Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 327 Unpretentious

Chapter 327 Unpretentious
Of course, it wasn't just the Griffins of EG Games who were stunned by Shuguang Entertainment's operation.

Nearly a thousand qualified players, including Feng Xia, were basically in a state of ignorance.

Especially our classmate Feng Xia.

At the beginning, he still had hope, thinking that he could find players with different results on Weibo or forums.

Ran goose ...

He went around asking and discussing for a long time before he found out sadly. Fortunately, every player who was qualified for the test didn't live long after entering the game to GG.

It's just terrifying...

Even at that time, many players complained that the new game of Suguang Entertainment this time was simply a horror game.

Because many people are walking on the road and then scattered, er, no, they died while walking...

Either fly down from the sky, or get out of the ground, or on the tree, or in the grass.

Oh, Feng Xia learned that the weirdest thing was that a player was slapped to death by the tail of a big fish in the river while walking by the river.

Feng Xia, who had learned about all this at the time, immediately had a sentence in his mind - about the one hundred ways of death of the players, or about the one thousand origins of the monsters.

And the chief culprit of all this is naturally our young master Mu Chen who doesn't think it's a big deal when we watch the excitement.

At the beginning, he was thinking, since he wants to create a sense of initiative in the game itself, what should he do.

Then, under the discussion between him and Lin Sen, the plan called Xiamawei was born.

The reason why this test was conducted this time was to create a feeling for the players, that is, this game is too similar to those previous coquettish and cheap games.

In the usual games, the manufacturers first teach the players all the core of the game slowly, and how far they can play in the end depends entirely on the player's personal talent and hard work; This kind of routine is just to tell the player what you can do when you first enter the game. As for how to do it, it depends on the player's own comprehension ability.

In a nutshell, the previous games can be called: the master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual; but now in the world, it is completely up to the player. As for the player who leads the player, that level can only be regarded as a door boy, and Not a master.

Of course, Mu Chen and the others also considered that taking too many steps at one time would easily cause trouble, so they made such a new game and tested it out.

As for the number of people tested, some people must think that 1000 people would be too small?When there are more players at that time, it may not be effective if you take off your horse.

However, this kind of situation is impossible in the current information society. Just look at the discussion topics in Weibo and forums related to Shuguang Entertainment. They are all about the strange situation of this new game test.

Many of those netizens who didn't get the qualifications for the test were even a little bit lucky.

After all, looking at it this way, the fate of these selected lucky geese seems to be a little miserable.

Emmm, in fact, at the beginning Lin Sen proposed to do this on the first day of the official public beta of Great Thousand World, but Mu Chen thought about it and rejected it.

If all the players were pissed off at once, even Shuguang Entertainment would not be able to afford the consequences.


The next day, Feng Xia got up early, and after washing up, he sneaked into the game room without eating breakfast.

Last night, he spent the whole night in bed thinking about this wonderful and weird new game of Suguang Entertainment. Because of this, he even rejected a party invited by plmm.

After entering the game room, he clicked on the Chaos icon, but this time he was not rejected like yesterday, but successfully entered the game.

Then. . . . .A questionnaire popped up on his face.

Originally, with Feng Xia's personality, he would never fill out this kind of questionnaire, even if it was a questionnaire from Shuguang Entertainment.

But just when he was about to fork out the questionnaire and start the game directly, Feng Xia suddenly caught sight of a line at the top of the questionnaire: Complete the questionnaire and a beautiful game gift!

These words directly hit Feng Xia's weakness, so he had to stop his fingers that were already hanging on the x.

How do you feel about the first day of the testing phase?
Feng Xia: Not so good!
Afterwards, Feng Xia filled out the questionnaire this time with the same angry feeling as above.

Of course, there is a high probability that a questionnaire like his will be invalidated.

After hastily filling out the questionnaire, Feng Xia can finally enter the game.

He is quite curious now, what is this mysterious game gift package?
"Maybe it's some magical weapons, or martial arts secrets or something. After all, Nima is a novice village, and it's so dangerous. How can I not give me some weapons to defend myself?"

Feng Xia, who was secretly guessing, saw a long and thick cuboid box beside her feet after entering the game.

Although the surface of the box is just an unpretentious brown, Feng Xia is sure that the things inside the box will definitely blind his eyes later.

After all, as an old bird in the game industry, Feng Xia has seen a lot of this method of suppressing first and then raising. First let the players down, and then suddenly reveal a good thing, so that the players will be happier under the same circumstances.

"Haha, let me come to Kangkang, there are some magical treasures here!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Xia bent down and opened the unpretentious box.

Then. . . . .He saw it—three things that were even more unpretentious than a box.

An axe, a shovel, and a seed with a dingy, wrinkled skin.

"Fuck, Grandma Li! What the hell is this?!"

Looking directly at these three things, Feng Xia's scalp was numb, his face was pale, his eyes were dark, and he almost didn't pass out.

"Huh~ Calm down, maybe these things are hidden secrets!"

"For example, this ax may be some kind of Pangu Sky-opening Axe; this shovel is also, maybe it is some kind of ancient artifact; and this kind of thing, maybe-I said hell, labor and capital can't make it up! !!"

Feng Xia still has some good eyesight, at least he can tell that the ax and the shovel are really those two things, not magical weapons at all.

"It's stupid, so they said that they can build a house and have been waiting for us here for a long time!"

Feng Xia thought of what those netizens who carefully read the game manual said yesterday, and couldn't help but have a new understanding of the stinginess of Shuguang Entertainment.

Moreover, he still has a question, that is, do those players who did not fill out the questionnaire not have this "plain and simple" three-piece suit?

(End of this chapter)

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