Shenhao makes a game

Download Chapter 337

Download Chapter 337

Afterwards, the two of them quit the game after experiencing some helicopter confrontation in the game.

The reason why they came this time was that Mu Chen, who seemed to be as stable as an old dog on the surface, but who was a little flustered in his heart expressed his concern, so he asked Lin Sen to come in with him and try the water again.

Lin Sen also knew that the new game this time was very important to Mu Chen as well as to Shuguang Entertainment as a whole.

So even though they have tested the game a hundred or eighty times before, but Lin Sen, who understands his boss very well, in order for Mu Chen to have a good night's sleep, he still gave up the time of tweaking the code to accompany Mu Chen. Find comfort in the game.

But the effect of this is also very significant, Mu Chen slept very soundly after returning that night.

If there is no toilet paper and bed sheets all over the floor, it should be able to score [-] points.

Mu Xiaosan: "Wow, woof, woof..."

The next day, Mu Chen rarely got out of bed at six o'clock in the morning.

After dragging Mu Xiaosan who demolished the house yesterday to the lawn for a while, as revenge for tearing up the house yesterday, Mu Chen who had breakfast can be said to be the first batch of people to come to the company.

After all, Shuguang Entertainment will always have a group of people who sleep in the company, such as Liu Jin who seems to be several times more nervous than Mu Chen.

After walking into the backstage data room of Shuguang Entertainment, Mu Chen was really taken aback when he saw Liu Jin standing in front of him with red eyes.

"Hold the grass! Old Liu!"

"What's going on with you? You haven't slept all night, have you?"

Liu Jin didn't say anything when he heard his boss tell the truth, but opened his eyes vigorously, and nodded towards Mu Chen.

Seeing Liu Jin nodding, Muchen couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said earnestly, "Old Liu, I'm not talking about you. Although the opening of the Great Thousand World server is really important to me this time, you can't help but cherish it." own body."

"Go to sleep for a while, there are still two or three hours before the official opening of the new game, and I will call you when the time comes."

Muchen couldn't help but said to Liu Jin.

Seeing that his boss was so sure, Liu Jin was very moved, so he nodded and walked towards the staff lounge next door.

At the same time, because today is the best day carefully selected through Mu Chen's calendar - Saturday.

Therefore, many social animal working dogs are still snoring in bed, dating their goddess in their dreams, and falling asleep.

Many fans of Shuguang Entertainment have already got up and climbed into the game warehouse, then opened the Shuguang game platform, clicked on the download page of the new game Great Thousand World, and began to stare at it.

Although the download button is still black now, this black color still cannot extinguish the excitement in the hearts of fans.

And because some time ago, a programmer at Shuguang Entertainment didn't know what was going on, and suddenly he had a brain hole, and after he created a virtual game warehouse version of Weibo, now players are in the game warehouse, especially people like Now when waiting like this, it won't seem so boring.

As for why the programmers of Shuguang Entertainment ran to create a new version of Weibo?

Emmm, it's only right for my son's company to help Lao Tzu's company expand its business.


According to Feng Xia's past work and rest schedule in the villa area of ​​Shanghai, the time before seven o'clock should be the time when he just fell asleep after finishing a day of nightlife.

But because Shuguang Entertainment's new game was launched at [-] o'clock this morning, our young master Feng really made great efforts to reject the invitations of many girls yesterday.

Therefore, now he is also lying in the game cabin in high spirits, frantically clicking on the virtual Weibo panel in front of his character.

Feng Yixia: "Now is there anyone who understands the new game of Shuguang Entertainment? Let me explain it!"

As soon as Feng Xia entered Weibo, he didn't bother to read other people's comments, so he directly asked the most important question he felt.

After all, my family knows their own affairs, if you ask Feng Xia about his experience in spending money, or about global luxury goods, he can still tell you clearly.

But if you want to analyze the new game designed by all the old Yinbis of Shuguang Entertainment for a long time just based on two videos, Feng Xia thinks that he will definitely not be able to do it.

And within 2 minutes after Feng Xia asked the question, there were netizens answering his question one after another.

After all, this kind of problem that seems to be more in-depth, if it is on some, it will definitely attract a large number of laxatives, anal shrimp and fat chicken.

With a big wet chest: "I don't understand, drinking the Nima in the test version in the promotional video feels completely like two worlds."

Little fan of Shuguang: "Isn't the second promotional video very clear? Surely one of the two scenes is a dungeon."

Troll blaster: "Emmm, could it really be two games?"


In short, the question Feng Xia asked was quickly answered by a group of players waiting to download the game.

However, although there were quite a few people who answered, after reading it, Feng Xia found that it was basically guesswork.

"Depend on!"

"Isn't everyone on Weibo graduated from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University, and People's University of China? The degree is also a doctorate per capita. How come no one knows about it?"

Looking at this situation, Feng Xia could only be incapable and furious a few times.


On the other side, the student dog after returning to his hometown of Yangcheng, Xu Nan.

At this time, it was also wobbly, and then the alarm clock got up.

After all, for a college monk, especially one like him who likes to play games, if he doesn't rely on the alarm clock, then basically the daily compulsory courses in the school are absent.


Stretched comfortably, washed up, and ate something casually.

Xu Nan climbed into the game room under the strange and comforting eyes of her mother.

Looking at the time, it was exactly 10:[-], and the game he had been thinking about was about to officially open in [-] minutes.

Thinking of this, Xu Nan felt even more excited than when he successfully held the hand of his goddess that day.

emmm, don't get me wrong.

In fact, when Xu Nan was helping his goddess to lift things, the ring finger of her right hand rubbed against the nail of the little finger of the goddess' left hand.

But, licking a dog, this species doesn't care about such details.

As long as my hand touches the hand of the goddess, it is a successful hand-holding.

Old dog, nothing wrong!

And just as Xu Nan continued to savor the feeling of "holding hands" with the goddess, the download icon of the new game Great Thousand Worlds did light up on time on the Shuguang game platform.

At this moment, those who were staring at this interface quickly clicked buy and download.

 Three watches are coming~
(End of this chapter)

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