Shenhao makes a game

Chapter 338 There is no strategy for this game!

Chapter 338 There is no strategy for this game!
Although now with the update of technology, the download speed of the game is getting faster and faster.

However, the files required to hold the game are also getting bigger and bigger, so during the entire waiting time for downloading, players can be said to be a little more anxious than when the download was not open before.

Fortunately, this time after the compression process, the Great Thousand World is no longer as slow as the previous World of Warcraft and Sekiro.

Just 5 minutes after the opening of the download, Great Thousand World successfully welcomed its first player.

Dawn Entertainment.

"Master Mu, now a player has successfully entered the game."

The person in charge of monitoring the game data also reported to Mu Chen immediately.

Mu Chen nodded and continued to watch from behind.

After all, there is only one player entering the game now, and he still doesn't see any problems, so he just waits here patiently, and see if there are any problems after more players enter the game.

At the same time, on the other side, our Feng Xia also successfully entered the place where he had stayed for nearly ten days. (After all, they often die suddenly, so less than ten days is normal)

It's just that after entering the game this time, Feng Xia didn't land in the same place as when he was testing.

Although there are still forests around, because it is daytime, Feng Xia can still clearly see that he should be on a mountain right now.

This discovery immediately made our Young Master Feng burst into tears and was filled with emotion.

"Your sister's kiss! Labor and capital finally don't have to be a savage in that ghost forest."

Emmm, although he is now in a forest, the trees in this forest are not very tall, and it is on a mountain, so Feng Xia can still see farther away, it is a creek.

And when Feng Xia saw the water, he almost burst into tears.

Although he usually didn't care about water and electricity bills at home.

But... In this cheating game, after countless tests by the test players, it was found that there are various finely divided values ​​such as hunger value, fatigue value, body moisture value, etc.

But... cheating is cheating, these values ​​​​are not displayed on the panel at all.

Only when the value of a certain item drops to a relatively low value will the player be prompted in the panel.

So, after ten days of playing without water, Feng Xia was really excited the moment he saw the small river.

"Hahaha, labor and management have made a decision, and now they will settle down by that small river."

After cheerfully choosing a place, Feng Xia picked up the plain and simple three-piece suit and started walking down the mountain towards the small river.


On the other side, after Xu Nan entered the game, it seemed as if he had been possessed by the Emperor Ou, and he appeared directly by the river.

Looking at the small river where the current is not too fast, Xu Nan was a little thankful and said, "Holding the grass, it would be ridiculous if I fell directly into the river."

However, after being afraid, he had already heard a whole set of strategies from players who had played the beta version on Weibo, so he picked up a simple three-piece novice shovel and began to devote himself to the hard work of digging soil and planting trees. up.

After 2 minutes, because of the water, the world tree grew up quickly.

Instead of waiting for a while without water like Feng Xia did before.

Seeing this magical world tree depicted in the promotional video of Shuguang Entertainment, Xu Nan couldn't help but stare at it with wide eyes.

After carefully looking at this legendary world, only one meter tall tree, Xu Nan turned his head to look around where he was.

After all, he heard from those old birds that there are often some weird animals in the game, or wild monsters, which suddenly pop out and give you a bite.

So Xu Nan looked at the surrounding environment very cautiously at this time.

Fortunately, the terrain here is barely hilly, so there are no forests, only a few hills not far away and a small river beside him.

In this environment, based on Xu Nan's experience in playing hundreds of games including Lianliankan, Tetris, etc.

Here, it shouldn't be that dangerous.

After all, no matter how wild monsters are, it is impossible for them to appear in front of the players out of thin air.

After confirming that there is no danger around for the time being, Xu Nan made a slightly confusing operation.

He chose to go offline.

"Hmph, now it's the wisest choice to come out and read the first-hand strategy. Those quick masters must have discovered many mysteries of the game."

Xu Nan spoke very stinkingly in a tone where everyone is drunk and I am alone.

Although I don't know why reading a strategy in advance can give him a sense of superiority, but I have to say that this idea is still broad.

However, Xu Nan is not the only smart person in the world, so when he opened Weibo and the forum successively, he found that there were people with the same thoughts as him asking those big shots.

"Knock your mm's watermelon rind!"

"There are so many people, even if the strategy comes out, labor and capital will have no advantage now! Xie Te!"

Xu Nan expressed that she was quite distressed.

Back then, when he was playing World of Warcraft, because he entered the pit late, he could be said to be playing World of Warcraft with a strategy in mind, which was simply inhumane.

So, then he was hooked, oh no, addicted.

Later on, it was the same when he was playing a wolf. He first went to familiarize himself with the basic operations, and then it was just a word—wait.

After the clearance video came out, Xu Nan stepped on the shoulders of other Gao Wan and started the game.

Perhaps some players despise Xu Nan's behavior, and feel that this is completely devoid of gameplay.

But...fuck, this kind of gameplay is really cool!
At least, Xu Nan thinks this method of playing games is quite good.

After all, if a game as difficult as Wolf is placed on the computer late, many players will smash the computer (nu) not (qi) small (chon) heart (tian).

However... this time Xu Nan's wishful thinking is doomed to come to nothing.

The bloggers he paid attention to usually released strategies within a short time of the game. Today, after nearly an hour of the game, there is still no news.

In the end, it seemed that someone contacted a blogger who was in the game, but the blogger directly posted on Weibo saying that there is no strategy this time, and everything can only be explored by the players themselves, because until now they have not found the promotional video to enter method in another place.

Including the very weird logo on the world tree, there is no soft effect after pressing it.

This time, it really confuses many players.

 Four more arrived~
  Emmm, today is the first day, and you are still at school, I wish you a happy start to school.

  If you have friends who want to do military training, I wish you all fair skin!
(End of this chapter)

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