Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 336 Mayor Mu

Chapter 336 Mayor Mu

However, when Mu Chen smiled and entered the small world full of anticipation, that is, after the magically modified version of GTA5.

When he saw clearly where he was, the smile on Mu Chen's face gradually froze.

"Xiao Linzi, I think I need you to explain to me, what's going on!?"

Mu Chen looked at the place where he was, it was an office that seemed to be full of majesty, and there was a small flag with the logo of Suguang Entertainment on the desk.

Then Mu Chen thought a little bit about what Lin Sen said before and their design when making the game, and he knew what this place was.

The Mayor's Office of Dawn City.

emmm, as for why it is called Shuguang City instead of Los Santos or the city where it was filmed, it is all because Mu Chen was instigated by several executives of Shuguang Entertainment, including Lin Sen, Liu Jin, Hu Feng, etc. Such an emmm, such a big name.

When it's hot, whether Mu Chen is secretly happy or not is unknown (obviously).

But this time, he really didn't expect that Lin Sen would put him in this position.

That's right, the reason why the two of them jumped into the new game the day before it was officially released was because they wanted to play NPCs in this game.

When it's hot, this is what Mu Chen and everyone in the Shuguang game have discussed before.

Moreover, the two of them were not the only ones involved in the entire game.

Like some NPCs who release missions in fixed places, Mu Chen, Lin Sen, and Lao Guo from Shuguang Entertainment Research Institute discussed and canceled some NPCs with higher intelligence in the game.

The reason for doing this is because when Lao Guo was compressing the small world game before, he found that the entire small world occupies a ratio of resources, except for the Shuguang City (Magic City), which is almost one to one. , the resource occupation ranks second are those key NPCs with relatively high AI.

At the beginning, when the research institute discovered this situation, they actually just casually mentioned it to Mu Chen, and didn't give any advice on how to do it.

But after our Young Master Mu heard the news, his mind became alive.

Because now just one small world of GTA5 has already taken up 20.00% of the resources of the game warehouse. Although other small worlds in the future can also be compressed, Mu Chen is always very concerned about the number of 20.00%.

One-fifth of the resource, as time went on, became more and more like a thorn stuck in his throat.

In particular, he still has a lot of good games in his mind, especially the second small world he has already considered, which is also a game with relatively large map resources. The resources in the game warehouse are directly GG, which is really uncomfortable.

Therefore, although Lao Guo, the speaker, had no intentions, Mu Chen, the listener, took this matter to heart.

Then, after two days of consideration, Muchen finally decided to go to Lao Guo to discuss countermeasures.

In the end, it was decided to let Shuguang Entertainment's insiders play part of the NPC in the game.

The reason for this, Mu Chen also has his own considerations.

In his opinion, letting the employees of Shuguang Entertainment act as NPCs for a period of time this time is equivalent to giving the employees a vacation.

After all, during the whole year of making Great Thousand Worlds, everyone in Shuguang Entertainment, especially the virtual game producers, was as tired as a dog.

Although Great Thousand Worlds has been completed for some time now, the production staff of the game are still not slack, and have been vigilant, for fear of any unexpected situation after the game is released tomorrow.

Therefore, putting the production staff of these games into the game as a staff member is also a way to test the game data, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

Closer to home, after Mu Chen yelled at Lin Sen, Lin Sen just smiled and said, "Ahem, Young Master Mu~ You can't blame me, it was the unanimous decision of Lao Liu and Lao Hu. A small programmer must have no way to stop them!"

Listening to Lin Sen's nonsense, Mu Chen didn't want to believe even a single punctuation mark.

"Okay, don't be poor!"

"You know what to do tomorrow, right? It's best not to reveal your identities!"

"After all, after exposure, the relative fairness of the game may not be guaranteed; when it is hot, we can't all expect our employees to be safe, so corresponding monitoring measures are also necessary."

Mu Chen didn't continue to chatter with Lin Sen, but rather solemnly asked about the unexpected situations that may occur after the game server is launched.

"Well, it's all arranged!"

"Two days ago, I explained all the details of the entire game to everyone in detail. It can barely be regarded as an NPC rule; and the overall mission system is controlled by me, so even if some players know Some NPCs are employees of our Shuguang Entertainment, but we can't find any cheap ones there."

After Lin Sen heard his boss's order, he answered very seriously.

After hearing Lin Sen's arrangement, Mu Chen didn't say anything more, and began to look carefully at the details in the game.

emmm, how do you say~
Now in the game, Mu Chen feels that way. . . . .A little bit unreal.

And this inauthenticity is not caused by technical problems, but mainly because of the lack of the most important thing in a city - popularity.

Now in the whole city, there are only him and Lin Sen, and they are not together yet.

Imagine that you stand alone in an empty city, and all the facilities, equipment, buildings, etc. in this city are brand new, what kind of feeling would that be?
Nima, who was less timid, would probably be scared to death by this weird atmosphere.

This is Mu Chen and Lin Sen. After all, their identities as producers are actually equivalent to half gods.

Afterwards, Mu Chen summoned Lin Sen.

Two minutes later, Mu Chen saw a hot red sports car bumping towards him not far away, officially our new driver, Lin Sen.

"Tell me, how do you feel?"

Mu Chen didn't bother to exchange pleasantries, so he asked directly.

"Very good. Although I have never driven a sports car in reality, the feeling of driving is not much different. It even feels a little smoother."

The new driver Lin Sen answered.

"Haha, then I can just go and buy one later. You said that you are not short of money, you just take the subway all day, why bother?"

Muchen began to use the secret technique - the technique of sugar-coated cannonballs to corrupt the heart of our innocent young Lin.

Lin Sen expressed his resolute refusal to accept the corruption from capitalists: "It's boring, driving is also stuck in traffic, if there is time in that traffic jam, why don't I write more code~"

 two more

  The next update may be later, but there will definitely be.

  After all, super doubling is still not comfortable~~
(End of this chapter)

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