Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 334 Determining the Time

Chapter 334 Determining the Time (asking for a monthly pass, asking for a subscription)

At the same time, across the country, there are still many people like Xu Nan who play the fire game in order to chase girls.

After all, for male animals, racial reproduction is the most important thing, but for recreational activities such as playing games, it can only be put aside.

Therefore, after Ma Teng put his company's new game on the shelves in advance, judging from the current players' reactions, it has indeed achieved very good results.

At least he used the female players in the game to attract a lot of male players, and he was more aggressive like Xu Nan, who was willing to spend money-cough, lick the dog.

Therefore, during the tail of January, our boss Ma Tengma laughed from ear to ear every day.

Of course, as soon as Ma Teng's limelight came out, EG Games' limelight was naturally overshadowed.

After all, this suspense reasoning game of EG Games Company is only a stand-alone game. Although it has online and local area network functions, it is obvious that for this kind of detective and decryption game, the fun brought by online is not high.

Therefore, after such a period of time has passed, only the group of players who prefer this kind of reasoning game are still discussing and playing the secret case happily, while most of the passer-by players are playing After a while it was abandoned.

Although Griffin already knew this would happen when the game was made, he still felt very uncomfortable when it actually happened.

Especially now that his little brother climbed directly onto his head.

Even though most of the shares in Xinhuo Game now belong to him, Griffin, but this result is brought immediately, and has little to do with him.

On the other side, Shuguang Entertainment, where Mu Chen was located, was very calm.

Even though the Xinhuo game, which Mu Chen and the others thought was not a good game, caused quite a stir and surprised them a bit, everyone in Shuguang Entertainment still looked extremely calm.

emmm, in other words, it is the Buddhist system.

Of course, their Buddhism is just because some of them have not been produced yet, so they have to watch other companies have fun off the court.

However, it is also because of Dawn Entertainment's new game, Great Thousand World, that the production is about to be completed, so they can be so Buddhist.

Otherwise, Liu Jin would at least be the first to get angry, and then start to compare wildly in front of Mu Chen, talking about this company's game and that company's game.


"Young Master Mu, just now Xiao Linzi and I have successfully connected the main world and the small world. There is no problem in the middle. During the test, there will be no accidents during the world conversion."

Liu Jin walked into the office, and excitedly said to Mu Chen who was sitting there.

"Well, yes."

"Then proceed according to the original plan, and the launch time will be the day we discussed before."

Having said that, Mu Chen paused before saying:
"By the way, let's post-produce a promotional video again. This time the promotional video doesn't need to be too long, as long as the player enters the small world from the main world to show the characteristics of the game."

Although this kind of scene is very common in the other two games of Suguang Entertainment, Dungeon and Warriors and World of Warcraft, when players play dungeons.

But this time the transformation of the great world is actually different from the previous two.

Toxic milk powder and Warcraft are at most changing the environment, the player is still the same player, and the attributes of the body will not change much.

But in the Great Thousand World, apart from the changes in the general environment, when the player enters another world from the main world, the player's attributes will immediately match the power system of the world the player is in, instead of Nothing stays the same.

Therefore, this is also the selling point of the second new game Mu Chen prepared for players.

Soon, because of Mu Chen's order, many fans of Shuguang Entertainment were surprised to find that the official blog of Shuguang Entertainment was open again that night.

Still a word, a video.

It's just that this time the sensation caused by this sentence is much greater than the previous one.

"Dawn Entertainment's new epoch-making online game, Great Thousand World, will meet you on February 2th in a week's time. See you soon."

When the fans saw this sentence, many of Nima almost burst into tears.

It is simply not easy!
Since New Year's Day last year, Shuguang Entertainment announced that it was preparing to make a new game.

As a result, fans have been waiting and waiting, for over a year, for this new game.

After the surprise, the fans who reacted quit.

Oh, before, I didn't know when your new game would be released, so the real fans didn't dare to make too much of a fuss.

But now that they know the release date of the new game, they don't have to worry about the future and go straight to it.

"╯^╰, what, should we give our fans an explanation today? They made us wait so long?"

"That's right, if you don't say anything else, just send a thousand and eight hundred game warehouses casually, and we will forgive you."

"Hahaha, I'm afraid you upstairs are Zhua Mengjio, and you still have [-] sets? Believe it or not, you are already on the blacklist of Shuguang Entertainment?"

"That's right, don't ask for more, it's already great to have such a cool new game to play!"

Although not all the fans are asking Mu Chen or the official blog to hold some kind of event, many players really hope that there will be an event in their hearts.

They are not saying that they must win the lottery, they just want to simply participate in it and feel the atmosphere.

After all, all the activities in the world are either prepared for insiders, or for those European emperors who have been kissed ten times or eight times by God.

As for the others who attended?

They are all just soy sauce onlookers.

Fortunately, Shuguang Entertainment did not disappoint the fans this time. Just as they were thinking about the event, the official blog really updated another Weibo.

This time it's really a lottery Weibo, ten game warehouses, and one hundred copies of the new game "Big Thousand World".

As for Shuguang Entertainment, who came here directly to do the dry stuff, instead of fixing those bells and whistles, for the first time, the fans felt that there was nothing wrong with this Nima official blog being cold at all.

emmm, ahem, it's true, it's not because of the lottery that the official blog is praised.

And this news also made Xu Nan, who had a final exam the next day, excitedly excited.

"Hahahaha, God really helped me! I didn't expect the new game to be released during the holiday!"

The other three roommates are obviously used to Xu Nan's ghost roar.

But out of humanitarian concern, our roommate Puyan kindly reminded Xu Nan.

"Well, Brother Nan, if you don't read the book, maybe you really might fail~"

Xu Nan looked down at the brand new high number in his hand: () Nan Shang Jia Nan!

 Tomorrow five shifts, if I can't do it, I will always double the amount of food I buy in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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