the third place.

Click on the live broadcast of Turkey, and you can hear the sound of tinkling iron everywhere, as well as the bright red word "death" appearing in the center of the screen from time to time.

And Yang Wei, the king of pigeons in our turkey appearance area, also started his rare live broadcast time today.

"Come, come, take a look, take a look, the strongest turkey warrior, the killer of the empire, Yang Sekiro Wei's online teaching of uninjured wolf clearance has begun!"

Yang Wei lay down in the game cabin, turned on the live broadcast and started yelling in the live broadcast room.

 Three o'clock to...

  Ask for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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