Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 305 Everyone wants to commit a crime

Chapter 305 Everyone wants to commit a crime
In fact, Griffin did not expect that his EG game company's crime-themed games would still be so well-known in the Xia Kingdom's domestic game market.

After all, it has been nearly ten years since Vice City was put on the shelves, and he is already proud enough that it can still cause extensive discussions among netizens in China, and this situation is quite in line with his own meaning.

Their company's new game has aroused widespread discussion among netizens when the project was just started. Griffin can wake up with a smile even in a dream.

Then, because Griffin took the initiative to announce the theme of the new game, many netizens began to compare EG Game Company with Shuguang Entertainment.

Netizens think that both you, Mu Chen and Shuguang Entertainment, are gone!
EG Game Company, as an old European game giant, has taken the initiative to announce the theme of the new game. How long has it been since Suguang Entertainment was established?

More than six years?Is it long?
Even if you are the most fraudulent game company in our Xia Kingdom, you can't be so careless!

gdx (dog thing), gkd (do it fast)! ! !
Many netizens flocked to leave comments on the Weibo where Shuguang announced the new game.

"What's going on? Hurry up and announce it?"

"That's right, announce a game type without getting pregnant!"

"Ahem, brothers, let's make a bold prediction. Do you think that Shuguang Entertainment didn't announce it because the theme of the new game is the same as that of EG Games? It's because they are afraid of being said to be borrowing from EG Games. Avoid suspicion, we all understand!"

"Learn from your mother! Nima, Shuguang Entertainment should announce the news first!"

"Hehe, the announcement of your name, Dawn Entertainment, is not something shameful. If the theme is the same at that time, after the game comes out, we can take a look at the true level of these two companies."

. . . . .

Although there are more and more players going to Shuguang Entertainment's official website and official Weibo to make noises, but Shuguang Entertainment just looks like its clothes can't be shaken.

Just when the netizens wanted to continue their chatter on Shuguang Entertainment's Weibo, another piece of news about the game quickly spread on the Internet.

The newly promoted large-scale game entertainment company, Leihuo Huyu also announced the news that they were about to produce a new game in the afternoon, and what made the players even more excited was that Leihuo's new game type was actually a crime game.

This is so weird.

In the past so many years, there are so many game manufacturers in China, and there are no crime-type games. Even if there are, they are basically some crooked existences; but this year, these big companies are all stunned. Same, they all ran to make games with this theme.

Are you not afraid of suddenly coming to a community to send warmth or check the water meter?

emmm.As for why the word 'du' is used, it's very simple, because players now think that Shuguang Entertainment's new game must also be about crime, but it hasn't been announced yet.

Now it's the players' turn to be confused, especially those players who prefer this type of game.

They know that whether it's TV series, movies, novels, anime or games, it's easy to get overwhelmed in the gutter. It's okay if you don't review it. After you have reviewed it, the game will be officially launched. In the end, Ni When Ma has a problem and needs to be corrected, that's a disgusting len!

Taking a step back, it’s okay for Fatty Griffin to make crime games. After all, EG Game Company is the legendary pioneer of crime themes. Many players who have played Vice City still believe in EG’s strength. , besides the not-so-obvious type of crime like reasoning and suspense, it is not the kind of existence that is easy to step on the line.

But how can you, Leihuo Huyu He De, let the company's first game directly challenge the difficult theme of crime theme?
Did you just listen to "Courage" yesterday?

Or did you just take the Dali Shengong pill this morning?

Anyway, netizens now look at Leihuo Huyu like a clown riding a unicycle on a knife edge, wondering when he will die.

As for us, there is also a game company with the highest ranking-Xinhuo Games.

Now there is no enthusiasm, and no cards.

Only a small number of loyal game changers of Xinhuo Game are still paying attention to it occasionally. It is popular because most of these players are female players. Therefore, after these female players are on Weibo, they still pay more attention to them. The little fresh meat idol, as for the old man Ma Teng?
. . . . .

Shuguang Entertainment, Mu Chen's office.

"Master Mu, then we really don't need to announce the type of game in the Great Thousand World?"

To be on the safe side, Liu Jin still decided to ask for the opinion of Mu Chen who had rested today.

"Announce what? Let them guess for themselves. Besides, the game production progress of Daqianshijie is destined to be slower than theirs. Now that it is announced, if it is delayed until then, it will make players decide that it is my Suguang Entertainment." Scared."

"Also, I don't know how to classify the Great Thousand World~ After all, the small worlds that will be added in the future must be different, and it is difficult to distinguish them with an existing game type."

Muchen also talked about the reason why he didn't announce the game type at that time.

After all, you have all kinds of elements, and it is really difficult to classify them.

Just like unfinished bubble tea, you have to pour it out first, and then separate the dry garbage from the wet garbage.

Moreover, after the number of small worlds increases in the Great Thousand World, it must be much more complicated than this.

"It's okay, Lao Liu, when the time comes, for this kind of unimportant public opinion, oh no, it should be a wise topic, so don't bother with it. Now it's our game manufacturer's market, that is, the seller's market, even the old guy Ma Teng You don’t have to worry about selling the dress-up game, so why do we at Shuguang Entertainment worry about it; besides, it’s guaranteed that someone is playing the game, so don’t worry about it.”

After comforting Lao Liu, Muchen lay down on the table and considered whether to go home tonight.

He received a harsh word from his mother, saying that if he was tied up at home for ten days and a half months, he could only make a little man with Tang Xiaomo, and he was not allowed to go anywhere else.

This is a bit scary!
According to what Muchen's mother Lin Yue said, this is not making a villain, it is simply killing him!
After all, a woman's fighting power is not a joke when she has been in the nectar for a long time.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons for a while, Mu Chen decisively chose to sleep in the company of Shuguang Entertainment. He decided to recuperate for a month before going back.

(End of this chapter)

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