Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 329 Diligence, Died

Chapter 329 Diligence, Died
So, our Mu Chen's Weibo suffered another disaster.

Mu Chen, whose Weibo was once again captured by those angry players, posted a Weibo afterwards.

"Ahem, I just want to say one thing: What does your arrest of Lu Xun have to do with me, Zhou Shuren? Did I trick you, justice is at ease!"

Mu Chen still has a lot of experience on how to package himself as a victim.

If it weren't for him, he would still be a man anyway. . . . . emmm, no, he is a man, otherwise he would start whining.

In fact, it's blasting, but it's just a few hundred or less than a thousand players who are qualified for the test, and more of them are melon-eating people who are ready to see how Mu Chen will explain.

The next day, after entering the game, those players who did not fill out the questionnaire found that what they called a simple and unpretentious box appeared at their feet.

Of course, the players who got the three-piece suit died again yesterday; and then, if you look carefully, you will find that those players who didn't fill out the questionnaire yesterday died again later.

So, finally, today, all players have a simple and unpretentious three-piece suit.

And this is naturally the masterpiece of our Young Master Mu.

Otherwise, the game will not be able to proceed happily.

And it was also today that a player finally expressed in the forum that he had successfully piled up a room.

The reason why the word "heap" is used is because the setting in the game is like this.

When making a house in the game, you don't need bricks, cement, and reinforced concrete like in real life.

Just use a shovel to dig the soil, mine, and then move the bricks. The basic principle is the same as minecraft.

And this discovery also made the players feel the fun from the game on the third day of the test, instead of being full of malice like the previous two days.

All of a sudden, these nearly a thousand players turned into brick movers one after another, and began to carry out crazy infrastructure construction on the mainland of the main world.

In just one day, nearly 2000 buildings of various kinds have been erected on this continent of nearly [-] million square kilometers.

And this is just a masterpiece of a thousand players in one day, or less than a day.

Of course, although a player has three buildings on average, not every player has reached this level.

After all, in a group, there will always be some people who are holding back.

And Feng Xia, our self-proclaimed "Son of the Chosen", is one of those who are holding back.

Let alone the room, Nima has been here all day, and Feng Xia hasn't even piled up a single wall.

This ratio is just like many people when they first came into contact with "Minecraft", they are full of curiosity about everything around them, and want to know what materials can be produced after this thing is smashed, or that the two can be combined into one what.

Anyway, I don’t want to build a house, and I am determined to be a wandering ronin.

Ran goose ...

It was also because of his curiosity that Feng Xia died in the end.

The reason was that when he was cutting a tree, he found a tree that looked too much like the one in the woods.

The top of the tree is full of crooked cracks, and some of the cracks look like the expression on a human face at first glance.

Seeing this weird scene, Feng Xia swung the ax without saying a word.

Then, he was spattered with blood.

And then, Feng Xia was horrified to find that Nima, an extremely weird tree, stood up unsteadily, and then unsteadily took two steps forward.

In the end, the player Feng Xia——died.


"It's really unlucky. You said that if you want a tree to grow, you can grow it properly. Why do you have those tattoos on your face? Didn't you deliberately seduce me!"

Feng Xia who was forced to quit again cursed and opened the game cabin.

Afterwards, he opened Weibo, ready to vent for a while on Shuguang Entertainment's Weibo.

Emmm, the reason why is to vent on Shuguang Entertainment's Weibo.

It was because Feng Xia suddenly discovered yesterday that when he chatted with other players about Shuguang Entertainment or Muchen for a while on Shuguang Entertainment's Weibo, his mood improved miraculously.

So, after Feng Xia's accidental death (death) today, he immediately thought of Shuguang Entertainment's Weibo.

The most embarrassing thing is that when he came to Shuguang Entertainment Weibo Hou, he discovered that today there are test players earlier than him who have already competed wildly here.

Emmm, of course, these players all have a characteristic, that is, they are more curious, and they are also action-oriented.

Feng Xia silently watched the death of these fellow players.

Some were eaten by piranhas; some wanted to hunt after seeing animals, but were killed in the end, and successfully became fertilizer in the forest; , Feng Xia saw a player saying that he was starved to death.

When he saw the cause of death, Feng Xia felt that Nima was outrageous.

He has been playing the game for three full days. Leaving aside the first day, he barely played for a long time in the next two days, and he did not find that he would die of starvation or thirst, etc. .

Therefore, he concluded that this comparison should be said on purpose to attract attention, maybe this person has never played games at all.

However, what Feng Xia didn't know was that Mu Chen used the notoginseng theory of the human body in the game.

That is, if the average person does not eat or drink, then basically he can only live for three days; if he only drinks water and does not eat, then he can basically live for seven days.

Of course, I have said the average person, so there must be exceptions.

For some people who are born with special constitutions or who have undergone acquired training, these two values ​​will increase to a certain extent.

However, because this is in the game, Mu Chen set that all players have the same physique at the beginning.

Again, this is a game, and players cannot feel unfair at the very beginning.

As for the future of the game, it is entirely up to each individual.

If the player has the ability, he will be invulnerable to swords and guns, he will become a fairy, and his chest will be crushed with a big stone... Uh, he went to the wrong set.

And why some players happened to be starved to death on the third day, Feng Xia and many players are fine?

Because, on the first day of the test, all players died quickly. It is a very simple reason. After resurrection, the physical state will naturally be refreshed.

After refreshing the state, on the third day, tools for building a house appeared.

As mentioned earlier, some players build several houses a day, and the more houses they build...the consumption will naturally be faster.

So... industrious players, pawns.

Facts have proved that there is nothing wrong with being lazy sometimes. (Ahem, of course it's fake!)

(End of this chapter)

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