Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 299 Raising Pigs and Planting Trees

Chapter 299 Raising Pigs and Planting Trees

Both Lin Sen and Mu Chen understand that the first small world of the Great Thousand World is very important to the whole game.

If the main world is the cornerstone of the Great Thousand World building, then the first small world that has not yet been decided is equivalent to the first floor of the Great Thousand World building, and it is also the most critical floor.

Only if the direction of the first floor is correct, then the Great Thousand World building will rise in the correct direction, and finally stand at the top of the world's game industry.

"First of all, we are clear about one thing, that is, the first small world can't be too strong, or the power system can't be raised too high, or even some new power system can't appear in the first small world, just come one Give the players practice at a normal level, as long as they are familiar with it."

After Mu Chen thought for a while, he spoke.

In fact, the reason why he thinks this way is that he was influenced by those infinite time travel novels he followed day and night. The first world the protagonist goes to is not a particularly powerful world. Of course, as the protagonist, he must With the halo of the protagonist, no matter how hot the world is, the protagonist will always have such an adventure.

Of course, in the vast world of Dawn Entertainment, the players don't have the halo of the protagonist anymore. If they want benefits or adventures, they must discover it by themselves.

After all, in the game made by Mu Chen, he is the main character.

When Muchen was there wandering blind Jier, after hearing what Muchen said, Lin Sen and Liu Jin thought for a while and felt that their boss's idea was feasible.

Lin Sen: "I think so."

Liu Jin: "Me too."

Hu Feng: "..."

Except for Lao Hu who was playing soy sauce, both Lin Sen and Liu Jin agreed with Muchen's proposal.

But Mu Chen saw that none of them had any other opinions, so he nodded, ready to see if there were any game ideas in the small notebook in his drawer that were more suitable for this first small world.

And just when Mu Chen told Lin Sen and the others to wait a while, and he was about to search, Lin Sen suddenly stopped Mu Chen.

"Uh...Master Mu, I have a question to ask you~"

Lin Sen said with a little hesitation.

"Tell me, what's the problem?"

While Mu Chen was answering Lin Sen, he took out a stack of thick A4 papers from the drawer of his desk and flipped through them without listening.

"Well, didn't you say that players must destroy other players' World Trees in order to open the next small world, so how should those players who have destroyed the World Tree be arranged without the World Tree? Or Are you saying that the World Tree can be resurrected?"

Lin Sen asked all he wanted to ask in one breath.

As for Mu Chen, after hearing Liu Jin's question, he was also taken aback.

Recalling what I said at the meeting just now, it seems that I really didn't say this, and no one else raised it at that time.

"Emmm, this is indeed something I missed. I forgot when I was writing the rough plan."

Afterwards, Muchen immediately asked Lin Sen back:
"Then Xiaolin, do you have any good ideas? It's about how to deal with the players' World Tree after it is destroyed?"

Muchen felt that since Lin Sen had already asked the question, he probably had already figured out how to deal with the situation where the world tree was being destroyed by the players.

"I think it's the same as the punishment for mission failure. Players can no longer enter the small world within a certain period of time. Only after the punishment time is over, the world tree will return to normal; and, at the same time, players who have been destroyed by the world tree Before the world tree recovers, the player's world tree cannot be destroyed twice, otherwise, if there is a scene where a player is guarding a tree and cutting down the tree, it will not be fun."

After hearing what Lin Sen said, Mu Chen's jio was still very ok, even if Mu Chen had to think about it, it would probably be similar to Lin Sen's thinking, maybe even not as comprehensive as Lin Sen's thinking.

"Yes, the period of time when the world tree is destroyed can be used as the player's protection period. Indeed, if there is a situation where a player is guarding a tree and cutting down a tree, it is very likely to happen, and it will affect the game experience too much. "

This situation is very similar to a phenomenon that appeared in those online games and novels, guarding the corpse.

I'm just here waiting for you to be revived, and then I'll kill you right away, resurrect you, kill you again, and at the same time explode your equipment one by one. means.

In order to avoid this method of raising pigs from appearing in the world, the protection period after death is very important.

Otherwise, it is very likely to become: I raised pigs in your wild area where there was League of Legends in ancient times; now I plant trees in your site where there are thousands of worlds!
What is certain is that no matter what kind of game players, they definitely don't want the two situations mentioned above to happen.

"By the way, Master Mu, what form does the player's world tree exist in? Is it in physical form, or is it replaced by something, or is it in the body?"

Lao Liu, who had been listening for a long time, also raised his own question at this time.

"Emmm, actually, I don't think these are very good. I mean, the world tree is just like the real tree in our real life, the kind that needs to be planted by players."

"Plant it?!"


"Cough cough~"

Except for Mu Chen who said this, Lin Sen, Liu Jin and Hu Feng who was making soy sauce were all choked by Mu Chen's words.

"Don't be so surprised. After all, only after the world tree is planted can the players have a sense of urgency when they are in the main world; besides, only when the world tree is not easy to move, the battle between players is easy to happen; if the world tree is that kind It can be easily carried. Players who are unwilling to fight can completely adopt the strategy of the enemy advancing and retreating. This will greatly reduce the confrontation between players. The basic positioning of our Great Thousand World is a multiplayer online game. It should increase the confrontation between players."

On this issue, Mu Chen is very firm.

"Besides, we...cough cough, when reporting to the higher-ups, it can also be said to be an act of promoting green environmental protection. It kills two birds with one stone, how wonderful!"

Seeing that the atmosphere in the office was a bit serious, Mu Chen couldn't help but get nervous.

Very happy.

"Can you move after that?"

Lin Sen immediately asked a question.

"Cannot be moved immediately, can only be changed after being destroyed."

Lin Sen nodded, expressing his understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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