Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 279 It's Very Violent And Violent

Chapter 279 It's Very Violent And Violent

Three days later, Mu Chen doubled again in the middle of the night, quietly posted a Weibo with a video on his Weibo.

"Ahem, Ivy Batty, the late-night welfare is here. For those who are not yet full, please don't open this video. It's very pornographic and violent!"

What's even more coquettish is that Mu Chen put an icon of the Eighteen Bans on the cover of the promotional video of the King of Glory.

It was originally a good promotional video for the game, but after Mu Chen made this video, it became a disaster.

Many night owl netizens saw the content of Mu Chen's Weibo and the cover of the video below, which is another adult's imagination, and the scene was called explosive.

The men who saw this cover turned into hungry wolves, while the women turned into lambs.

Of course, it is not ruled out that those curious female netizens will click in because of this cover.

Many netizens even started to comment on Mu Chen's Weibo without clicking to read it.

"Ahahahaha, when I saw this cover, I had to think of some embarrassing things!"

"I see, Weibo is opened by my own family, so I can do whatever I want?"

"Hahaha, it's a good thing labor and management are used to going to bed late, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see such an exciting thing in the first place tonight."

"(ノ°ο°)ノ High-energy warning ahead!!! Children, please click in and have a look!"

"Hiss~ Watching a movie on Weibo late at night, this kind of jio thief is so exciting!"

Ran goose ...

After this group of netizens who think they have seen through everything chatted enough under this video, when they clicked in and watched the 3-minute "colorful and violent" video, they just I want to say something——

"Mu Chen~ Shall I hit you!"

It's just that after this group of netizens who don't want to see other people's kindness are cheated by Mu Chen, they will naturally not let it go.

One by one crazily compared how exciting this video is, how pornographic and violent it is under this Weibo.

"(ˇˇ) This video is so boring, I just watched it 500 times and then turned it off!"

“‵The screen is a bit dirty to lick clean.”

"Ahem, the toilet paper next to the bed seems to be insufficient again. Alas, life alone is so lonely."

"I said you are enough, isn't it just a video of a man and a woman fighting there, as for this?"

Emmm, at the beginning, some netizens who didn't know the truth were still a little hesitant after seeing the "feelings" of the previous few days, but when the last netizen directly pointed out the topic, these hesitant netizens stopped hesitating in an instant , just click in and read it.

As a result, after watching this legendary video, the netizens who watched it later understood why those bastards said that in the comment area.

After all, they were all tricked into watching the video by those talents in the comment area, and they all tacitly wanted to see more people being cheated.

There is no way, people are like this, when you are unlucky, after seeing other people have the same unlucky as you, you will feel that you are balanced...

Emmm, so, after watching the video, these second batch of netizens who were cheated spontaneously became a glorious video Amway user.

And then, the promotional video of the glory of the king posted by Mu Chen was seen by more and more people along with the free publicity of these sand sculpture netizens.

Especially at night, and it was past twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, which happened to be the most active time for those night owls who had been busy all day during the day.

So, just like that, on this peaceful night, a legend about Shuguang Entertainment's owner, Mu Chen, having sex in the middle of the night spread quietly on Weibo.

Even the #未光娱乐主包单陈在晚夜微博上做色# this Weibo has also rushed to No.1 in the late-night hot search list.

In the end, it attracted a lot of people who eat melons, whether they know Mu Chen or not, even some netizens who have never heard of Mu Chen are eager to click in because of the hot search title.

But as time goes by, more and more netizens have seen this so-called very pornographic and violent video of a man and a woman fighting there, and people will naturally not have the same tacit understanding as before. The sub-districts all uniformly say that it is the [-]-ban video.

In addition, because of those netizens with party headlines and Muchen Weibo's intentional misleading, many of those netizens who "come after hearing the news" still feel that their feelings have been deceived, so they start to confront each other in the comment area. Those headline party netizens are full of fragrance.

"Fuck! Some of the headlines of the dog day, the expressions of wasting labor and capital, I thought Weibo had such a powerful function!"

"That's right, there was a fight between a man and a woman. Nima clicked in to see that it was really a man and a woman, the kind that were really fighting!"

"(σ)σ, these game companies are so wild now, they can make such a noise when promoting a new game!"

"Hahahahaha, I'm just talking about the headline party. The comment about a man and a woman fighting in the top comment is what I said. Smelly brothers, come and bite me!"

"I'm fucking, what the fuck are you"

Of course, in addition to those netizens who are discussing these headline parties there, there are still many netizens who have seen the video and are discussing the real content of this video.

"One thing to say, this time the new game of Shuguang Entertainment looks pretty good, but no matter how I look at it, it looks so familiar?"

"Yes, yes, me too. They are divided into red and blue sides, with wild areas and defensive towers. They are divided into three lines..."

"Tou, isn't this new game Nima similar to League of Legends?"

"How is it possible? Shuguang Entertainment's brain is pumped to make the second League of Legends. Isn't that just looking for something to do!"

“{{(°△°;“}}! {{{Д“}} shaking~”


Afterwards, the discussion about the very pornographic and violent videos gradually subsided. Instead, what is Suguang Entertainment's new game, is it the second League of Legends, etc. These questions are getting more and more attention from Suguang Entertainment discussed by netizens.

Because the chicken thief Muchen only posted this Weibo, and there was no news on Shuguang Entertainment's official website, and other reasons, the netizens didn't discuss the reason after discussing it all night.

He Jiuming was one of these people discussing, and he was also one of the few people who discussed in the forum until after four o'clock in the morning.

However, the next day was not the weekend, so he could only drag his tired body, drooping eyelids, and wobbled to the company.

 One more time...

(End of this chapter)

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