Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 332 Beast Blood Boiling

Chapter 332 Beast Blood Boiling (ask for a ticket)

Ma Teng on the other end of the phone heard Griffin's statement and felt that his suspicion was still very reasonable.

As for whether the source of Suguang Entertainment's new game type is accurate?
Ma Teng said it did not exist.

If Griffin couldn't even be sure about the accuracy of the source, then EG Games would probably have been photographed dead on the beach of the Mediterranean Sea long ago.

Since there is nothing wrong with this news, then Suguang Entertainment's new game really needs to be paid attention to.

Judging from Ma Teng's experience of fighting Mu Chen for many years and being abused all the time, this time he must be holding back a big move.

Thinking of this, Ma Teng couldn't help but feel worried about his new game.

What if my new game collided with Suguang Entertainment?
No, it has to be put on the shelves in advance, and I can't wait any longer. Besides, the popularity of his new game is barely enough, at least better than the first two games of Xinhuo Game.

Thinking of this, Ma Teng didn't want to continue discussing with Griffin about the strategy against the enemy. After telling Griffin about his worries, Ma Teng quickly hung up the phone and called his subordinates. He began to order the new game to be released in advance.

Emmm, if Mu Chen knew that Ma Teng was frightened by one of his own guesses and directly released the game in advance, I don't know what it would be like.

But now Mu Chen didn't have much thought to pay attention to other things.

With the completion of the test of the main world, players who have played or not played the Great Thousand World now know what the role of the world tree is.

Likewise, players are curious about the small world that will appear in the official version of the game.

But no matter how curious you are, it’s useless. Players know that Shuguang Entertainment doesn’t make any money, and Mordekaiser’s brother Mo De is so emotional. Useless.

The high-cold Shuguang Entertainment official blog will not change anything because of the players' coquettishness or threats.


A week later, the idle and bored players once again gathered under Shuguang Entertainment's Weibo, and started their daily routine of coquettish and threatening activities.

Although during this period of time, some players who were not fans were imprisoned in a small black room by Suguang Entertainment forever because of their aggressive words when threatening.

But every day, there are still many fans who take the risk of being blocked, and enjoy molesting the official blog.

"The first thing I do when I wake up every day is to come to Shuguang Entertainment's official blog to speak harsh words!"

"Is Shuguang Entertainment open today? Oh, no? Then I will continue to lie in the coffin."

"The first thing you say when you wake up every day is to cheer on the official blog. The official blogger can help me, where is my new travel?"


Just when everyone was chatting happily in the comments, they suddenly came across something amazing.

The Shuguang Entertainment official blog, who was extremely cold a second ago and was silently accepting their teasing, suddenly posted a video, which was rarely accompanied by a little text.

"This is your second world, a completely different world where you can do whatever you want!"

Emmm, to be honest, when many people only read this sentence and don't watch the video content, they usually subconsciously think that this must be an incomparable secondary game.

However, when they clicked into the video curiously and impatiently, they saw a world with incomparable impact.

At one point in the video, there is a roaring car engine sound. If you listen carefully, the engine sound is also mixed with the sharp and piercing siren.

A domineering off-road vehicle ran wildly on the road, galloping wildly along the way, hitting countless cars into the air.

Not far behind the off-road vehicle, several police cars with sirens sounding were chasing desperately there.

Although the scene is relatively hot, such a scene is often seen in blockbuster movies, that is, a relatively ordinary police and robber chase scene.

However, as time went by, when the police in the video dispatched RPGs, armed helicopters, tanks and other heavy weapons, the expressions of the players watching the video gradually became serious.

The reason for the serious expression is not that they don't like this video, at least they have gradually entered into the off-road vehicle being chased in the video.

At the end of the video, when the players saw a few people in the off-road vehicle standing on the top of the familiar TV tower and jumping, many of them even had shortness of breath.

When they saw them pulling off their paragliding suits in mid-air, they all showed the smiles of the survivors after the catastrophe.

After watching the video, the players realized that the original video was over.

After staring back at the scenes in the video for a while, they were completely restless.

"Fuck me! This f*cking video makes my blood boil!"

"Emmm, shouldn't it be blood boiling? But it doesn't matter, I'll just wait for a mortal to be a salted fish that can only brush 666."

"Ri! The place where I jumped from the TV tower really made me wet! Then the moment I pulled off the hang glider, I heard the close-up of that voice, oh~ Xie Te, I almost peed directly! "

"One thing to say, although these scenes have been seen in the movie, even if you watch a 3D movie, you still watch it from the perspective of a bystander, and the sense of substitution is not strong enough; but while watching this video, think again. Seeing that I can personally experience these things in the game, Si Guoyi, that would be so cool!"

"Hold the grass! No, I have to buy a game warehouse right away. If such a game still needs to be queued up in an Internet cafe, the waiting time will be a torment!"

"Let's go, let's go together, although we may have to eat bran-swallowed vegetables for a long time in the future,, you have to be tough on yourself!"


Now as time goes by, more and more people have seen this new game promotional video of Suguang Entertainment.

After reading it, they felt just as the copywriter said, judging from the scenes that happened in the game, it was indeed the second world.

After all, in real life, it is really impossible to have a scene like the one in the video.

Although some countries on the earth are not very peaceful, those places are relatively backward; and in an international metropolis like the magic capital in the video, where can there be wars in real life?
Tsk tsk tsk, especially male players, they tremble with excitement when they think that they can experience the feeling of driving a helicopter and a tank with one hand in the game (of course, the Joe-Bi Luo tank is too heavy, so it is not considered).

Which man does not have some blood-boiling dreams?

These weapons, for men, are comparable to strong prostitution.

 Adding the first bomb, please ask for a recommendation ticket, please ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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