Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 278 Pesticides

Chapter 278 Pesticides
Griffin went from heaven to hell, just after Ma Teng's words.

Nima's Shuguang Entertainment's virtual game warehouse only has [-] to [-] units out of the [-] units. As a result, after Griffin and Ma Teng made the market so big, all of them were cheap. Dawn Entertainment.

Although as time goes by, Griffin also knows that the market will eventually grow bigger, and this pattern will happen sooner or later.

But this scene also came a little too soon, too soon.

"Damn, why haven't those three bastards come here? Every time I saw my movements, I smelled like a shark donating blood, but it's been so long now, and I haven't moved at all!"

While Ma Teng was feeling uncomfortable, he was also puzzled by the slow motion of the brothers Bruce and John.

Now Griffin said that he was going to be overwhelmed.

Another week later, perhaps Griffin's piety moved God, and God sent a message to the three brothers Bruce and John.

Bruce, who was far away in Europe, and Brother John, who was in the United States, seemed to have heard Griffin's call. Both of them unanimously sent news to Griffin, saying that they would come to Xiaguo in the near future.

Griffin almost burst into tears when he received the news.

No way, although the two parties, oh no, it should be said that Griffin, Bruce and Brother John belong to that kind of competitive relationship, but Griffin was still happy when he heard the news that his reinforcements were coming Get a batch.

After all, no matter how much competition there is, the three parties seem to belong to an alliance to deal with Shuguang Entertainment. Although it is a false friendship, it can bring some psychological comfort to Griffin.

emmm, I just don't know how long the boat of friendship between them can last before it capsizes.

As for our classmate Mu Chen, he still doesn't know that Griffin over there has already called his so-called "helper".

Now he is lying in the game room in his office, humming and humming, looking at the little monster in front of him.

clang clang ~
When Mu Chen saw that the blocking value of the opposite boss was full, he cut the boss to the ground with one execution.

"Enemy general, ask for ち取ったり! (The enemy is ashamed, I will take off his clothes!)"

Although the pronunciation of this sentence sounds like it is being pornographic, it means "the enemy general has been defeated by me." It does not really mean to take off the enemy general's clothes.

When it's hot, Mu Chen only wins a boss, the Ghost Punishment Department, who is particularly mediocre and not very powerful among wolves.

Moreover, don't look at Mu Chen's victory over this boss, and even came up with a cool line, but... this fight with the boss of the Ghost Punishment Department has been going on for three days, I guess it was luck today, and I blocked it with more blocks One injury, so the Ghost Punishment Department was killed with almost one blood lock.

"Aha, today's goal has been accomplished, let me come to Kangkang and what should I do next."

After Mu Chen finished playing the game, he slowly crawled out of the game cabin.

"emmm, prepare new games, slowly update the player world, and continue to increase the production rate of the virtual game warehouse (that is, spend money)."

Looking at the to-do items in the memo, Mu Chen read out one by one.

"Hiss~ Why do I feel like I forgot something, as if I still asked someone to make a game?"

"Call Lao Liu to ask."

When Mu Chen was reading the memo, he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a new game production task, but he directly handed over the production of this new game to the employees below, and he did not follow up on this project himself.

After a while, Liu Jin came to Muchen's office.

"What's the matter, Young Master Mu?"

Liu Jin who entered the office was a little confused. He remembered that there seemed to be nothing particularly important recently. Could it be that he was going to make a new game?

"Old Liu, I have a question for you. Did I ask them to make a game before? This person is getting old and can't remember things."

Mu Chen calmly dumped the blame on his age of just over 25, expressing that he is already an old man.

After Liu Jin heard Mu Chen's question, he was also taken aback, and immediately said:
"Master Mu, we haven't had one recently."

When talking about this, Liu Jin seemed to remember something, and then changed his words.

"Well, it seems that there is really a game in production, and it should be said that it is about to be completed."

"Oh? Tell me, what game is it?" After hearing Lao Liu's answer, Mu Chen raised his eyebrows and said in surprise.

Liu Jin scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "Em, Mu Shao, it's a mobile game, and it was transplanted from League of Legends, but after you saw it, you changed the plan a little bit, and now the main body of the game is almost complete. Right now, their mobile game department is currently stepping up testing, and it won’t be long before they can start launching it for players.”

"Oh~ I remembered, it turned out to be King Pesticide!"

Mu Chen said suddenly.

Liu Jin: "emmm, what, what pesticide?"

Strange, aren't we discussing the game? Why did it involve agriculture and sprinkle pesticides? Could this be the boss's newly developed interest?

Liu Jin looked at Muchen, with great doubts in his small eyes.

"Hehe, no, you heard it wrong. I said Glory of Kings, which is the name of this new mobile game. We can't just call it League of Legends. Although it can barely be regarded as a transplanted version, League of Legends is unique after all. It exists, and the competitive nature of the mobile game version is much weaker, and I think it is a bit inappropriate to call it League of Legends, so I decided to call this new mobile game — King of Glory.”

There, Muchen prevaricates Liu Jin by explaining blindly to Jill.

And our old Liu didn't know that the boss standing opposite him was actually fooling him. Instead, after listening to Muchen's explanation, he really thought about it for a while, then raised his head and said to Muchen. ;"I think it's okay, Mr. Mu, this name is very suitable for our new mobile game."

"Hehe, just kidding, I'm a boss, I'm still not good at picking names!"

Brazen is used to describe people like Mu Chen.

"Then should we start promoting the new game now? After all, in my opinion, the mobile game version of League of Legends, oh no, it is Glory of Kings. It is much easier to learn. If we promote it properly, we may be able to achieve quite good results." Effect."

Liu Jin entered the working state in an instant, and immediately began to think about the promotion of the glory of the king.

"Okay, since the game is almost finished, let's prepare for publicity."

 resume tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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