Chapter 330

So on the fourth day of the Great Thousand Worlds test, many players saw a scarlet hunger reminder on the property panel after going online.

As for the first player who was starved to death, why didn't he see it?
Maybe it's because I'm addicted to work (moving bricks, digging) and I can't extricate myself.

Of course, our Young Master Feng didn't notice all of this, and there was no reminder of hunger on his attribute panel.

So today he is still slowly building houses while wandering around, very chic.

Then, at night, it was also dark in the main world.



When Feng Xia was about to go offline and sleep like this, he suddenly heard low howls coming from the depths of the forest.

"Hold the grass! This... this is so f*cking, there can't be wolves?!"

Feng Xia murmured to himself tremblingly.

At this time, it is useless for the player to go offline, because after the player goes offline, the body will stay in place.

So, even if he is offline now, when he goes online again tomorrow, the screen will be black immediately, and he will be forced to log out immediately.


"Why am I so cheap! Wouldn't it be good to build a house properly!"


Feng Xia listened to the sound of howling wolves that appeared and disappeared and was getting closer, and then looked at the "house" he built with only two walls, shed tears of regret.

"Fuck, people are dead and birds are up to the sky, and they will not die for thousands of years!"

"Today, I will let you bastards take a look. You, Uncle Feng, mastered the wolf stick method of the major game companies back then!"

After pumping himself up, Feng Xia held the ax tightly with both hands, staring at the direction where the wolf howling sound came from.

In less than a minute, Feng Xia could hear the rustling of footsteps.

The howling of wolves completely disappeared.

In the entire forest, apart from Feng Xia's breathing and the rustling of footsteps around him, there was no other sound.

Even the most common sound of insects in the forest is gone.

Feng Xia looked around nervously and swallowed.

Suddenly, two or three meters away from Feng Xia, where it was originally pitch black, a pair of green eyes appeared without warning.

Immediately afterwards, two pairs, three pairs... until Feng Xia was surrounded by green eyes.


"Damn, is there a wolf den here?"

Feng Xia stepped back gradually, until finally his whole body was against the wall behind him.

Immediately, Feng Xia, who fell into a certain death situation, suddenly thought of something.

"Hey! Whether you can escape this catastrophe depends on whether this game is the same as in Minecraft!?"


Five minutes later, Feng Xia pushed open the game compartment and took a deep breath.


"My world does not deceive me!"

"The wolf really can't jump up, or else it will turn into wolf dung for a long time tonight."

After coming out, Feng Xia said with a face full of lingering fear.


Dawn Entertainment.

"How many players died today?"

Mu Chen stood behind a statistical employee and asked softly.

"Master Mu, there are only twenty players who died during the day today, most of them died of hunger."

Mu Chen listened, and then asked: "Most likely? What else did some die from?"

"Uh... all kinds of accidents."

Mu Chen: "For example?"

"For example, falling from a high place, or being poisoned to death, or being drowned in a river... etc., there are seven or eight ways to die."

Hearing the staff's explanation, Mu Chen's mouth couldn't help twitching.

Sure enough, he still underestimated the desire to die hidden in the players.

"What about that night?"

Muchen continued to ask.

"So far, there is only one player who died at night, because he was too far away from his house and was taken away by wolves on the road."

Hearing this statistic, Mu Chen was not surprised.

After all, the bloodline of the infrastructure madman buried deep in his bones is not just talk.

Muchen believes that the players in the game now have at least five or six small buildings or one large building.

Feng Xia with only two walls: Meow meow? (')
Therefore, in his opinion, the various animal attacks tonight should not cause the death of many players.

Of course, Mu Chen didn't know that there would be such a wonderful thing as Feng Xia, and he directly used it without a house: the secret skill of repeatedly jumping across the wall.

Of course, another reason why Feng Xia was able to escape from the wolves like this was that during the testing phase, Mu Chen and the others did not increase the intelligence of these wild monsters much.

In other words, the wild monsters that players encounter in the testing phase now belong to the category of imbecile.

Emmm, although saying this kind of hurt the self-esteem of the players, it is true.

After all, Suguang Entertainment doesn't want to reveal too much during the testing phase, so as not to surprise the players enough.

In the next few days, these thousand players who had the qualifications to test the new game, including our lazy cancer patient Feng Xia, worked hard every day, moving bricks, digging soil, and building small houses in the game.

Of course, our classmate Feng Xia always thought that he survived because he cleverly used the technique of climbing the wall.

He didn't know that he didn't turn into wolf dung because these wild monsters were not smart enough.

Even now he is still thinking, after the game starts to operate officially, he also wants to use this trick to deal with it.

After all... at first glance, this trick is indeed extremely convenient.

On the other hand, Xinhuo Games also released news that their new game will be released soon, and also released a beautiful promotional video.

Emmm, although the background of the game has been changed to a modern urban background this time, one can tell by looking at the various fashionable clothes that this is another change of clothes - a dress-up game.

But this time Ma Teng should also have learned the lessons of the previous two games.

Judging from the promotional video of this new game, it should be that the battle system in the game has been strengthened.

Although it is still inevitable to change the costume, the playability is still improved a lot.

Even in Mu Chen's view, this might seduce many male players.

After all, the large number of female players is a major advantage of Xinhuo game. Now, with the addition of a good combat system and cooler fashions, it is still attractive to some players with serious secondary diseases.

Moreover, games like Xinhuo Games that can both attract girls and pretend to be compared on the market are currently the only ones for Scorpion Baba.

(End of this chapter)

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