Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 277 Ma Teng and Griffin's Wedding Dress

Chapter 277 Ma Teng and Griffin's Wedding Dress

The No.1 name and God's perspective mentioned by the audience on the barrage here are the viewing angles that the audience can choose when watching the live broadcast.

No.1 is said to be the angle of view that the anchor sees when playing the game, while the God's perspective is just like the perspective on the computer in the previous life, with no dead ends in all directions.

Of course, players can only choose the first perspective. After all, it is a virtual game, and it would be so awkward to give players a God perspective.

"Ahem, this time it's not counted. It's because I wasn't ready just now. Why doesn't this boss have any samurai spirit? He even engages in sneak attacks?!"

Yang Wei started throwing the blame as soon as his field of vision went dark. As for saying that the coolness this time was due to his own cooking, it was impossible for Yang Wei to admit this.

"(炸`) has never seen such a brazen person!"

"Hehe, it's obviously because of my old age's reaction speed, but I also said that other bosses attacked you!"

"Emmm, let me tell you something. It didn't seem like a sneak attack just now. Nima slowly walked up to the impotence guy, so he wanted to hide. Isn't this a typical free gift?"

"If you hesitate~ you will lose!"

"Ahem, what the brother in front said is quite appropriate!"

"Tch, you don't even know this? When the player was killed by the final boss, Wei Ming Yixin, what did the most powerful boss say."

"Are all the current bosses like this, and they still talk about this chicken soup?"

"Emmm, what I want to ask is, has anyone beaten the final boss in just two days? Is it so fast?"

"That's right, people who are faster than impotence are still rare in the entire live broadcast world!"

"(`) is booming and in a trance!"

"I suspect you are doing porn!!!"

At this time, Yang Wei, who was making a comeback, quietly opened up the bullet screen to watch while quietly massaging the boss who had just killed it.

When he saw someone on the bullet screen saying that an anchor had already reached the final boss, he was also taken aback in his heart - Re Xiang.

"Tsk tsk tsk, come on, come on, Ni Meng told me, who else in turkey is faster than my impotence? Tell me to let Viagra know!"

emmm, although this sounds a little bit wrong.

"Ahem, you actually know this man with impotence."

"That's right, there used to be a time when you, Meng, lived and flew together."

"Oh ho ho ho, that's the chicken king of turkey, classmate He Xiu!"

He Xiu, because he often broadcast PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds with Yang Wei before, he has gradually gathered a lot of popularity in Turkey live broadcast.

Then, relying on his superb chicken-eating skills and his good looks that are many grades higher than Yang Wei, He Xiu also gradually gained a firm foothold among the many anchors of Turkey Live.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect this kid to be so good at playing a wolf. It's a pity that we can't form a team. Otherwise, Hexiu and I will be invincible if we have two swords together!"

Seeing that the audience in the barrage was saying that He Xiu was faster than him, Yang Wei, who didn't know what his face was, said directly without shame.

5 minutes later……

"Ahem, this is still a small accident. When I go back and relax, I can definitely arrange this weak chicken boss clearly!"

Yang Wei looked at the word "death" that appeared in front of his eyes for an unknown number of times, and had to use his thick skin, which was as thick as the corner of a city wall, to hold on.


Shuguang Entertainment, Mu Chen's office.

"Young Master Mu, according to the data we investigated two days ago, there are nearly [-] virtual game warehouses in the entire Xia Kingdom market."

"Currently, the combined market share of our Shuguang Entertainment's World of Warcraft and Sekiro is about 70.00%, which means that out of the [-] virtual game warehouses, almost [-] of them have our Shuguang Entertainment games. "

After Mu Chen heard Liu Jin's report, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

He didn't expect that Shuguang Entertainment's games would have such a high market share.

However, Mu Chen, as a good young man in the new century, has always been drinking water and not forgetting the well digger.

For Ma Teng's Xinhuo game and Griffin's chubby EG game company that contributed to all of this, Mu Chen is still quite "grateful".

Of course, if Mu Chen knew that Ma Teng and Griffin had called for "helpers", he would probably be more "grateful" to these two comparisons.

Speaking of Ma Teng and Griffin, these two seem to have a tacit understanding with Mu Chen and Liu Jin, and they are also holding two reports to look over there.

"Ma, why is the combined market share of the games of our two companies less than half that of Suguang Entertainment? There are a total of 60.00 virtual game warehouses, [-]% of which are sold by our two companies, but now it is Let Shuguang Entertainment take advantage of it!"

"Oh! My God! Why the hell is that?"

Looking at the report in his hand, Griffin was so uncomfortable that he wanted to cry, his fat face was almost distorted.

"Mr. Griffin, at present, it is not bad for us to have a pure share of 30.00%. This means that there are still [-] virtual game warehouses that do not have Dawn Entertainment's games."

"This is obviously a good phenomenon, at least not all of them are occupied by Suguang Entertainment.

Besides, among the [-] game warehouses of Shuguang Entertainment, there are still [-]% of the games of our two companies. "

"Based on this, we are almost [-]-[-] with Shuguang Entertainment."

After carefully looking at the data for a while, Ma Teng finally came to a forced [-]/[-] conclusion for Griffin.

Ran goose ...

Maybe God took pity on his pious believer Griffin. After a week, he was pleasantly surprised to find that 60.00% of the [-] game warehouses on the market had his EG game company on them. game.

This discovery simply made the fat man very happy.

Then Griffin called his good horse boy, Ma Teng, to share the exciting news.

2 minutes later……

"Watt?! Are you saying that the firewood game has also increased a lot? It's all reached 50.00%?"

Griffin screamed, and the joy on the fat face disappeared completely.

Then, before he could say anything else, he heard Ma Teng on the phone say:
"Dawn Entertainment... now has a 90.00% share. Except for some female players who really don't play that kind of action-adventure games, basically all players have installed World of Warcraft and Sekiro."

Griffin: ...

Oh, God!Why did you abandon your most devout believer, Griffin! ?

(End of this chapter)

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