Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 300 Started a crime

Chapter 300 Started a crime
After all the current pre-problems were resolved one by one, Mu Chen and the others finally shifted their attention to the last rather serious problem.

That is the first small world, what should it look like?

"First of all, it can't be the world of high martial arts, fantasy, comprehension, etc. I think we can rule it out first, and at present, our Suguang Entertainment has never set foot in comprehension games except for Xianjian. It must be a lot slower."

This time, Liu Jin spoke first and put forward his own point of view.

"Well, for now, martial arts with a low force value, or in terms of modern urban society, is the most ideal. This will also allow players to adapt to this brand new game mode."

Lin Sen also said in agreement.

"Okay, let's take the background of the modern city. As for the specific genre, what do you think of crime-themed action-adventure genres?"

When Mu Chen found a name in a stack of A4 papers, he raised his head and asked the two of them with great interest.

"Crime theme???"


After getting an affirmative answer, Lin Sen and Liu Jin spoke almost at the same time, but their attitudes were completely different.

"I think so!"

"I don't think so!"

After the two answered, they looked at each other, and immediately knew the reason why the other gave different answers.

Lin Sen thinks it's okay, that's what he considered from the perspective of a purely game producer, because of this theme, the entire Xia Kingdom game market is currently almost vacant, or even if there is, it would be a blow In a crime game, anyway, the final outcome is upright.

As an excellent producer, Lin Sen obviously felt very bad about this situation.

In his opinion, a healthy market is a market where a hundred flowers bloom. If it is such a concentrated type of game over and over again, not to mention that he, a game maker, will feel tired of aesthetics, even those players will definitely gradually lose interest. of.

As for crime-themed games, it can be said that Lin Sen has been greedy for a long time.

But he has never mentioned this idea to Mu Chen before, after all, no matter how nerdy he is, he still understands certain things that are not allowed in the industry, and crime themes happen to be the most easily allowed. One.

Because it will inevitably involve a lot of areas that are gray or even black for the Xia Kingdom and even the whole world.

So although Lin Sen had such a plan in the early morning, but in the domestic environment, he never raised this idea to Mu Chen.It's just that Mu Chen actually brought it up on his own initiative today. After Lin Sen heard it, he immediately agreed with it as a matter of course.

Of course, he was quite clear about Liu Jin's objection next to him.

As for Liu Jin, just as Lin Sen had worried before, the reason why there are no works on this theme in the domestic game market is because no company wants to touch this field that is very likely to explode.

Although the current Shuguang Entertainment can be regarded as a big business, even if a certain game dies, the loss is within the acceptable range.

But this time is different. The Big Thousand World is an important and core project of Dawn Entertainment for a long time to come. If it is affected by the subject matter of the first Small World, the losses suffered by Dawn Entertainment will not be possible. It's measured in money.

"Master Mu, this subject matter may not pass the review, and even if it passes the review, there is no guarantee that it will not be required to rectify some problems!"

Game review is usually done with the finished game. In the past, the review of each game of Suguang Entertainment did not have any problems going abroad, and the speed was very fast, because the game did not involve anything sensitive. s things.

But this time is different, Liu Jin believes that since Mu Chen has mentioned this theme, it will definitely not be like other so-called crime themes on the market, which are actually crime-fighting themes.

But Lin Sen didn't speak, because he knew very well the problems that he needed to face, so he only needed to express his attitude.

"Hehe, Lao Liu, I know what you are worried about. If we change the background of the game and put it in other countries and regions, or if it doesn't work, we can fabricate a world view, and when the time comes, we can make the game easy to step on the line. If the place is removed, or if the conversion is a little more tactful, it can still pass the review.”

Muchen doesn't intend to completely copy the game he saw, after all, he also knows that there are indeed many pornographic and violent places in the game.

Although the original version can be reviewed in the original world, and the review in this world is relatively loose, but Mu Chen can't guarantee that it will pass the review after it is made according to the original version.

As for Liu Jin and Lin Sen, after hearing Mu Chen's answer, the former frowned and thought about it seriously, while the latter was beaming with joy, thinking that maybe this time a game with this theme could really be made.

"How about this, I'll call to ask about the attitude of the committee, and then tell them about our preliminary plan, and see if there is much room for maneuver."

Seeing that Liu Jin hesitated a bit, Muchen thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

Of course, this method can only be used by him, Mu Chen, there are people in the court who are good at doing things.

Immediately, Mu Chen started calling Wu Li, the chairman of the committee, in front of the three of them.

On the phone, after exchanging pleasantries for a while, Mu Chen got straight to the point, talking about the whole game that might involve touch lines, and Wu Li was also listening carefully. After a while of silence, Wu Li just simply After a few words, the conversation ended.

After hanging up the phone, both Liu Jin and Lin Sen looked at Mu Chen, especially Lin Sen, whose eyes could be said to be full of longing.

"As I said over there, as long as you don't encourage or guide those harmful things, and the background can't clearly indicate that it is in a domestic city, then basically there is no problem. Of course, other control degrees must be grasped!"

Mu Chen said to Liu Jin and Lin Sen with a brisk smile on his face.

"Hahahaha, that's great! It feels like my career is coming to an end!"

Lin Sen said with an exaggerated smile.

Liu Jin also looked relieved.

After all, he didn't want the first world of Great Thousand Worlds to be extremely difficult. Now that the problem is solved, everyone is happy.

Afterwards, Muchen looked at the cover of the project in his drawer and smiled.

- Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA5).

 Ahem, please ask for a ticket, please, big guys! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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