Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 307 Huskies Rid

Chapter 307 Huskies Rid

One month after Dawn Entertainment began to retreat to produce Great Thousand Worlds, Storm Games and John Brothers Game Company, which planned to enter the game market of Xia Kingdom last year, entered the game market of Xia Kingdom at the same time.

And just today, for the first time, Griffin did not continue to host the new game of their EG game company, but came to the Shanghai Airport to welcome the arrival of two competitors.

"Hahaha, Griffin, you are gaining weight again, it seems that you have adapted well in Xia Guo!"

Andy, the elder brother of the John brothers, joked without hesitation when he saw Griffin.

Griffin glanced at Brother John, who was about the same size as him, and said nothing.

"Hey, Griffin, isn't that old bitch Bruce here?"

Seeing that Griffin didn't speak, Andy stopped teasing Griffin, and then shifted the firepower to Bruce who hadn't arrived yet.

Emmm, because of his size, Brother John has always been particularly jealous of Bruce, who is slender and rather handsome.

Especially Andy, who has always been talkative, the kind who would be unhappy if he didn't speak harsh words every time he met.

"It's coming soon, have you prepared any new games this time?"

Griffin looked at Andy with a smile, trying to see if he could get something to say.

"Hehe, we still have to look at the market situation in Xia Kingdom before making another plan. In case the games we used to play in the United States are not liked by Xia Kingdom players, it will take a long time to lose, right?"

Andy replied with a smile, not sure if what he said was true.

After hearing Andy's answer, Griffin's eyes flickered slightly, and then he didn't say anything, just quietly waiting for Bruce's arrival.

Half an hour later, the lanky Bruce walked out of the airport.

After the four of them exchanged false and false greetings outside the airport, they got into the car and left with their own concerns.

A week after this meeting that no one noticed, the game market of Xia Kingdom, which had been silent for a long time, once again broke out an amazing news.

Stormwind Game Company from Europe and John Brothers Games from the United States (referred to as YH Company) have successively announced that they will officially enter the Xiaguo game market this summer.

If this news was placed in the past, it would not be able to cause a big sensation.

After all, at that time before, the game media and the majority of players generally paid attention to Suguang Entertainment, or even EG Game Company and Xinhuo Games.

Before Leihuo Huyu could attract the attention of some players, it was thanks to their own company's PR team.

With their wealth and wealth, they arranged the corresponding game media clearly, so there were so many reports during the Spring Festival.

The two companies, Storm Games and YH Games, took a coincidence. They chose to enter the Xia Kingdom game market at this point in time, which is bound to attract the attention of many people, even if many of them have never heard of these two game companies.

At this time, in the largest game forum in China, many netizens who followed the inside news of the game industry were discussing this matter one after another.

Love and Peace: "This time these two companies are coming aggressively, and they must have come prepared, otherwise they wouldn't choose to enter our domestic game market at this time!"

Your F my home: "My god, these two companies are so ghostly, they are afraid that they will not be able to compete with Suguang Entertainment in the front, so they will directly pick the time when they just make a new game."

My name is Liangchen: "Cough cough, would you like to educate these two companies with a big boss? Mengxin, who just entered the game pit, said that he has a confused face~"

Yangcun Yizhihua: "Storm Games is the second-best company in the European game industry. It has been eating ashes behind EG Game Company all the year round, but I don't know how to get fat. Why is this company eating ashes and turning into a fat man? Here we come, now we should have seen the high profits of EG Game Company in Xiaguo, otherwise the early Storm Games would definitely not come to Xiaguo without profit. There are no series of games either, but with their creative reference style and good game production technology, their company's games are still very popular in Europe and other regions; and another YH game company is the most solid and powerful game company in Meili. Strong game company, the boss is two brothers, so this company is also called John Brothers Game Company, emmm, as for the characteristics of this company, it should be very rich, but they have good game planning, so they buy it everywhere They think it’s a good idea, and then they go through secondary processing to make the game out.”

The little mushroom of Caiguliang: "Ah... In other words, the strength of these two companies is still very good?"

Love and Peace: "It's more than good. Before Shuguang Entertainment was established, our domestic players didn't play Kun. They basically played games from EG, Baofeng and YH. It's a pity because of what grd Ma Teng was doing back then. Blocked, so we sometimes have to wait a long time after they release new games to play, and they are all European and American versions, and there is no such thing as an official Chinese version.”

77777: "Tsk tsk tsk, that means we'll have another good game to play soon? World of Warcraft labor and management are tired of playing it. If it weren't for the fact that there is still a guild, they would have wanted to quit a long time ago."

Ouhuang is me: "That's right, so is Sekiro. After clearing the level, there is no idea of ​​a second brush. After all, handicapped people like us have watched the strategy tutorial before clearing the level. There is no point in doing it again."

Jiji Fujiji: "A century-old Shuguang fan said that if you are not rich enough to play the games of these two companies, even if you kill me and blow up the virtual game warehouse, you will not be able to play their games!"

emmm, but goose, just when this legendary century-old fan just set up the flag, the forum moderator suddenly posted a message.

"Storm Games and YH Games have just announced that they will release a free virtual online game jointly operated by the two companies, Ragnarok in a week."

As soon as this news came out, the netizens who were still discussing it in the forum just now fell silent, and all of them seemed to be frightened.

Jiji Fujiji: "Ahem, a century-old fan of Shuguang Entertainment said that he will go to spy on the enemy's situation after one anniversary, and do a good job of intelligence work for the next battle."

I called 250: "Fuck, what the hell. The amount of information is a bit large, they actually joined forces?!"

Yangcun Yizhihua: "It's really amazing. The European and American parties, who have always been fighting each other, are actually cooperating in a new game. It's really the husky next door!"

(End of this chapter)

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