Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 331 Meiyu Plan

Chapter 331 Meiyu (Human) Plan
It's just that, after watching the promotional video of Xinhuo Game, our Young Master Mu felt a little lamented that this old guy's game has improved, but what's even more weird is that there was an indescribable expression on his face. smile.

emmmmm, how do you say it?

It's like the expressions of hunters seeing prey, hungry ghosts seeing bread, perverts seeing beauties, and Mu Chen's husky seeing a brand new sofa, full of desire.

Of course, don't look at Mu Chen who doesn't seem to care much about Ma Teng's new game, just think that this game is not good.

In fact, when Ma Teng's promotional video was released, it was rare to attract the attention of many players.

After all, their company's games have always been known for playing soy sauce.

And now, although the Xinhuo game is still like soy sauce, at least the new game can attract more people.

Of course, this was also Ma Teng's original strategy.

It is to take advantage of the fact that there are many female players, and use it as a unique symbol of their company's games, so that when players mention his Xinhuo game, the first thing that comes to mind is this company's games, there will be many female players.

No, not long after Ma Teng released the promotional video, many players (male, female) came here admiringly.

"Si Guoyi! The girl in the promotional video of Xinhuo Game, I say it's fine!"

"(ˇˇ) It's so boring, I only turned it off after watching it 500 times."

"Ahem, the background music is so loud and white! Uh, no, the clothes are so round! (〃▽`〃)"

"‵The screen is a bit dirty, let me lick it clean!"

"What, I sincerely invite a girl to take me to play Xinhuo Game's new game, the treatment is favorable, and I can face the base!"

"Upstairs, brother, I have to kindly remind you that since I played the first two games of Xinhuo, my body is getting worse day by day, and those girls in it, hiss~ It's really hard... ..."

"Hahaha, your Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding is quite the essence!"

"Well, will playing this game affect my one-handed Langiboni?"

"Hey~ Why do you still have one hand?"

"Isn't the point the car? What the hell is a Lanchiboni? A new version of a luxury car?"

. . . . .

Ma Teng is now also following Mu Chen's example, and has started diving on Weibo to read netizens' comments on a regular basis.

Just like now, he is looking at the comments under the promotional video of his new game, feeling a burst of complacency.

It's been too long. It's been too long since the promotional video of his Xinhuo game has been as lively as it is today. No, seriously, it should never be like today. A video can seduce many players.

"It seems that adding a little openness to the promotional video is really a good strategy!"

At this time, Ma Teng felt that he had found an excellent magic weapon.

As for Ma Teng's thoughts, after Mu Chen saw the comments of those male players who like women under this video, he immediately thought of it.

Of course, this kind of propaganda method, in his previous life, he had often seen such naked game promotional videos for quite a long time.

At that time, Mu Chen, who was young and full of enthusiasm, was often disturbed by these videos.

Then. . . . .This phenomenon was rectified immediately.

I don’t know how many games, when the official rectification documents have just been issued, or have not yet been issued, they secretly lengthen or widen the clothes of those female characters with breasts and thighs in their respective games. Big cut.

The most classic and most intuitive changes, the most famous game is undoubtedly the top mobile game at that time-King of Pesticides.

There is no way, in the face of such a general trend, even TX's father has to rectify obediently.

So, when Mu Chen saw the promotional video of the Firewood game, although he thought of this as a wonderful way to seduce players with beauty, he didn't intend to use it.

After all, it is indeed easy to bring a bad social atmosphere like this, and it is easy to be targeted by the relevant departments above.

Moreover, for Ma Teng's tricks, Mu Chen already has a way to deal with him.

The famous martial arts expert Murong Tiezhu once said: Defeating the enemy with the moves that the enemy is best at is the only way for shrimp and pig heart.

Didn't you change your clothes, a lot of them are very fashionable?
When a game has these elements at the same time, and can go to the sky, clubbing, extortion, er, no, when it punishes evil and promotes good, Ma Teng will find out how vulnerable his game is , his female players will also turn to Mu Chen's embrace one after another.

emmm, it seems something is wrong? ? ? (Tang Xiaomo is on the way with a knife)
Of course, all of this has to be based on the premise that Suguang Entertainment's new game can be successfully launched.

Now more than half of the one-month time limit that Liu Jin said at the beginning has passed, and the test of the main world is coming to an end.

As long as the small world is completed, the Great Thousand World will be able to meet the players soon.

On the other hand, Li Lei, the general manager of Thunder Huo Entertainment, lost his temper in the office.

"Please explain to me, why haven't you finished the game at this moment? I spent so much money to find you not to give me an excuse to fail!"

Today, he also saw that Xinhuo Games released all the promotional videos, and then thought that his company's games had not yet been typed out by the employees' keyboards, so he was angry for a while.

"From today onwards, all departments will work overtime for me, when will it be completed, and when will I stop working overtime!"

Li Lei said that he was very angry, so you have to work overtime for me.

You know, he has spoken to his father-in-law, and he will definitely make the company a hit in the game industry.

As a result, judging from the current situation, it would be good if Nima and his company were not killed by a single shot, is it still popular?Red stick hammer! ! !
Li Lei said that it was really difficult for him!

As for Griffin, whose new game has been on the shelves for more than half a month, he is currently calling his little pony, Ma Teng.

After all, in Griffin's view, he is also Ma Teng's boss anyway, and his younger brother has developed. As a boss, he should call to congratulate him, learn from others by the way, and discuss successful experiences.

Of course, when the two of them were talking together, the topic would involuntarily turn to the other person, Mu Chen.

"I think this time Suguang Entertainment's new game is not as simple as their beta version looks."

Griffin spoke first.

"How to say?"

Ma Teng asked.

"Didn't I tell you before, I can be sure that this time the new game of Shuguang Entertainment is a crime type, but judging from the current situation, it doesn't look like it at all! Those players are either building houses or being bitten by wolves or eagles." Yes, it's not like the crime game mentioned there!"

When Griffin said this, his fat face was almost wrinkled.

 Add more today, ask for a small ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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