Chapter 333
Xu Nan is one of thousands of people whose blood boils after watching the promotional video of Shuguang Entertainment's new game.

However, as a college student, even though his family has a small amount of property, but because he is in school, he usually wants to play games, so he can only go to the virtual game Internet cafe to play.

After all, so far, there has not been any university dormitory that can accommodate a virtual game cabin.

When that thing hit the ground, two people couldn't sleep in the dormitory.

Therefore, Xu Nan, who used to hang out in the Internet cafe next door to the school, after watching the promotional video of Shuguang Entertainment's new game, God knows how much he wants to directly install a game warehouse in the dormitory.

In Xu Nan's view, it is simply unforgivable to play this game if you have to run far and wait in line, and you can only play for 6 hours in the end.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Xu Nan was lying on the bed in her dormitory. On the screen of her mobile phone was the shopping mall of Shuguang Entertainment, and in the center of the screen was a silver-white game warehouse.

"What's the matter? What's the howling in broad daylight? Our Brother Nan has lost his love again?"

Xu Nan's wailing caught the attention of his roommate, and a roommate who was sleeping across from him, an ordinary-looking roommate, asked.


Xu Nan denied it sullenly, and then asked his roommate with hope: "You said, what if I replace my bed with a virtual game room? The school shouldn't expel me, right? Is it the most Just ask me to pay for it?"

Xu Nan asked several questions in one breath, fully expressing his inner uncertainty about this idea.

Sure enough, the extremely ordinary-looking roommate opposite him rolled his eyes, and said quite naturally:

"Brother Nan, are you thinking of farting? Although we only check the dormitory every now and then, what do you say if you are caught by the dormitory auntie?"

Hearing the answer from her Puyan (ordinary-looking) roommate, Xu Nan wailed again on the bed.

"Ah, it's so uncomfortable!"

Although Xu Nan didn't know when the new game of Shuguang Entertainment would be released, he was sure that he should not have a holiday at that time.

In this case, it means that he cannot play this new game immediately.

And for a senior netizen player, if he can't enter the newly opened game in the first time, he will be far behind!
What Xu Nan remembers most is the opening of World of Warcraft.

At that time, he was still a senior high school dog who was about to face the college entrance examination. When he started to play World of Warcraft during the summer vacation after the college entrance examination, he went in and saw that there were some full-level monsters everywhere in the novice city Stormwind City. No, he is a level 0 Xiao Mengxin shivering in the corner.

The situation is really: when he was 18 that year, he was lying on his stomach like a minion in Xinshou Village.

Therefore, Xu Nan, who had a sad experience, was so persistent this time to be able to enter the new game of Shuguang Entertainment for the first time.

"Okay, stop howling. Isn't the new game of Xinhuo Game officially launched today? I saw that promotional video was pretty good."

After Puyan's roommate heard Xu Nan's call again, for the sake of his own ears, he recommended a new game of Xinhuo Game to Xu Nan.

Unexpectedly, after hearing the recommendation from her Puyan roommate, Xu Nan spit lightly and said:

"Impossible, it is impossible to play that kind of salary game in this life. Even if I fail at the end of this semester, labor and management will definitely not play that kind of wise dress-up game!"

Xu Nan set up a resounding flag without even thinking about it.

"Oh? Are you sure?"

At this time, the dormitory door was suddenly pushed open, and a handsome boy walked in. It was Xu Nan's other roommate who had returned.

"What's wrong? Only a superficial person like you, Old Chen, would play that kind of girly game!"

Xu Nan looked at the roommate who walked in, and said very disdainfully.

"Hehe, I seem to have heard that Xia Shiqi is also playing this game the other day~"

The good-looking old Chen said casually, and Xu Nan, who was still full of contempt just a second ago, froze there.

"Cough cough, that... what, cough cough, Old Chen, look at you, why don't you take me with you when you are playing games, or is it a good engine oil that you have taken care of together?"

Xia Shiqi, the flower of their computer department.

Originally, their group of preparatory program apes had always been in a situation where wolves were more wolves than meat, but now a slim and beautiful program ape girl appeared in their class, and this group of hungry male program apes naturally followed suit. I can't stand my hormones anymore.

And Xu Nan is one of this group of male programmers who can't stand the hormones.

Emmm, as for why Lao Chen, a handsome programmer, is not moved?

Cough cough, have you ever seen the monkey king who gave up the harem of the female monkeys in the entire forest for a female monkey?
Lao Chen is the kind of existence who has lived among thousands of flowers and picked one flower everywhere.

"Tomorrow, six hours, if you promise, I will call you when Xia Shiqi goes out tomorrow."

After hearing Xu Nan's choked-up sobs and trying to cover up his words, Lao Chen put forward the conditions very directly.

"No? How do you know when Xia Shiqi goes online?"

Although the IQ of men who fall into unrequited love is often offline, Xu Nan's thinking is still very sharp when it comes to the object of his unrequited love.

"Hehe, I didn't come for nothing in the Department of Computer Science at Tianjin University. Of course, my girlfriend told me about it."

Xu Nan: "Your girlfriend? Isn't your girlfriend a senior in junior year? She's from the music department. How did you know Xia Shiqi?"

Xu Nan continued to use his keen thinking borrowed from micro-loans to point out the loopholes in old Chen's words.

"Ahem, I changed it a long time ago. Now my 28th woman happens to be the roommate of your goddess. How about it, brother, I have nothing to say to you. I sacrifice my spirit and body in exchange for information."

Xu Nan couldn't be more clear about the virtues of her roommate.

So Xu Nan just ignored what Old Chen said at the end.

"That's fine, 6 hours is 6 hours!"

After agreeing to her roommate Lao Chen, Xu Nan started fantasy mode on her bed.

As for the flag he just pointed at his Puyan roommate Li a few minutes ago, ha, failing a subject is nothing, is it as important as playing games with the goddess?

As for the superficiality he said just now?
Men, a little superficial is a little superficial.

As for Xu Nan's Puyan roommate, she stared blankly at Xu Nan, who changed her face faster than the Nima girl, and fell into a deep confusion.

The people in the city now...are all eels transformed?
 emmm, this month's subscriptions are much less. I hope that friends who watch pirated versions will give the author a hand. After all, according to the update speed of the author Xianyu, it only costs five yuan to subscribe to all new chapters in a month ()
  Therefore, I hope that the leaders can subscribe and support more~

(End of this chapter)

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