Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 326 Can't Understand, Can't Understand

Chapter 326 Can't Understand, Can't Understand

After not finding the answer in Shuguang Entertainment's Weibo content, Feng Xia immediately clicked on the comment section below. After all, everyone in the comment section is talented and speaks nicely, so they must know something. Chickens love it here.

Sure enough, in the comment area under Shuguang Entertainment's Weibo, everyone was discussing the random test of the new game this time.

"Ahhh, I didn't get the test qualification, why?!"

"Hey~ I guess it's because I paid too much money. Poor players like us who only spent one or two hundred yuan on Suguang Entertainment are unlikely to be eligible for this new game test."

"It makes sense. This is the best time to win over those wealthy players. There is nothing wrong with Suguang Entertainment doing this."

The first few comments with the highest likes basically said that this time the test qualification draw was carried out among local rich players.

Although their tone was slightly complaining, they didn't say anything beyond their heads.

However, Feng Xia felt something was wrong.

Judging from past activities, although Shuguang Entertainment does occasionally favor local rich players, it is definitely not as obvious as the previous comments said.

Sure enough, when Feng Xia continued to read the comments, he found a comment that justified Shuguang's name.

"Uh... Although I don't know why none of you are qualified for the test, but I can guarantee that Shuguang Entertainment definitely does not draw based on the amount of recharges of players. After all, leopard heads like me can get zero recharges.

So, I can only prove one thing, that is, your faces are too dark~"

In this comment, Feng Xia also saw that many players who said they didn't spend much money also got the test qualification for the new game.

After discovering that this was indeed the case, Feng Xia didn't care about it any more, but started discussing with others about the test content of the new game.

On the other side, Mu Chen and the others were also discussing the new game in the office.

"Old Liu, how is the progress of the Grand Theft Auto map? Now the main world of Great Thousand Worlds has started a small-scale test among the player groups. You should hurry up and try to complete it before the end of the year."

Muchen looked at Liu Jin next to him, and said very solemnly.

"Understood, Young Master Mu."

"It is now in the final stage, and there are still some data that need to be debugged. It is expected to take about half a month."

Liu Jin replied immediately.


Mu Chen nodded, then turned to look at Lao Wang, who was in charge of the game operation department of Shuguang Entertainment, and said quickly: "Old Wang, I will make a test questionnaire for the Great Thousand World later, and download it tomorrow morning. Sent to each player, I need to see the feedback of the players on our new attempts in the game."

The so-called new attempt is actually that after the players enter the game, there are no mechanical prompts. Everything in the game needs to be explored by the players themselves, trying to make the players feel that the game is really another world.

For example, this time the beta version of Great Thousand Worlds.

After the players enter the game, there is only one basic panel, and there is a small note on what the players can do, and then it is gone.

It can be said that the introduction has reached the extreme.

As for the novice tutorials that every game has in the past, there are none in the world.

Including the most critical world tree, there are only a few simple sentences to introduce its function in the game.

On the other side, Griffin was also listening to his secretary's report at this time.

"You mean, the new game of Suguang Entertainment is still in the testing stage, and the test qualifications are still randomly selected from the player group?"

Griffin asked after listening to the report.

"Yes, boss!"

"How about the game content?"

As soon as Griffin received the news of Suguang Entertainment's new game, he asked someone to find out about the situation. Although he didn't expect this time to be a test version, it was still very easy to get a test spot.


The secretary opened his mouth slightly when he heard Griffin's question, but he didn't know how to describe it.

"Watt? What's the matter? God bless, are you going to tell me that they can't even get a game qualification now?"

Griffin's tone gradually became serious.

"No, boss."

The secretary quickly explained.

"It's because the new game test of the Suguang game is very strange. Players only have one chance to die every day. After dying once, they can no longer enter the game. Therefore, when we found someone to go in to inquire this time, we only saw a forest , and was killed by some kind of creature."

Hearing the secretary's report, Griffin's fat face wrinkled together.

After hearing the situation described by the secretary, he instinctively felt that something was wrong with the new game of Suguang Entertainment this time.

First of all, the forest is really outrageous. He knew it very clearly at the beginning. The new game of Shuguang Entertainment this time is a crime type. Although I don’t know what the specific classification is, it shouldn’t be. What kind of combination of mysterious animals is added to the big forest!
Because generally speaking, 80.00% of the game backgrounds of this type are in the city, and of the remaining 20.00%, 19.00% are in villages and towns, and only the remaining one percent can be in other environments.

Of course, due to insufficient information, Griffin dare not conclude that the game environment must be a forest.

What if the player arrives in the city after passing through the forest?
"Then what do those players on the Internet say? I don't think it's possible that all the players died after entering, right?"

Griffin turned his head and thought, then asked the secretary.

"There are a lot of people discussing it, but...according to the statistics from the network department, almost all players were attacked and died within the game without going far."

The secretary said helplessly.

Hearing this answer, Griffin raised his eyebrows in surprise.

This is quite unreasonable!
In Europe, it doesn’t matter that game makers are tough when they have dialogues with player groups, but if something in your game makes players unhappy, or if you have no game experience at all, then the players will come back and attack them It is also unbearable.

Anyway, as powerful as Griffin, he was more sensitive to such things after being dissed by players for a long time because of a serious bug in a game public beta.

Emmm, don't look at the diss here, but this kind of diss will affect the sales and word-of-mouth of the game. If it is serious, the game may directly become cold.

That's why he was a little confused about the way of Shuguang Entertainment's new game this time.

(End of this chapter)

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