Chapter 306
For the majority of players who like to play games, since March, their days have slowly become bleak.

The four most powerful game companies in China, led by Shuguang Entertainment, chose to retreat in March to start making new games.

This has led to the fact that there are no games on the market that can cause a large-scale sensation among players.

Of course, other game companies are laughing from ear to ear at this time.

There are no more mountains on their heads, and now it's their turn to perform.

emmm, but goose, they are really happy a bit early.

Although Shuguang Entertainment and EG Games Company haven't released any new games, the virtual game warehouse has been producing them all the time.

Since Shuguang Entertainment and Xinhuo Games have engaged in a wave of battles on the game warehouses, due to the intervention of the game management committee, all virtual game warehouses in China are now standardized.

That is to say, no matter which company produces the game warehouse, all virtual games of all companies can be installed on it.

This result is naturally very beneficial to Suguang Entertainment.

Emmm, as for EG Games, Xinhuo Games and Leihuo Huyu, although they are unwilling, they have nothing to do.

It is impossible to stop producing game warehouses because of this.

The vast market of Xia Guo is there, and they have to spread out the virtual game warehouse as soon as possible no matter what.

As long as the market is completely enlarged, although it is not as profitable as Suguang Entertainment, it is still beneficial to itself. Therefore, although Griffin, Ma Teng and others are bleeding, they still did not neglect the production of the game warehouse, and even Still picking up speed.

And it is precisely because of this that dozens of virtual game warehouses are put into the domestic market every day.

And because of the rapid investment in these virtual game collections, those small and medium-sized game manufacturers who thought that spring had come were crying for their parents.

Some people who have nothing to do have made surveys and statistics. In a city with a normal population, a small Internet cafe with one hundred virtual game warehouses can attract three to five thousand young people around; Internet cafes in Taiwan can even reach three to four times the previous figure, which is a maximum of [-] young people.

Of course, this is only the radiating range of influence, not to say that there will be 2 people queuing here immediately.

But in this way, for traditional PC computer Internet cafes and those PC game manufacturers, this is quite uncomfortable.

As long as there is only one virtual game Internet cafe around your PC Internet cafe, the business of the Internet cafe will basically decline in a straight line.

Although an hour of Internet access in a virtual game Internet cafe is enough for two or three hours in a PC Internet cafe, the players are happy!

For players who can't afford a virtual game warehouse, the attraction of virtual games is really not a little bit.

Although it has been almost two years since virtual games appeared, the number of players who can actually play virtual games is pitifully small compared to the total number of gamers in the entire Xia Kingdom.

Taking the statistics previously compiled by Dawn Entertainment as an example, in terms of virtual games, Dawn Entertainment has a total of about 10 registered players.

10 people sounds like a lot, right?

But on Suguang Entertainment's Suguang game platform, after several years of development, there are already [-] million registered players in China alone.

And... Among the [-] million players, only a few hundred thousand players have played virtual games.

One-thousandth ratio.

Therefore, even though Shuguang Hospital, EG Games, and Xinhuo Games haven't released any new games, players still tend to play virtual games.

Especially when there are more and more virtual game warehouses and virtual game Internet cafes on the market.

Another very intuitive example.

Take Yang Wei's virtual game Internet cafe as an example. For a long time after it opened last year, the entire Internet cafe was basically full.

Even when there are the most people, there are four or five people waiting directly next to a game cabin.

Although I know that I may not be able to get in the queue at the back, but if the person in front suddenly has something to leave, wouldn't it be cheaper for me.

Of course, this kind of situation is generally still rare, so those people at the bottom of the list are basically playing with their mobile phones in Internet cafes.

And now, because several game companies are ramping up production of virtual game warehouses, there are more and more virtual game Internet cafes in major cities.

Naturally, it will not be as hard to find as when the virtual game warehouse first came out.

And precisely because of this, those players who have never played virtual games, after discovering the vacancies in these Internet cafes, immediately ran to fill them.

Therefore, those game companies who want to play a game where the tiger is not at home and the monkey dominates, this time they rub their backs on the ground again and again.

And it is precisely because of this failure that many small and medium-sized game manufacturers understand a truth.

Virtual game warehouses are bound to be the general trend of the future game market. No matter how they stir the wind and rain in the PC game field, they can basically only watch the PC game market being squeezed by virtual games infinitely, and finally shrunk into a ball.

As for why it was not directly eliminated by the virtual game, it was because of the price of the virtual game warehouse.

After all, in a considerable period of time in the future, it is impossible for the price of virtual game warehouses to experience such a cliff-like decline, so it will not be able to reach the level of universal popularization in a short period of time.

However, although there is still room for PC games to survive in the end, don't forget that in the field of PC games, Suguang Entertainment's dominance is truly unshakable.

In the small PC game market, most of the market share is occupied by games like League of Legends and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. The living space of these small and medium-sized game companies can be said to be squeezed to the extreme.

Therefore, after being pressed to the ground and rubbed again this time, they are now actively preparing for transformation. Even if they can't produce virtual game warehouses, they still have to produce virtual games no matter what.

Otherwise, when the four giants of Shuguang Entertainment, EG Game Company Xinhuo Games, and Leihuo Interactive Entertainment have established the market and occupied them all, these companies can only drink Northwest Wind.

And just as these small and medium-sized game companies were actively running around with each other, the domestic game market ushered in two more uninvited guests.

The European Storm Game Company and the American John Brothers Game Company officially entered the Xia Kingdom game market in May of this year.

(End of this chapter)

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