Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 335 Early Entry

Chapter 335 Early Entry (asking for order, ticket)

Of course, most fans were almost as excited as Xu Nan when they saw the news of the new game released by Dawn Entertainment.

After all, this is the new game they have been waiting for for a whole year, and it can be seen from the promotional video that the new game this time is very... Burning!

Even exaggerated fans, regardless of whether the content of the game is suitable or not, directly started to form a small group in the Weibo comment area.

For a while, the Weibo of Shuguang Entertainment announcing the news of its launch was really lively.

"Come, come, take a look, take a look! The Thunder Guild, one of the top ten guilds in the former World of Warcraft, is recruiting! There is a huge amount, come quickly, don't miss it when you pass by!"

"The cutest in the world, I will bring you a dungeon for the first kill, and the equipment is your choice!"

"Brother Song, come with me to the Great Thousand World to rob houses!!!"

"Boundary is a new ship game you haven't played before..."

And the reason why the players form gangs here so early is mainly because after watching the second promotional video, they feel that the new game Great Thousand World this time is also a role-playing game similar to World of Warcraft. There are dungeons in the game, and there are boss first kills and the like.

That's why the players started gathering so early.

When it is hot, in fact, it is not impossible to have a whole union like Warcraft in the Great Thousand World, but the premise is that players can find their own companions.

After all, our evil Young Master Mu gave the game the setting that players are randomly born in a certain place on the mainland of the main world.

And the setting of the small world is the same as that of the main world~~~
Here at Shuguang Entertainment, Mu Chen, Liu Jin and other minds, down to the company's employees and fans, are gearing up for/looking forward to the release of the new game in a few days.

On the other side, the old friends of Shuguang Entertainment, Ma Teng and Griffin, as well as the newcomers Bruce and Brother John, were not in such a good mood.

Especially Griffin.

After watching the first promotional video released by Shuguang Entertainment, he already noticed something was wrong.

After all, the content in this promotional video is quite different from what players have seen in the beta version, whether it is the environment, technology or anything else.

As for why those test players didn't have this question?

emmm, there must be some doubts, these test players, especially Feng Xia, after watching the first promotional video of Shuguang Entertainment, they ran to the official blog of Shuguang Entertainment and Muchen Weibo to ask questions .

but. . . . .There is no software to test the questions of the players. Neither the Shuguang Entertainment official nor Mu Chen gave a specific response. They just said that the videos are scenes from the word-picking game, and players are welcome to explore by themselves.

Therefore, Griffin noticed this very weird place at that time.

But Shuguang Entertainment didn't come out to explain, no matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't figure out what the difference between before and after was.

But now, after watching the second promotional video, Griffin vaguely seemed to understand something.

The dungeon was created by their European and American game companies.

But his intuition told him that the place in the promotional video was not as simple as an ordinary copy.

Unless this dungeon is a story mode dungeon as shown in the video, players can simply go in and complete tasks according to the plot.

Griffin, however, doesn't believe that to be the case.

After all, something as simple as this wouldn't require Suguang Entertainment to spend a whole year producing it.

For a while, Griffin looked at the computer in front of him, speechless for a long time.

. . . . .

On February 2th, there is only one day before the launch of Shuguang Entertainment's new game Great Thousand World.

It stands to reason that at this time, Mu Chen, as the boss of Shuguang Entertainment, still needs to be a little nervous.

To take a step back, even if he is not nervous, it is more appropriate to create an atmosphere for the employees below.

However, at this time, he and Lin Sen were lying side by side in two game cabins, playing games together.

"Hey, Xiao Linzi, have you prepared the position I asked you to tailor-made for me before?"

After entering the game, Mu Chen, who was still in the main world, spoke into the air, and the content he heard was still speaking to Lin Sen who was lying in another game cabin.

"It's done, you're absolutely satisfied, but it's the end of the game, you might be a little busy?"

The strange thing is, after Mu Chen finished talking to the air, Lin Sen's voice came from Mu Chen's ear.

"Busy? What do you mean? Let me tell you, if you cheat me, your annual leave can be canceled this time!"

Listening to Lin Sen's malicious tone, Mu Chen randomly threatened the air.

Lin Sen said indifferently: "Emmm, whatever you want~ Anyway, I don't have a girlfriend, so just go back and spend two days with my parents!"

Muchen: Damn it, does a single dog feel superior? ? ?
As for the conversation between Mu Chen and Lin Sen, if those players who participated in the test saw it, they would probably be shocked from ear to ear.

You know, during the test period, those test players did not know how many ways they thought of, but they were unable to contact any other test players in the game.

One is because there are no landmark buildings or scenery in the game.

When they exchanged positions offline, a thousand players were surrounded by either grasslands or forests, or mountains, Gobi, swamps, etc. There was nothing to compare them with to determine their positions.

Second, it's because the map is too big.

Converting the size of the map of the main world to reality, it is equivalent to a thousand people scattered on a land of nearly 2000 million square kilometers.

And like this, if both players can touch each other, it would be a hell of a thing.

How did Mu Chen and Lin Sen do it?
It's very simple, because they are game developers, and it's not difficult to add two props similar to phones to their own.

Besides, compared with what they are about to do, the matter of adding props is nothing compared to what they are about to do.

"Okay, I've already planted it here. I wonder if someone will find my deluxe version of the world tree. The leaves are all golden!"

Mu Chen looked at the golden world tree in front of him, with an old father's smile on his face.

"I'm fine too."

Hearing Lin Sen's reply, Mu Chen stretched out his hand and touched a lit chaos symbol in the middle of the World Tree.

Immediately, the chaotic expression slowly expanded from the tree, until it expanded into an oval light gate with the height of a person, and then stopped changing.

And Mu Chen looked at this sign, and he, who was very calm before, walked in quite excitedly.

 1 more to ~~~
(End of this chapter)

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